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Stupid, Georgia started a war at the time of Olympic ceremony

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AgentSmith On December 25, 2008

#61New Post! Aug 16, 2008 @ 05:41:38
@sophie Said
Russia wasnt that big as sovjet union under napoleons wars, and they nevr defeated the napoleonnina armies, the russian winter did.. it was only the taken of one city who was inside high walls this siege, lasted a year and only ended with the winter so you got your history all wrong. (beside the fact that i dont see the rapport with the current issue dude) and Russia was making wars all he itme with other countries and thats why that war happened..

About the better than CNN, i have my sources who are real and not from TV and CNN.. thats why.. like real journaqlism and real research..

Under WW2, russia didnt helped defeating the german.. they first and foremost HELPED the nazi to build up their s***, and it is Staline who show his concentrations camps for dissedents to Hitler and how he was ealing wiht htem,a nd gave to hitler the idea to make those concentration camps to put jews in them and exterminate them all..
So oyu are wrong. They only reversed when they begin to be under the nazi fires themselves and get badly injured..
Then they hurry up into Europe, long after D day to dont be in late to the big cake party, and to make sure they will get a piece as well..But withotu them side by side to germany, Hitler could never have make that war for so long..
So oyu got oyur facts wrong, again.
and again what has this to do with the actual subject???

5. Hey baby, in 1970, we were under the cold war still, so oyu cant compare. In the 2003, Russia was part of NATO.. with the allies, so what they did was a compleete treason and breaking all deals and treaties they had signed.. dont mix things together..
Beside, Afghanistan was free in the 70' there was no taliban back then, so we had all reasons to help them out froma russian invasion.

We never armed the taleban, it wasnt them who were in power in the 70.. and dont you htink oyu are crazy a bit? the weapon they are using in 2008 are not those they got in the 70. be sure of that..
the same for Saddam Hussein, all his weapons are not from the american, he had the money to buy new ones since the Iran war,which he did. He didnt like the american cause they stop helping him, same with Ossaman ben laden, he was part of a help force for the american and his army was formed by special american commando oficers, special troops, but when benm Laden begin to shwo soem particularitie and some extremism, the US tod him to stop, and cut the water.. they told him that theyt will not accept the kind of ideology and activity he was begingin to support. He didnt wanted to stop, so the US, simply stop sending him money, rainign equipemnet and weapon. As a revenge he bombed a US military destroyer,a nd 3 years later an american ambassy and 2 years later bomber the world trade center and 5 years later send 2 airplane in that world trade center. As a revenge agaisnt the US governement who ahd let him down and refused to acknowledge his new "direction". So he created Al Queda, and turned into the religious s***, to manipulate and recrute people easily, adn he was succesfull because he knew so much about the US secret policies form hiw work with them for so many years, and knew their weak point in middles east, and knew who and wehe they were there.
Still it got nothign to do wiht the actual matter at hand .. but ok.

You are rlally knowing nothign about Putin and history and enot even modern history do you? from what country are oyu from??
Putin is a KGB officer, who et up the fall of Boris jeltsin to set himself up as president,a s a plan opf the KGB ot take over russia cause they didnt like the free press and free media and all that democratical s***.
Under Boris Jeltsin, thousdand of media radio and chanels and newspapers had came up, Putin destroyed them al and controled the rest. thsoe journalist and redactor where killed, jjailed or send to concentrations camps, who still exist in russia and are well full up those days..
Election in Russia?? all opposition parties are shut doen by kiling, poisoning arresting all memeber of any opposition parties to putin own party. there is no opposition to Putin in Russia so when you vote there is only one person to vote for..
he didnt get 65% of the vote but over 80% huh1 greweate dont oyu htink.. only people ggot no choice and were forced to go ot vote and controled. And.. there is even region where there was more vote than voters.. LOL
need more?

and now at last, i got nothing against you but i am not oyur history teachers, so i will rather discuss thsoe facts with people who actualy have stude the mater and got their history onto place.
i personaly know russian people on the face to face basis so i know what REALLY going on there.. not form CNN. And i can tell oyu this: thats not funny for them. For the people. but they are used to shutt up, formt he communist time. They had only a very short taste of democratie under Boris jeltsin, but they didnt had time to get used to it before the party was over all together.
Old people are dying of cold in the street of moscow and its people from the communist time who worled their a** off all their life, and were given a flat at the end as reward for a life of service.. this was taken from them by Putin, who sold the flat and buildings to mafia guys who sold the flats to rich mafia people. cause suddendly there was money to make there.
But those people werent given anything in compensation.

