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New Post! April 04, 2018 @ 08:30:59 pm
Having bad nights for those Chans surogated for G.Li in India in Year 2000 stole boxes of remote acting acupuncture doll that acts on chip frequency. They use the doll to limit blood flow to the cheek and make the cheek 2 sides appear as if they are experiencing wind pain. They are trying to coerce my kin or cousins switch off so that only the fakes or replica are reading me and using me to talk to those war jacks, and government people. Since Li can do plastic surgery adding a cloth underneath the face muscle to turn one into the face of another. These replicas are using my identity here without alot of challanges. They always come here, steal my blow nose tissues and smear into their nose, or tongue anywhere they think DNA swaps would be taken. There is legal agreement made in the late 60s-early 70s between my papa Lun Chun Yin Jerome BO3312 HKID card and Li Kar Shing. Not complying needs to pay Lun 1 bil HKD. Only 2 years or so upon maturing the Li have their people steal our identity in order to do a show and not paying the real ID holders. This replica even stole my consulting fees from PCCW as promised to be 1.8bil HKD as I suggested privatisation in 04. I was never paid. So that the Li brothers share the money with the accompliced fakes. The ones turned into my face was afew that are reading my chip here in Vancouver. One family of surogated relatives of 60 in Richmond ( Alderbridge close to New City Plaza the high rise penthouse.. as told moved from 5road.) Another at Kilby court the red dress which one Li boy slapped in front of chip reader. They accompliced to read and cashed my trust document from Fung Kwok King Victor. And the other was my Muslim ex landlady from Matapan Cresc. Li appeared at the door for they want to set up business in Saudi, and pull affluent there to run or rent their stores in Vancovuer. Whoever that wrinks at you my landlady or landladys' female kins, that is not a 'love sign' .The Li got a heredity neurological disorder called 'tics' manifested when they were kids when stress is high. For those who used to know me read me ever since I was a kid from HK and UK please continue to read me. Dont be scared off by the Chans. Those who are from Russia or communist countries which Li developed should switch off. There is no need to use the phrase'' we know what is going on''. These read to steal, manipulate, play tricks.. and try to make settle for less.

Anyone can find me the AGREEMENT, please come find me. thank you.



New Post! April 06, 2018 @ 10:08:15 pm
Have been under the weather for the past 2 days. Cold spots ( Wind pain) and running a fever. Today I am writing at UBC Learning Exchange. 612 Main Street China Town. Vancouver. Did not go to Yaohan Richmond today@ 1pm..

Still feeling tired especially needing to carry the cart of stuffs up the stairs. Good its only to the 2nd floor where I live..

Hope the police can issue me a radio frequency blocker and arrest the Chan family who is using the radio frequency acupuncture doll that acts remotely targeting by the chip which can affect my health and well being., They have been doing that for alot of times, they murder my papa in India by borrowing in his name. And afew of them even gone under the knife to become me and my family's faces in order to steal identity. One characteristics, this family has '' bulging'' eyes. So from the side, you can see the eye white at the bottom while me and my family do not have '' bulging'' eyes, you cannot see the eye ball from the side as much. Besides after moving to Downtown east side, with some wicked neighbors I have giving me a few patches of brown and grey on the side of the cheeks. This seems to be a popular trick to piss off female renters to make them move. So washing the walls seems to be a daily routine when I get home. The real ones got '' fatter'' lower legs, that Chan family got skinny legs. I wonder how many 'me' they make, in order to feed on the '' agreement'' made in the 68-72. I was so small so there is no children ID card available, just the '' name'' appear on the agreement. Hence anyone with my name, and his name with fathers same name can use the agreement. And Li is selling our '' identities''. Pay them, and these 'Richards', will come to give you some time. My pals here are over 100 and pals in the past certainly more than this, and relatives are alot. Replica these you get a train of ID cards for sale. I wonder if they murder the real ones, as we are scattered throughout the globe. One famous trick is to trap you in the basement to starve, build a wall to seal the door, or seal the door with locks as heard. Wonder how many of my relatives in Aussie are trapped under the basement and with a '' replica'' trespass and occupy the house and '' business '' as usual?

