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Boyfriends family and friends....

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ashleighr On August 21, 2007

Sydney, Australia
#1New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 12:31:51

I have a question or two that I would like some input on.....

My boyfriends family recently said that they would be happy to let me live with them until January which is when I move back to Australia which I appreciate very much. His parents are wonderful and are just so nice to me but the rest of his family just treat me as though I'm not even there.

When we (bf and I) go out with his friends I feel so out of place. None of them try to talk to me at all even when I try and try to start a conversation. They constantly cut me off and I pretty much have to act as though we aren't in a relationship because as soon as I get near my BF suddenly something will come up and their friends drag him away or interrupt us talking.

His brother arrived yesterday from about an hour away as it is their mothers 50th tomorrow and despite my several efforts to say hello etc he just pretends I don't exist. He hasn't said ONE word to me not even a simple hi. This morning he came in I answered the door and he just pushed me out of the way to wake my boyfriend up to ask if he would like to go out for the day. He didn't so much as look at me and then the three of them (his brothers girl went too) just left without so much as saying goodbye.

My BF is a great guy but after he has spent the day with some friends or like yesterday after spending some time with his brother he treats me differently. Maybe I'm being paranoid but it seems like they're saying things to him about me.

All this is really hurtful and I have tried talking to my BF about it but he said to me that I just focus too much on the bad in people and I should get over it.

Is it wrong for me to be upset about all this? What can I do?

Also today is a surprise party for his mother and I don't really want to go. His whole family is going to be there and I just know I'm going to be left alone the WHOLE night. Do you think it would be rude of me not to go?

Sorry it's so long
owl On March 28, 2010

London, United Kingdom
#2New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 12:55:08
Well i think you should go to the party and i'm not sure whats happening with your boyfriend, maybe you should give him some time. He could be possibly be trying to ignore you because he dosent love you anymore but i doubt that is the case. Maybe he just wants some time by himself or he dosent even know he's ignoring you, I would try to talk to him and if he just ignores you or something then tell him whats wrong and don't let him leave. Well don't threaten him but don't let him ignore you if you ask.
loveis On January 15, 2010


In the mirror,
#3New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 13:22:35
This is BULLs***!!
And the second paragraph about his 'friends' is especially suspicious..
It's almost as thought he is "having" them all do to you what he lacks the guts to say himself.
You should just come out and ask for the 'truth'!
Because it can't be everybody like that, c'mon!! - Something's going on.
..And you sound like a really sweet girl and deserve much MUCH better!!!!!!!!
edwin_starr On September 17, 2007

Morecambe, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 14:00:48
@loveis Said
This is BULLs***!!
And the second paragraph about his 'friends' is especially suspicious..
It's almost as thought he is "having" them all do to you what he lacks the guts to say himself.
You should just come out and ask for the 'truth'!
Because it can't be everybody like that, c'mon!! - Something's going on.
..And you sound like a really sweet girl and deserve much MUCH better!!!!!!!!

I agree, u should speak to ur BF and ask why they treat u like s*** and just ignore u.
cutefemale005 On January 14, 2012

las vegas,
#5New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 14:05:16
Omg feel so bad 4 u rite just not right what there doing 2 u...but his parent r great 2 u i think u should go..because the parent didn't anything 2 u..beside the brother and the sister..dont mind them..but if u feel lonley there..just step outside 2 get some air see if he even notice that you r gone...then ur see how much he really care 4 u
alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#6New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 14:18:09
its never easy not being accepted by friends or family of your parter,
you have to realise that the problem is probably not directly yours.
this kind of reaction is usually due to seeing a change in the person, maybe he hasn't been spending enough time with his friends alone and they resent that.
fuxxed On October 26, 2007

Hell, Arizona
#7New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 14:26:58
Ditto alexkidd. His friends are most likely jealous of the fact that he's not paying as much attention to them as he once was. Hopefully, it's just a phase, but you still shouldn't have to put up with that kind of s***.

Try this on for size - try directly coming out and asking one of his friends how their day went. Demand their attention, even, and put them in a situation where they're typically forced to answer. Who knows? It might be that they're unsure of how to act around you, so they attempt to act like you don't exist.

Demand that attention you deserve. <3
ashleighr On August 21, 2007

Sydney, Australia
#8New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 15:00:13
I guess it could be that they are jealous but I really don't see how... If anything they see him MORE now that I am here because I encourage him to visit them. I don't want to be one of those girlfriends who makes my boyfriend cut off all contact to the outside world just so he pays more attention to me. I'm normally the one that invites HIS friends when we go out as well. I mean we must have been out twice with just the two of us because all the other times I invite his friends and they've come along. Now honestly I don't care that they do I just wish that they would pay me a little more respect by at least saying hi thanks for inviting us... In return they never invite me anywhere they must take my BF somewhere at least 3 times a week. I have tagged along with them twice (my bf asks me if I want to go along every time but I feel so uncomfortable I usually just say no) and those two times I ended off going and doing my own thing because I felt so s***ty around them.

I know my boyfriend doesn't do this to me on purpose I know he loves me it's just like he's CLUELESS. I did ask him why they ignore me which is when he said I see the bad in everyone. But what good is there to see when they don't even talk to me?

edwin_starr On September 17, 2007

Morecambe, United Kingdom
#9New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 15:11:17
hmmm...maybe u should spend more time just with the bf.
loveis On January 15, 2010


In the mirror,
#10New Post! Jul 14, 2007 @ 23:23:52
@edwin_starr Said
hmmm...maybe u should spend more time just with the bf.

Ditto edwin starr..
Why should you continue to show them consideration, when they have none for you?
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