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On July 21, 2024 rondetto

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Wrexham, United Kingdom
Joined: Dec 2008

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Age: 59
Gender: NA
Location: Wrexham

United Kingdom
Posts: 10204
PLS: ? 42.56
Joined:: Dec 31, 2008
Reputation: 1563



It's all or nothing

New Post! How much one can take
November 14, 2018 @ 05:24:06 am
Sometimes it wouldn’t kill you to start assignments early

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Just me.

New Post! It’s been awhile
November 06, 2017 @ 05:01:48 am
For those who may remember interacting with me, it’s been awhile since I’ve been on and I thought I would stop by for a visit.

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New Post! My work stuff
April 06, 2017 @ 09:18:22 pm
at work. just trying to figure all this out

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It's all or nothing

New Post! College So Far
September 23, 2016 @ 11:51:50 pm
So far I am doing good I guess. No new friends as of yet. I am doing well in Biology. So far I passed both quizzes and my 1st Exam with a B or Higher. I think I lost who I considered a good friend. Not much I can do about that situation unless we cross paths again. I think I got a job at Old Navy. I am excited and Happy. Didn't know I would make such progress. I guess I am smarter than I thought. No girlfriend yet, so don't ask

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New Post! Family probs
May 15, 2016 @ 09:30:25 pm
Not been around much for a while due to problems...families, who'd have 'em!
Hopefully they have now been sorted. hope everyone here is keeping well and enjoying life.

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Just me.

New Post! My struggle with PTSD (possible trigger warning?)
May 12, 2016 @ 08:40:10 am

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Just me.

New Post! A better understanding
March 20, 2016 @ 12:42:01 am

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Just me.

New Post! What I've been up to.
February 07, 2016 @ 04:03:37 am

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Just me.

New Post! Hello people. ;)
February 07, 2016 @ 02:22:58 am

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New Post! Blah
January 08, 2016 @ 11:26:13 am
Sitting at home on a rest day, in my onesie, freezing as not much credit left on my meter.
Watching day time TV and waiting for the pubs to open!
Just a quiet day and CBA to do anything, highlight of the day is that the post arrived!
But do have a bust weekend planned to make up for it.
Might pop on some horror DVD later to stave off the boredom and for some cheap entertainment, not looking for anything too demanding on a morning like this, mainly just some peanuts for the brain.
Though Jeremy Kyle and Judge Judy are making me laugh, love it how she stiff the something-for-nothing brigade.

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