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The effect of racism on politics:

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4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#1New Post! Oct 11, 2008 @ 20:56:48
Stole this from another site. Spoke volumes.


What if the candidates' lives were reversed?

What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review?

What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to?

What if Obama were the candidate who left his first wife after she no longer
measured up to his standards?

What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to pain
killers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

What if Obama were a member of the Keating-5?

What if McCain were a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

If the above questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election
numbers would be as close as they are?

This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive
qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is
a color difference.

You are The Boss? which team would you hire?

With America facing historic debt, 2 wars, stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison population, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc.

Educational Background:

Obama: Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.

Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

Biden: University of Delaware - B.A in History and B.A. in Political Science.

Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


McCain: United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899

Palin: Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester

North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study

University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism

Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester

University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism

Now, which team are you going to hire?

PS: What if Barack Obama had an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter...


My comment: They'd have chewed Obama up and spit him out if the tables were turned.
dlsharp On November 30, 2015

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
#2New Post! Oct 11, 2008 @ 21:08:42
Well, I tend to agree with you. However, I'm still amazed the republican party picked McCain to start with. I firmly believe that they made a deal with McCain 8 years ago when he was running against GW that he would be their candidate after Bush's run.
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#3New Post! Oct 11, 2008 @ 21:16:50
I am very worried about what will happen to Obama if he is elected.

You can't get near GWB. But I wonder if history will repeat itself, as in another JFK scenario, somehow, with Obama.

Obama makes too much sense. He seems to really care about the little guy. They can't have that. It is true, if Obama had McCains track record -- he'd have never made it this far. Your suspicion could be right. I don't know.
dlsharp On November 30, 2015

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
#4New Post! Oct 11, 2008 @ 21:21:10
I am worried no matter who is the president. I share your concern for obamas safety. I thought all along that the chance of assasination of Obama or Clinton was a possibility. There are extremeists in this country liken to Timothy McVeigh that would do such an act. However his protection will be stepped up if he becomes president.
Asme251 On December 21, 2017
Area Man

Boston, Massachusetts
#5New Post! Oct 11, 2008 @ 22:29:30
I would not call it racism, maybe bias, but not racism. If there was racism, Obama would not be elected in the first place.
blondieblue227 On January 08, 2012

, Virginia
#6New Post! Oct 12, 2008 @ 15:18:35
@4000earthquakes Said

I am very worried about what will happen to Obama if he is elected.

me too.
it depresses me.
It only takes one extremist.
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#7New Post! Oct 12, 2008 @ 15:45:13
...and then we will have another old white guy in the white house... (no offense to Biden... but this would be the end result...).

Well, I suppose if anything happens to Obama... the people will know what to do.

(Since I'm not the only one who is thinking this, i'm sure a lot of others will be holding their breath, and praying they don't try pulling that s*** again.)
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#8New Post! Oct 12, 2008 @ 15:47:07
I suppose that last post makes me a "racist". But I am so sick of seeing these "dollar bill" looking hard-asses running the country. I don't trust em at all. And I'm white. They've broken enough treaties.
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#9New Post! Oct 12, 2008 @ 15:48:28
There's a great article in the New York Times about this:

What makes them different, and what has pumped up the Weimar-like rage at McCain-Palin rallies, is the violent escalation in rhetoric, especially (though not exclusively) by Palin. Obama ?launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist.? He is ?palling around with terrorists? (note the plural noun). Obama is ?not a man who sees America the way you and I see America.? Wielding a wildly out-of-context Obama quote, Palin slurs him as an enemy of American troops.

By the time McCain asks the crowd ?Who is the real Barack Obama?? it?s no surprise that someone cries out ?Terrorist!" It is stoked further by the repeated invocation of Obama?s middle name by surrogates introducing McCain and Palin at these rallies. This sleight of hand at once synchronizes with the poisonous Obama-is-a-Muslim e-mail blasts and shifts the brand of terrorism from Ayers?s Vietnam-era variety to the radical Islamic threats of today.


No less disconcerting was a still-unexplained passage of Palin?s convention speech: Her use of an unattributed quote praising small-town America (as opposed to, say, Chicago and its community organizers) from Westbrook Pegler, the mid-century Hearst columnist famous for his anti-Semitism, racism and violent rhetorical excess. After an assassin tried to kill F.D.R. at a Florida rally and murdered Chicago?s mayor instead in 1933, Pegler wrote that it was ?regrettable that Giuseppe Zangara shot the wrong man.? In the ?60s, Pegler had a wish for Bobby Kennedy: ?Some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow falls.?

This is the writer who found his way into a speech by a potential vice president at a national political convention. It?s astonishing there?s been no demand for a public accounting from the McCain campaign. Imagine if Obama had quoted a Black Panther or Louis Farrakhan ? or William Ayers ? in Denver.
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#10New Post! Oct 12, 2008 @ 16:18:43
Good article.

What is also good is that most Americans are seeing this for what it is.

Hopefully we have evolved far enough beyond what is truly ugly about American history, so that these tactics won't stop people from voting -- based on substance -- not color.
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#11New Post! Oct 13, 2008 @ 03:00:53
@4000earthquakes Said

Stole this from another site. Spoke volumes.