And one last thing about Napoleon, the guy devotred his life to stop the wars in Europe who had gone on for centuries and were hindering the countries to ever can advance. he wanted to make a european union of all the countries and to stop the wars he invaded them, and each time he married one of his commander to the princess of the country so that there was bonds by blood between all countries, and this way none of them will make a war agiasnt the other. That was the plan. And it worked pretty good, but England didnt like the idea cause they had their ewyes on several countries in Europe that they wanted to invade and conquer, and if all those countries were friend, then they couldnt do it, so htey allied with soemof them to stop Napoleons plans.
It was taken up again after WW2, to create the European Union, to avoid that ever again there will be war between European countries, like the bloody WW1 and WW2. And this time it worked out fine.
but it took a long time.. from the 50'es when the french started it, to today where its florishing and expending.
You can say that if Napoleon had succeeded, we will never have had Hitler invading Europe, and that war will have never taken place...
but thats general history.

Please, if the subject interest you then stude it, but i am not your teacher and this is not the place.


I understand sophie
sophie On November 16, 2008

Santa Monica, California
#62New Post! Aug 17, 2008 @ 20:42:02
agent smith you are mixing again,.. you are taking event who tookplace BEFORE there was human rights tractat and ogasisations existing wiht htings who happened after.. and for China we are tlaking about things hapening now, and not only what you mentioned abov.. deportation, as masssive deportation of chineese people form a province to another and right now during the olympic out of Bejing.. arrestation of lawyers, arrestation of people on suspicion that they might have a different opinion or might talk to westerns journalists, kids put in jail age 10 for steealing food and going out age 25 after 15 years of slave work..
humans body part removed, to sell them to hopitals around the world, like being organ donation but who are taken form chinesse prisoner who are alive, kidneys heart eyes, and so on..
and withotu their consent of course.
the list is very long and oyu cannot possibly defend it.
no they are not wlling to take the s***, they are unknowing of what is going on, thats the problem.. they od not knw for the mot about those organ things and expropriations and dislocations, and exodes and whats going on in Tibet. they are never told the truth.
even in Bejing the journalist got a list of things they must not cover and not talk about, like the manisfestation in the alone park in Bejing wheere it is ok to do demosntrations, but only if you got a written authorisaton to do so.. but nonetheless the chineese news do not show them. it is also forbidden to say anything cirtical abotu the ceremoni and to talk about the food and food related health problem and to tlak about the mineral water in China that can cause cancer. The list is htere, it was given to western journalists by chineese ones.. there was a leak. freedo of speech is freedom to know they do not have acces to internet like you and me. and they even wanted to close access to internet to the journalists form here..
its ok for oyu t say those things since you dont live in China, but what about the chineese did oyu ask them?
sophie On November 16, 2008

Santa Monica, California
#63New Post! Aug 17, 2008 @ 20:48:57
Another thing to come back to the principal subject of that thread.. a russian military specialist had now leaked that the russian military was doing miliary excersice and training a few km of georgia, for over a month, preparing for the invasion of Georgia. So even if Georgia didnt came into south ossetia, who is in Georgia territorium, they will have invaded it.. and also they orchestrated some demosntrations in Abkhenazia and south ossetia on purpose to ddestabilise the region.
Add to it that most of the Georgia army is in Irak fighting side by side with american soldiers.
There was 8.000 russian soldiers training to invade Georgia for a month, in south Russia at the borders of georgia, and among them the escadron, who has invaded Georgia..
The whole thing was palned by Russia as well as when this invasion will take palce: the night of the OL opening ceremony in Bejing while all Nato countries president wehre, and Putin too, to represent Russia ( one can ask why since he is no longer president, or?? )so htat he was first place to discuss the matter wiht the ohter.. only microphones oblige, this wasnt possible on chineese territory.
Russia didnt like to see Georgia getting in Nato.
thats making the aliies and american too close to its borders..
speedtiger On February 12, 2011

Beijing, China
#64New Post! Aug 18, 2008 @ 02:19:16
@sophie Said
I think you are chineese..
i mean.. equality? where? in China???
respect China? does China respect chineese people to begin with? no they dont
They arrest and deport people comnstantly, and months before the OL most people from bejing and provinces aroud were arrested and deported in secret jails or in other far away provinces.
Weeks before the OL opening ceremony, citizen of Beijing and lawyer were being arrested and send out of bejing or out of th eprovince, and even jailed., All people who ahd participated in human rights activities or were connected to any human rights association, where jaied.. and thats thosuands of people arrested everyday that we are tlaking about here.
Even during the olympic game now hundreds of people making demosntrations for human rights in China or about tibet are being arrested and kidnaped and nobody knows whwere they are now. Among them many westerners who just disappeared..
The same for journalists.
Beijing citizens received docmentation a week before the opening ceremony on what to tlak about nad what not to tlak about nor ask tourists about when those stretch a conversation with them. Among the subjects was politic, work, salary, working unions, sex, health, and welfare and education..
Oh mine ooh mine..
The peopel who love peace in the world didnt met up in Beijing.
They couldnt make it there..
They were in jail, dude.
The alone one you could see was all the countires heads protectic their economical interests in China, their imports and exports there and their moved industry in China.. and of course the huge mega money loan that the US has towards China.. like billions dollars a day..

