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On August 25, 2011 decoy25

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Washington, District of Columb
Joined: Dec 2006

My Stats
Age: 35
Gender: M
Location: Washington
District of Columbia
United States
Posts: 1338
PLS: ? 76.49
Joined:: Dec 24, 2006
Reputation: 41


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About Me
Who am I... Hm... Well I am a just a geek who overly enjoys movies, music, and video games. I also have an avid love for cyber punk and steam punk art and shows. Other things I guess could be I ramble a lot and forget to use punctuation all the time.

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My Journal
New posts Yawwn
New posts Cold + Zombies


My Interests (4)
music (3956), games (366), and movies (4),
My Friends
On December 09, 2009 x_chanelle_x

On May 25, 2008 lvl5geek

On April 29, 2021 jmo

On May 06, 2010 trillian

On November 30, 2009 TheForumSite

On January 14, 2009 christa

On July 07, 2007 soulmerger

On October 23, 2009 blondie

On August 17, 2018 ashcutie18

On July 24, 2016 annski729

On October 08, 2013 sarahf

On December 06, 2011 emo_princess

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