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chaski On July 10, 2024

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#121New Post! Apr 13, 2019 @ 17:51:54
@gakINGKONG Said

Show me the major media "fact-checker" web sites holding water for Trump. It has to be major media.

Side notes before the list below:

1. Fox News has more viewers than CNN & MSNBC combined.
2. On the other hand CBS News, ABC News and NBC News reportedly blow away Fox News, CNN & MSNBC. Trump doesn't seem to spend much time complain about CBS News, ABC News and NBC News so I think we can view them as neutral.
3. Looking at the list below, Trump must be devastated at his lack of support.

Pro-Trump media:
American Thinker
Canada Free Press
Catholic Edition
Catholic News Service
City Journal
Conservative News and Views
Conservative Review
Drudge Report
Free Republic
Gateway Pundit
Hot Air
Human Events
Investor's Business Daily
Military Times
National Catholic Reporter
National Review Online
News Revolt
Pajamas Media
Red State
Right Wing News
Spero News
The Blaze
The Daily Caller
The Hill
The New Media Journal
Town Hall
United Press International
America's Survival
Voice of America
Washington Examiner
Washington Free Beacon
Washington Times

Conservative Talk Radio:
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
American Thinker
Canada Free Press
Catholic Edition
Catholic News Service
City Journal
Conservative News and Views
Conservative Review
Drudge Report
Fox News
Free Republic
Gateway Pundit
Hot Air
Human Events
Investor's Business Daily
Military Times
National Catholic Reporter
National Review Online
News Revolt
Pajamas Media
Red State
Right Wing News
Spero News
The Blaze
The Daily Caller
The Hill
The New Media Journal
Town Hall
United Press International
America's Survival
Voice of America
Washington Examiner
Washington Free Beacon
Washington Times

Conservative Media Watchdogs:
Accuracy in Media
American Decency Association
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Culture and Media Institute
Family Research Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Media Research Center
Media Trackers
Morality in Media
Parents Television Council
Sunlight Foundation
True The Vote

Conservative Media Personalities:
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
d*** Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists:
Gary Bauer
Tucker Carlson
Timothy P. Carney
Jerome Corsi
Steven Crowder
Ed Driscoll
Matt Drudge
Nina Easton
Erick Erickson
Joseph Farah
Mike Flynn
Patrick Frey
John H. Fund
Major Garrett
Pamela Geller
Jim Geraghty
Hannah Giles
Jonah Goldberg
Mary Katharine Ham
Peter Hitchens
David Horowitz
Cliff Kincaid
Aaron Klein
Stanley Kurtz
Dana Loesch
Michelle Malkin
Jason Mattera
Stacy McCain
John Nolte
James O'Keefe
Katie Pavlich
Joel Pollak
Dan Riehl
James S. Robbins
Lila Rose
Debbie Schlussel
Peter Schweizer
Ben Shapiro
Thomas Sowell
Jill Stanek
Todd Starnes
Mark Steyn
Andrea Tantaros
James Taranto
Cal Thomas
Eugene Volokh
Byron York
Mouse1988 On May 18, 2024

Troy, New York
#122New Post! Mar 29, 2021 @ 01:31:32
Where is the wings from the plane that hit the pentagon? Also still think it was a inside job.
Jennifer1984 On July 20, 2022
Returner and proud

Penzance, United Kingdom
#123New Post! Apr 01, 2021 @ 17:57:04
@chaski Said

Side notes before the list below:

1. Fox News has more viewers than CNN & MSNBC combined.
2. On the other hand CBS News, ABC News and NBC News reportedly blow away Fox News, CNN & MSNBC. Trump doesn't seem to spend much time complain about CBS News, ABC News and NBC News so I think we can view them as neutral.
3. Looking at the list below, Trump must be devastated at his lack of support.

Pro-Trump media:
American Thinker
Canada Free Press
Catholic Edition
Catholic News Service
City Journal
Conservative News and Views
Conservative Review
Drudge Report
Free Republic
Gateway Pundit
Hot Air
Human Events
Investor's Business Daily
Military Times
National Catholic Reporter
National Review Online
News Revolt
Pajamas Media
Red State
Right Wing News
Spero News
The Blaze
The Daily Caller
The Hill
The New Media Journal
Town Hall
United Press International
America's Survival
Voice of America
Washington Examiner
Washington Free Beacon
Washington Times

Conservative Talk Radio:
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
American Thinker
Canada Free Press
Catholic Edition
Catholic News Service
City Journal
Conservative News and Views
Conservative Review
Drudge Report
Fox News
Free Republic
Gateway Pundit
Hot Air
Human Events
Investor's Business Daily
Military Times
National Catholic Reporter
National Review Online
News Revolt
Pajamas Media
Red State
Right Wing News
Spero News
The Blaze
The Daily Caller
The Hill
The New Media Journal
Town Hall
United Press International
America's Survival
Voice of America
Washington Examiner
Washington Free Beacon
Washington Times

Conservative Media Watchdogs:
Accuracy in Media
American Decency Association
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Culture and Media Institute
Family Research Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Media Research Center
Media Trackers
Morality in Media
Parents Television Council
Sunlight Foundation
True The Vote

Conservative Media Personalities:
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
d*** Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists:
Gary Bauer
Tucker Carlson
Timothy P. Carney
Jerome Corsi
Steven Crowder
Ed Driscoll
Matt Drudge
Nina Easton
Erick Erickson
Joseph Farah
Mike Flynn
Patrick Frey
John H. Fund
Major Garrett
Pamela Geller
Jim Geraghty
Hannah Giles
Jonah Goldberg
Mary Katharine Ham
Peter Hitchens
David Horowitz
Cliff Kincaid
Aaron Klein
Stanley Kurtz
Dana Loesch
Michelle Malkin
Jason Mattera
Stacy McCain
John Nolte
James O'Keefe
Katie Pavlich
Joel Pollak
Dan Riehl
James S. Robbins
Lila Rose
Debbie Schlussel
Peter Schweizer
Ben Shapiro
Thomas Sowell
Jill Stanek
Todd Starnes
Mark Steyn
Andrea Tantaros
James Taranto
Cal Thomas
Eugene Volokh
Byron York

All that media support pumping out his message for free and bigging him up.......... and he STILL lost the election.

What an arsehole...!!
mrmhead On March 27, 2024

NE, Ohio
#124New Post! Apr 01, 2021 @ 20:01:08
Fox has slowly been changing their tune.
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