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"This is me"
On about 14 hours ago rondetto

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Wrexham, United Kingdom
Joined: Dec 2008

My Stats
Age: 59
Gender: NA
Location: Wrexham

United Kingdom
Posts: 10213
PLS: ? 42.56
Joined:: Dec 31, 2008
Reputation: 1563


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About Me
I am a retired nurse, before that I was a Financial accountant. I have had several stories published and one full novel.
My hobbies include watching all sports, I enjoy playing snooker and am a gym junkie too.

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My Journal
I have no life

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My Friends
On January 11, 2023 Grasshopper

On May 16, 2021 Cpat92

On April 07, 2017 outreachcasemanager2017

On December 28, 2016 ForumNazi

On September 11, 2016 yami

On July 25, 2015 laceyfire13

On April 24, 2014 Ry_123

On October 28, 2013 KAMPA

On December 17, 2012 challands

On April 19, 2010 foodmanhhh

On November 30, 2009 TheForumSite

On May 24, 2009 Jammer

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