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The Knights Templar.

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curiouskat On February 16, 2010


Adelaide, Australia
#1New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:20:21
Did they really exist or is it all just a fairytale?

The only info i can find on them comes from Wiki or different religious sites, so im thinking i have nothing factual to work with here, what do you guys think??

Is their any proof of their existance that anyone knows of?
hazuki0chan On July 18, 2012
Zombie Slayer

San Francisco, California
#2New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:24:20
watch the history channel or something of that sort if you can... they sometimes show documentaries about these historic figures. They did exist, though.
curiouskat On February 16, 2010


Adelaide, Australia
#3New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:27:23
@Hazuki0chan Said

watch the history channel or something of that sort if you can... they sometimes show documentaries about these historic figures. They did exist, though.

They did?

Woo hoo, i was devasted when someone just told me it was all a fairytale, i had thought they did in fact exist..

floydgirrl On October 08, 2022

Pope's Wine Celler, Holy See (
#4New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:27:38
yea, the History Channel had something on them not too long ago. It's interesting. you can probably find books too.
hazuki0chan On July 18, 2012
Zombie Slayer

San Francisco, California
#5New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:30:24
@curiouskat Said

They did?

Woo hoo, i was devasted when someone just told me it was all a fairytale, i had thought they did in fact exist..


some people may say they didn't exist because they were basically walking billboards of death of religious propaganda... Christianity of course. They are the ones who wanted to "take back" the holy land from the Muslims.
curiouskat On February 16, 2010


Adelaide, Australia
#6New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:34:17
@Hazuki0chan Said

some people may say they didn't exist because they were basically walking billboards of death of religious propaganda... Christianity of course. They are the ones who wanted to "take back" the holy land from the Muslims.

Oh, so they were actually bad guys???

LOL, there goes my relief again, quick that was
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#7New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:36:11
It's historical fact that they did exist. Tangible evidence exists. They basically started modern banking.

The conspiracy theories come in after they were purged. That they persisted as some sort of secret society for centuries. That's pretty much bulls***.

But they were an acknowledged, well-known military unit for some time during the middle ages.
hazuki0chan On July 18, 2012
Zombie Slayer

San Francisco, California
#8New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:37:12
@curiouskat Said

Oh, so they were actually bad guys???

LOL, there goes my relief again, quick that was

depends on your beliefs. To the Muslims, yes. To the Christians, no.

This was when religion was pretty much the main reason for war. We just study them today as historical figures.

I think you'd get better results in your research if you look up the Crusades.
curiouskat On February 16, 2010


Adelaide, Australia
#9New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:47:46
@Hazuki0chan Said

depends on your beliefs. To the Muslims, yes. To the Christians, no.

This was when religion was pretty much the main reason for war. We just study them today as historical figures.

I think you'd get better results in your research if you look up the Crusades.

Ah yes, of course, thankyou very much for your help xo
hazuki0chan On July 18, 2012
Zombie Slayer

San Francisco, California
#10New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:49:18
@curiouskat Said

Ah yes, of course, thankyou very much for your help xo

no prob
GoblintheGoblin On March 01, 2010
Kneel before Zod!


swansea, United Kingdom
#11New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:49:20
the Templar existed and controlled so much money that eventually the pope excommunicated them they were the financiers of kings at points.
PatronSaintOfLostCauses On September 13, 2009

Cheap Motel, Tennessee
#12New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:58:27
Yeah, they really existed.

In fact, one of the many reasons Friday the 13th is considered an "unlucky" day is related to them: October 13, 1307 was the day the Knights were arrested in France, and subsequently tortured and burned at the stake for heresy.
curiouskat On February 16, 2010


Adelaide, Australia
#13New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 04:59:45
@jonnythan Said

It's historical fact that they did exist. Tangible evidence exists. They basically started modern banking.

The conspiracy theories come in after they were purged. That they persisted as some sort of secret society for centuries. That's pretty much bulls***.

But they were an acknowledged, well-known military unit for some time during the middle ages.

@goblinthegoblin Said

the Templar existed and controlled so much money that eventually the pope excommunicated them they were the financiers of kings at points.

Sure, thats pretty much how i read it, they had aquired such great wealth and strength that certain ppl felt threatened by them.
The King put pressure on the Pope to have them excommunicated due to apparent 'devil worship' within their group, that was meant to have been all fabricated evidence anyway.

Im glad to hear im not the only one who thought this was all true, i have a bad habit of taking everything i read as fact, a dangerous game on the net
sheepy On March 23, 2010


Treasure Island, United Kingdo
#14New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 05:54:55
They were no more "the bad guys" than any other group of their time. It's just important not to romanticise any particular side, and take everything in context. The Templers were really powerful, so a possibly bigger "bad guy" - the church of the time - destroyed them.

They were probably as "good" as any large powerful society in those times could be really
WeNowSix On January 05, 2011


Anaheim, California
#15New Post! Sep 02, 2009 @ 09:39:37
According to one of my grandkids, (therefore it must be true,

Post #11 has the basic truth of the Templars. They built castles, which one can go see if one has a mind to, in Europe and the Middle East, so they must have had large resources in labor and capital. The standard histories of banking don't mention Templars, so maybe they were not bankers in the modern since. Their power threatened the Pope. That was somehow the reason for their destruction, and that could be related to the fact that they don't have a place in our politically correct history.
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