This is how LI or Communist? confiscate people's assets or business?



New Post! April 12, 2018 @ 09:43:30 pm
Last time I went to Friday routine, someone collapsed on the street and another doing resuscitation.. without putting air into the lungs. As far as I remember if only one person resuscitating, the ratio of blowing into the airway to chest compression is 2:15 if 2 people doing the resuscitation it is 1:5.. Here alot are '' drug '' related unconsciousness and antidote is needed.

I am still searching for my mother Fung Siu Ling.

Brother said he sent her to an old age home in Sdyney, close to where they live. Is this really my brother or someone with a cloth structure under the facial muscle to look alike to take over everything he has.... the house alone is 2 mil.Aus.

How can he do this to mother? Even bad mouthed me.

Tell him the Canadian Consulate got people reading their subjects and what happened with me and Fung Kwok Wai/On in 2012, was filmed and taken to the high court to demand a reverse of judgement. Fung was jailed for 2 days since he was over 80 and they feared he may die in jail and the government needs to pay the burial costs.

Fung Kwok Wai/On use the precedent he set up in 70s to feed on out of court settlement. He wanted me to take him to tour, I did not bring enough money and I had not found a job. So I refused. He cut his head with a razor inside his pyjama pocket and frame me hitting him. This has his precedent trick to frame over 70 people in the past. He changed name to continue using the precedence that only works for 25 times per person. The database should use ID number as key and not names as key for alot of people may have the same name, or one can change name to use the advantage more than 25 times.

Brother and Fung kwok wai was paid for undermining me by those who are selling my identity, like H# and those who are after Richard Li and his brothers. The agreement made in late 60s to 1973 between my papa and Li gives me a priviledge to enter the Li family which I am not too much into the favor.

And Li got war jack's business as a result. Mom was always with H# and some Li boys rather than with me and daddy. These need to check DNA with my mom and see why she is behaving like that....



New Post! April 13, 2018 @ 09:56:43 pm
It is bad weather and I did not go to Richmond. I am planning to cut down Friday routine which I had for years. Not many showed up and if these want to find me, they always can. For mostly they are reading my chip. If my papa is really here in Canada, please tell him where to find me. I am at 612Main street UBC Learning exchange 'store',- NOT THE UNIVERSITY. at China town Vancouver Keefer and Main street intersection, next to Vancity Bank, a blue store front.

Tuesday and Thursday 2-4pm. Try calling there and the staff may ask me to come to the phone. I am on the ground floor doing internet there as a usual. ( They know me by 'TAK' there). Then I will go to 180 Keefer Street Chinatown plaza for food before I go home for the night. The area is with blockers here and there, and often there are those around me pocketing blockers so it is hard to hear with the chip here. Even at home, besides, who knows if anyone uses another persons' voice to fool around using a Russian chip reader.

IF Friday I am not at Richmond, I may also be at the UBC STORE at Chinatown Vancouver.

Befriend those who are my friends at facebook, or befriend me, when I am online so the pal request will not be altered or erased before I log in. Then you can message me and tell me when you are coming and how I can come to your hotel to meet you. Just like what Kathy did.



New Post! April 18, 2018 @ 08:41:56 pm
Using stem cells one can grow organs, if some human trafficker has a crazy idea of growing people's organs like lungs and heart, then those buying the organs and identity can have DNA of the real ID holder in their sneeze or blood.... if hands and feet can be cloned, then they can have the real ID holders' finger prints! If someone 's face can be duplicated by putting a cloth structure as bone structure under neath the facial skin, then it is very difficult to tell whos is real or not. Some movie star bank account lost 1 mil pounds, and she got some replicas doing some shots for her.
And if some leaders got some replicas to do the tours for them, it is very important that laws have to be made that faces cannot be duplicated. So are organs and body parts unless they are used by the real ID holder for healing purpose or resurrection.
I fear some crazy scientist do alot of stem cell organ reproduction to grow my papa's organ in India to transplant to those buying his identity in India... to get war jacks favors and can move to England....