The olympic are politic, sport is politic and so much!
This year olympic game is worse than Hitlers olympic and will be remmbered as such.
While millions and billions are their eyes glu on the screen watching some stupid sports competions, millions of chineese are in jail and tortured, and among them tibetans as well.
The chineese people were told that its because tibetan munk beat and shot tibetan population that the chineese army had to go there and arrest them and to invade Tibet. Thats the official version, spiced wiht videos of tibetan munk shooting on civilian.. excpt that thos munk are chineese soldirers..with a costume. As sho in a video on oyutube, where oyu can see the soldiers putting the otuems on and off and talkign together.
When tehy can make that terrific firework, faulse, for tv viewers, so a faulse munk wasnt that difficult..
Someone once wrote " When China willa waken, the world will tremble" that was in the 70'es.. now i will say, that day, thats the polit buro that will tremble and s*** in their pants!
There is no peace, there is no love, there is no equality.
Except in the french national anthem and emblem..
Libert?e ?galit?e Fraternit?e. But that stop there dude..

My poor dear you areunderalimented in documentaries about whats really goign on in China.. yu need to contact the human rights assosciation for China, in Hong Kong.
Btw, it sleader, a woman, was also, "delocated" a week beofre the olympic and forbiden to leave home.. not even to asssist at her daughters wedding. So dont ever tel the chineese they are free or equal or lovely or what ever.. they might look at you like if you were a weirdo. And it wont even be in a funny way.
there is also war IN China, while the olympics are on.. you didnt heard? The muslim chineese province.. there was some attentat there jsut few days before te opneong ceremony.. i htink this too was orchestrated by the chineese governement to show they had things under control and as an excuse to begin a makor attakc on people form that Province. who are now under violent constant arrestations.. hehehe this world is soo COOL!

But keep watching your olympic. I know i am boycotting it.
For the sick of those who are jailed and allthsoe who have to shutt the f up if not they will get shot in the brain!
its like when cassius clay went in Africa and made his box match and became nuslim and all.. like if beign african was equal to muslims,... what an insutl to this continent! and all while he was fighting there and the world was watching.. rigth there, under his feet, on this football arena, at about 10 meters under, there was the president Bocassa secret jails.. fill up like sardine boxes with men, women, childrens, babies, and old people, who were tortured even while the match was on..
Miliioms people in te world watched that event, but nobody saw the people under.. ya know, alos those tha bocassa had as dessert and eat the body of. He was canibal. and also like to give human flesh to his guests.. you were not always told aboutit. Only after.

But witness said that sometimes, you could hear the screams form down under..

I wish you good luck and to think deeply about that, while you are watching all those things on TV, with colorfull shinning stuff and big smiling faces.. hmmm how sweet!
Think about all the others that those who arranged the game dont want you to know about, see, nor be aware of.
And this time, dont force yourself to stay distracted form it. Face it, and who knows? you might even be able, one day, to do something about it.

Woo, woo, dear lady, you absolutely misunderstand China and Chinese people. I think you shouldn't compare Beijing Olympic Games to German Olympics. You mean millions of people who love peace are put in jeils? it is so ridiculous and I never heard and saw it. I believe some people who oppose Chinese gevernment was arrested in past. But they are so few. You are typical person who make things upside down or are deceived by those hostile to China. You should not neglect Chinese majority and emphsize the minority. You know China is communism rigime but now it is becoming more and more open. Human rights is repected more than ever. Of course, there are still some problems related to human rights, but they becomes less than past. You should give China chances to change, please don't abuse it all the time. I believe Chinese people love peace and China will become better and better.
semmyyy On August 21, 2008

serron, Greece
#65New Post! Aug 21, 2008 @ 09:35:22
russian troops had occupied georgia three times in 1992-93 and in 1921, 1924 years. now its 2008 year and russian is doing its black job and is trying best not to leave the georgia.
semmyyy On August 21, 2008

serron, Greece
#66New Post! Aug 21, 2008 @ 10:05:37
part of the territories are not militery unit and russian armourtachnics entrance reason in this zones is incomperhensible; gori, potiy port, sachkhere and other.
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