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When Will Politicians Work For a Better Future, Not Just Working For Getting The

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GiantSpiderGoat On February 14, 2015
Volunteer Pornstar

In Your Mind's Eye, Antarctica
#1New Post! Nov 02, 2010 @ 17:36:15
So basically what I am talking about is that it seems that politicians seem to only care about getting the most votes. Which normally means doing something that is only effective at the current moment. When they could think ahead to future problems that would benefit the people more. Now don't get me wrong they should act on immediate problems, but also pay attention to potential future problems.

To give you an example one hot topic in West Australian Politics is the "Water Crisis" which is not as bad as it sounds. What it is referring to though is that Australia is a relatively dry country and time can suffer from water shortages. Yet way up in the North East of Western Australia there is large amount of untapped water that would solve this problem, as well as providing a lot more water too country towns that need it as well as the main city. The plan would be to build a huge above ground water piping line that runs from the water source to the main city while providing more water for many country towns. Now a system like this is already in place to provide water to a country town called Kalgoorlie (cow-ghoul-eeee), that works perfectly. The main reason for this been less than 50 years ago most people lived out near Kalgoorlie (most people I know have parents who were born their). Yet due to parties like the Coalition (conservative party) that have very little for site, they are not willing to pay the money because it would probably not be completed while they are in government.

Yet as stated before the amount of people this would benefit and that it would virtually solve any water crisis problem why have they not gone ahead with this and done it. I myself can not wait for the labor party to get back in, mainly because the West Australian labor party is a very good party dedicated to the citizens of Western Australia. As well as not using any loopholes to get a big pay half way through a political term.
jmo On April 29, 2021
Beruset af Julebryg

Yorkshire, United Kingdom
#2New Post! Nov 02, 2010 @ 18:13:19
When we get rid of democracy. Whilst politicians rely on the mandate of the public that will never change.

But Democracy is of course too important to get rid off so it's a bit of a catch 22 situation.
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