Friday routine may be further cut down by budget purpose.
This month is GST month again it is a 5 week pay month. Our pay is stretched to 5 weeks because we got the GST credit. Other people got the GST for extra stuffs full 103 bucks, those who are on government need to use that extra 103 to cover an extra week of grocery money. In fact these can only have around 30 bucks extra as GST credit rebate. I wish the government does not save on the poor. Thank you.

I am looking for a laptop that got wifi to take online courses if anyone can on loan one to me. Thank you. I am at UBC store at Keefer and Main intersection at Chinatown Vancouver next to Vancity Tuesday to Thursday, 2-4pm. if you want to meet me or go for a coffee. Still seeking chances to leave Canada for here, my phone never works, Telus owes Li lots of satelite fees and Li is holder enough shares ( preferred??) to rock them.
I am the one sending the resume, and some China gals or from where ever Li is building towns recently got my job or interview calls..... I lost touch with my kin for when they move, they can never informed me. Where I live has been always '' common mail box and I am not the first one to access the mail ''. Passwords are never exclusive under the big brother chip reading system...



New Post! April 18, 2018 @ 10:24:25 pm
I dreamt of my brother Albert in RHS uniform came visiting me at an apartment.. with one other whose face was ' blurred'.

What does this mean?

We have been estranged for years. But I still sent him Xmas cards, if he is still living where I visited him in Sydney in 1999.

Is the one reading my chip really him or someone having a cloth structure under neath the skin to look alike and use me to pretend to be him? Any hidden or concealed compartment in the basement with something fishy in it?

Someone look allke me living at Alderbridge Richmond BC.

But she is not me. She is Du D's sister with a cloth under neath the facial skin. She got skinny legs and butt. I have '' fat legs''. Those who know me since highschool will know for we wore shorts to PE lessons. Real Lun Yeetak is only 5 feet/153cm tall.

I am still looking for my mother they said they put her in an old aged home close to where they live.... Please if anyone knows where my mother is, ( Gema Fung Siu Ling ) please notify me and Fung Kwok King Victor ( chairman of and ask him to discharge her against medical advice. Do not label my mother and let her feed on Government with a label ( long term illness like dementia) and ruin her name and read her clairvoyance cheap without paying her right like this.

And please if my papa is 'resurrected' again, and where have these people hidden him in order to sell his identity, or black mail my mother for clairvoyance...

Mother is so called First clairvoyance according to the Muslims. The second clairvoyance was told to be a Russian.



New Post! April 20, 2018 @ 09:29:41 pm
I did not go to Richmond today, budget issues. Will go there after payday. Friday routine will be cut down to once or twice a month, for people know I moved to China town Vancouver for over a year. IF they want to find me, they should go to UBCLearning Exchange store at Keefer and Main Street intersection, next to Vancity bank, the blue store front Tuesday to Thursday, 2-4pm and afterwards, around 5pm, I am at 180 Keefer Street Chinatown Plaza to get some munchies before going home for the night.

There are no messages received for the website past week.

Website will be updated on Sunday if I cannot do it on Friday.



New Post! April 24, 2018 @ 11:00:41 pm
I am soft detent by those who read my chip would like to contact Fung Kwok King Victor ex chairman of I am Gema's daughter in Canada. The trust document was given to a china agent at 3700 Kilby court by Li and Bosco, who are selling my identity to her, Li even plastic surgery this Cheng into my face to steal my identity in Canada. I moved out of Kilby Court Nov2012. Been pushed to move around by a lot of those who got people around Dr. Fung and feared that I got an office desk by him. I facebook with @hotmail. com.">momo688 @hotmail. com. Where is my mother and brother? My phone never works and emails are erased before I log in. Find me at 612 Hastaings Street East UBCExchange Store next to VAncity at Chinatown Vancouver. Tuesday to Thursday, 2-4pm. and I buy food at Chinatown plaza 180Keefer street around 5pm every day. Please find me and take me out of Canada. They read my chip and steal my clairvoyance and consultant ideas at low cost, want to match me with a criminal from Russia, and want to label me to short change me in life.