What if the candidates' lives were reversed?

What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review?

What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to?

What if Obama were the candidate who left his first wife after she no longer
measured up to his standards?

What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to pain
killers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

What if Obama were a member of the Keating-5?

What if McCain were a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

If the above questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election
numbers would be as close as they are?

This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive
qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is
a color difference.

You are The Boss? which team would you hire?

With America facing historic debt, 2 wars, stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison population, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc.

Educational Background:

Obama: Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.

Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

Biden: University of Delaware - B.A in History and B.A. in Political Science.

Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


McCain: United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899

Palin: Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester

North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study

University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism

Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester

University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism

Now, which team are you going to hire?

PS: What if Barack Obama had an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter...


My comment: They'd have chewed Obama up and spit him out if the tables were turned.

Wow, kudos and more.......if things were reversed like you would be one of the biggest HYPOCRISY in the history of this country........that is a BELIEF I WILL ALWAYS LIVE WITH!!!! Frankly...I didn't know if cindy mc cain got her drugs illegally.....and from her 'charitable organization'...which brings to mind, millions of questions on your thread.....does anyone know that if she in fact did something illegal....and that she did it because of her addiction to pain killers.....did she go to jail or get some kinda probation or do some community service or pay a fine...correct me if i'am wrong....but isn't it a crime to get drugs.....under false pretence? Aren't most pain killers considerd narcotics....even when perscibed by a doctor? If this is all true....then cindy mc cain.....broke the law....the same laws we all must abide by.......let's see how many of you can answer those question, and then discribe for is this not hypocrisy
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#12New Post! Oct 13, 2008 @ 03:50:18
@4000earthquakes Said

I suppose that last post makes me a "racist". But I am so sick of seeing these "dollar bill" looking hard-asses running the country. I don't trust em at all. And I'm white. They've broken enough treaties.

NO...not IMO, and i'am reading all these posts and seeing that there can only be one don't seem like you have a racist view on what you say in your threads.....for me racist people can be mean and down right hatefull to those they feel deserve less than they have, and racist means alot of various forms....i'am not seeing you as racist.....just a decent person!!! Honestly, who do you feel ran this country into what it is right this moment??? It sure as HELL wasn't rich black men.....there has never been any black person in that much control and power or wealth to have put us in the crisis we are facing..... Time for CHANGE!!!!
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#13New Post! Oct 13, 2008 @ 20:11:17
Hypocrisy. They would have ripped Obama and his wife to shreds -- if they had the same track record.

It is just so awesome to know there really are a whole lot of people out there -- who do see this hypocrisy -- and are truly not prejudiced.

Obama has a brilliant mind. I heard his speech today, and i actually got goose-bumps. the good kind. the kind where you feel "hope". the "wow" kind.

Do you know how long it's been since we've heard someone speak from their gut, and give us hope? too long. I don't care what color they are. Just bring it on down back to reality... and give us all hope to live -- again.

buffalobill90 On July 12, 2013
Powered by tea

Viaticum, United Kingdom
#14New Post! Oct 13, 2008 @ 21:22:12
@Spinkiegirl Said

Wow, kudos and more.......if things were reversed like you would be one of the biggest HYPOCRISY in the history of this country........that is a BELIEF I WILL ALWAYS LIVE WITH!!!! Frankly...I didn't know if cindy mc cain got her drugs illegally.....and from her 'charitable organization'...which brings to mind, millions of questions on your thread.....does anyone know that if she in fact did something illegal....and that she did it because of her addiction to pain killers.....did she go to jail or get some kinda probation or do some community service or pay a fine...correct me if i'am wrong....but isn't it a crime to get drugs.....under false pretence? Aren't most pain killers considerd narcotics....even when perscibed by a doctor? If this is all true....then cindy mc cain.....broke the law....the same laws we all must abide by.......let's see how many of you can answer those question, and then discribe for is this not hypocrisy

You can't judge a significant figure by their personal 'vices', let alone those of their spouse. Martin Luther King Junior, for example, had an affair, in spite of being a church minister and a doctor.
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#15New Post! Oct 13, 2008 @ 22:41:24
@4000earthquakes Said

Hypocrisy. They would have ripped Obama and his wife to shreds -- if they had the same track record.

It is just so awesome to know there really are a whole lot of people out there -- who do see this hypocrisy -- and are truly not prejudiced.

Obama has a brilliant mind. I heard his speech today, and i actually got goose-bumps. the good kind. the kind where you feel "hope". the "wow" kind.

Do you know how long it's been since we've heard someone speak from their gut, and give us hope? too long. I don't care what color they are. Just bring it on down back to reality... and give us all hope to live -- again.

Hey, you know what I know...I too felt that way when I first heard Obama speak.....and I can't even remember a time when I felt that moved inside my soul.....if and when he is elected, my faith will be somewhat restored in these long days that we as americans will be facing......And becuase you are a new friend of mine....I will tell you the new way to say Obama: "One Brilliant American Man Atlast!!" Pretty cool huh?
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