From Priscilla Lun. / Tak


New Post! April 25, 2018 @ 10:44:53 pm
Thank you for befriending me at facebook. I do not use a phone any longer. Li got alot of shares at Telus, and Telus owes him tons of satelite fees... Please ask Fung Kwok King uncle to find Gema Fung Siu LIng in Sdyney old age home NSW2122 area ( was told this much by Albert Lun) and discharge her against medical advice, she is not dementia. Sis inlaw worked at Bayer can access alot of prescribed medication and lack of sleep can cause symptoms of dementia.

Please tell Fung Kwok King I never receive any trust documents. Li and Bosco gave that to someoen look alike me from China but 6 inches taller living 3700 at Kilby court that i moved out in Nov2012. These cousins are helping people who paid them to steal my identity. I hang out at 612 Main Street UBCExcange Store next to Vancity bank at China town Vancouver BC. Tuesday to Thursday, 2-4pm. Please come find me and help me to reside out of Canada. Li associate people in medical field are targeting on my DNA and organs since I am Gema's daughter ( Japanese documented her having clairvoyance in 1940s and I am the bloodline / daugher). They play games to make me lose rights to choose my medical choice if I am in the hospital again.

I should have gone to the US or UK and file asylum for safety and rights but if they decline I have trouble touring there in the future. I am soft detent by those reading my chip here in Canada.

My passwords are never exclusive. And I have not had real incoming phone calls for many years before I disconnect the line. I returned calls using call history and these people said they never called me. Telus is using other peoples lines to pretend to have incoming calls for my phoneline. How can office calls me for jobs? How can my kin call me? When they move, there is no way they can notify me. Prolong loss of jobs make me poor, and where ever I rent in recent years, there is only common mail box and I am not the first one to access. Those reading my chip got people living close by to do constant trespass and pollute and break to give me hard time. These are also using my ID to work and borrow here. Wonder how many are linked to towns which Li developed or those who surrogated for Li. And Bosco Lam got building work from Li.

From PRiscilla LUn yeetak.

Canadian ID card 497237701 if you want to use police to find me. Also find Ministry of social development with this ID number and they know where I rent.


New Post! April 26, 2018 @ 09:55:03 pm
Hopefully tomorrow is nice weather. I reported to the non emergency line yesterday and the police did not come. They cannot come up stairs for the door is locked and I dont know if anyone is waiting outside for I do not have a phone.

Telus owes Li satelite fees, and with various providers, my phone doesnt ring..Oh if they did, the call history numbers owners said they never called me. What is the point in owning a phone?



New Post! April 27, 2018 @ 07:51:45 pm
I have not been writing much lately, but just jolt down what I need to record using the web. I put diary in my drawer, people peep into it anyways and often I lost some pages.

My diary was on Guiness record of the longest forum thread in 2016 this has been on going for more than a decade. I am keeping my diary there. Save alot of paper, and often unless you are monitoring me or are my pal at facebook, else you do not know I have a diary on the web, nor do you know I got a website. Alot of those who hate people knowing that they know what their spouse think by tagging him with human implant chips. These tags are not just for medical documentation. Lots of literature are on the web about these chips. And alot of these are transceiver chips which is mobile under the skin.

Pay attention to the references, Dr. Katherine Abrecht wrote.

She is one of the early doctors disclosing the monitoring feature/ usage of the chip.

I have updated my website today and added an extra empty page for later add ons. I plan to do a chat room there when I have access to the web 24 hours. Normally I am online Tues-Thurs 2-4pm at UBC Learning exchange. Or if I do my Friday routine at AVIA 3 Road Richmond before I go to Yaohan food court across the street at 1pm and wait until 1.45pm, then I goback to Vancouver. This is my latest routine.

Humanity has deteriorated to a point which the suspect of the Yonge and Finch Traffic accident ( Murder by driving on pedestrian and knocking out people on its way.) claimed to have venge out his frustration after being dumped by his lover and is claimed to be forced to be singleton. That is a lame excuse. Was he paid or told to do this? Police rooted out terrorist issue to appease the public, but often people from certain origins need to be '' watched'' for some behave or think very differently.



New Post! May 02, 2018 @ 10:06:59 pm
Thank you for reading me, I now know I have a '' Japanese '' half brother. But please note some '' impersonator/ identity thieves from Richmond BC who got my face by plastic surgery are intercepting in the middle, luring me to answer you and they use my answer to answer you in their voice using a Russian Spy Chip reader. Mom taught me very minimal Japanese when I was in my primary. If you are in Vancouver please come find me UBC Exchange Store 612 Main Street Tuesday to Thursday 2-4pm. I am the one with the cart. I am also the 'bird lady/ the owl eyes' from Toronto Don Mills. These China agents impersonators are stealing favors that you and others like war jacks give me and even stop me from beckoning for help for 3 chip machines in different direction, bars other beams from reaching me from afar. These all are affilated and work bad things for some Li boys who approached them after I rented from these people or these are those whores Li boys bunked with. The Chans from Richmond BC Cambie and Alderbridge are the ones murdering my papa Lun Chun in India. Still play nice and concern. Please do not answer them and with a rf blocker on all the time esp when you sleep.



New Post! May 02, 2018 @ 10:10:18 pm
My answer to messaging with a long time pal....
with Facebook.

See if your country also have such ''happenings''....


OK, you just want company. OK. I get to stay at nice hotel for a night with a galpal known since childhood. right outside convenience store next to the grey door, are 3 carparks. people always park their cars there for convenience. But there is a carpark at '' Chinatown plaza 180 keefer street'' where I go dinner at the food court. afew levels and I can wait for you there. If they want to make fun of you, they always can where ever you park. this is a big brother monitor world. either you have a '' rf blocker'' in your pocket and you go transparent to them, else, they always read you if you ever set foot in Canada. Canada goes to become some '' illegal stayed'' monitor country. They are the ones reading the citizens creating hard times to make them leave and hence can sell their ID and repossess their property and use everything these had for second hand sale.... like confiscating everything. And the police closes a blind eye to these people. They even monitor the army. the army sent out emails to me only got the subject line and the rest of the page goes blank... they are monitoring the police too, for they all use rf to talk, to be monitor as well by their superioe=. This place is lawless to these people. If I knew about this, I would rather be a fake ID holder borrow with another's ID cards until affluent go home even if jailed for a few yrs I save afew yrs rent. I then come out well to do... cant blame these people. Alot are '' reduced '' in their home before they buy ID from human traffickers and come here to live work and steal credits to feed on.. what a world.

It is hard to stay good, and proper. I try to stay good with alot of hardships.. the property owners have switch hands to those who actually are part of this giant scam. They rent at government price just because these are real ID holders, and they can get a copy of their ID for sale ,then they make sure their renters turn over is high to get lots of ID copies. The original poor owners are reduced to lose their property cheap to these people who sell at market to make good money when they leave the country..... Government knows where they are, all the time where to send deportation letters after they landed for 10 yrs not after their tourist visas expired, and closes a blind eye to what they do to the citizens here, as long as the economy looks the same 'on the surface'... People dare not protest for this will give a warrant that stops their welfare cheque... We should have rights to protest in a free country and maintain our innocence until convicted by '' tangible'' evidence and not by '' hear say'' of those reading the chip. Some are agent trained and can '' stop thinking and control the content of thoughts'' while plainers cannot. And these are more prone to '' escape the blame '' of what wrongs they did..

Four seasons should not run another hotel there in Surrey... when hotels lose money, it only turn to become '' some BC housing'' domain if property taxes are not serviced. Only business lasting long are those affordable by the majority.... the welfare people. Others come to make money put up a '' nice affluent '' front but doesnt mean they want to spend. they squirrel enough money, then go home. Car is something they will pay for or rent. houses are something as investment and they keep like' showroom clean' all the time for they prepare to sell it and show it all the time. These dont stay.

Confirm when you are picking me up on May 13/-14? first. what time




New Post! May 03, 2018 @ 09:14:49 pm
NO messages for the website this week.
NO Friday routine for budget purpose tomorrow.


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