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The History of the Trinity Teaching.

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MadCornishBiker On January 14, 2014


St Columb Road, United Kingdom
#1New Post! Sep 11, 2012 @ 22:05:40
History of The Trinity

The growth of the doctrine of a triune God, is briefly but plainly, set forth in the following historical facts about official doctrine:

A.D. 29 Jesus said, "The Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12:29).

A.D. 57 Paul said, "To us there is but one God" (1 Cor. 8:6).

A.D. 96 Clement said, "Christ was sent by God".

A.D. 120 "Apostles' Creed": "I believe in God the Father".

A.D. 150 Justin Martyr, introduces Greek Philosophy.

A.D. 170 The word "Trias", appears first in Christian literature.

A.D. 200. "Trinitas" is first introduced by Tertullian.

A.D. 280 Origen, opposes prayers to Christ.

A.D. 260 Sabellius: "Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three names for the same God".

A.D. 300 Trinitarian prayers unknown in the Church.

A.D. 325 "Nicene Creed" afflrms Christ to be "Very God of Very God".

A.D. 370 Doxology composed.

A.D. 381. Council of Constantinople invents "Three persons in One God".

A.D. 388 Emperor Theodosius threatens punishment to all who won't worship the Trinity.

A.D. 519 Doxology ordered to be sung in all the Churches.

A.D. 669 Clergy commanded to commit to memory the "Athanasian Creed".

A.D. 826 Bishop Basil, required the clergy to repeat the " Athanasian Creed" every Sunday.

(Deuteronomy 6:4) “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.

Footnote: Or, “Jehovah is our God, Jehovah is one [or, there is one Jehovah].” Lit., “Jehovah our God [is] Jehovah one.” Heb., Yehwah? ?Elo·heh?nu Yehwah? ?e·chadh?

(Isaiah 46:6) There are those who are lavishing out the gold from the purse, and with the scale beam they weigh out the silver. They hire a metalworker, and he makes it into a god. They prostrate themselves, yes, they bow down.

Footnote: Lit., “and he makes it a god.” Heb., weya·?ase?hu ?el

(Mark 12:29) Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. - Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6:4

(Ephesians 4:6) one God and Father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all

(1 Corinthians 8:6) there is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him.
wirelessguru1 On November 01, 2018

Somewhere in, California
#2New Post! Sep 11, 2012 @ 22:20:26
Trinity, of course, loves The One...

+1 (Neo)
townie_guy On May 07, 2013


, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Sep 11, 2012 @ 22:22:14
Still dosnt explain this. Neither odes the bible or any holy book.

MadCornishBiker On January 14, 2014


St Columb Road, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Sep 11, 2012 @ 22:39:35
@townie_guy Said

Still dosnt explain this. Neither odes the bible or any holy book.

No, that is perfectly true.

However there are those whop believe that they were created during the period covered by Genesis 1:20-24. Probably at the beginning of the sixth "day" which would make it approximately 13,000 years ago.

I know this does not agree with man chronology, but unfortunately there is no reliable method of measuring time that far back because all current methods rely on things like decay rates having remained constant, which they may well not have been, and in fact almost certainly weren't.

Since I believe the bible's chronology to be more accurate than anything man can offer I am happy with that. After all it was based on very carefully kept genealogical records kept because of the importance of chronology to the Jews.

The disappearance of the dinosaurs may have been due to them having served the purpose for which they were originally created. However they are not directly mentioned.
futilevoice On October 07, 2016


, Illinois
#5New Post! Sep 11, 2012 @ 22:42:41
@MadCornishBiker Said

History of The Trinity

The growth of the doctrine of a triune God, is briefly but plainly, set forth in the following historical facts about official doctrine:

A.D. 29 Jesus said, "The Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12:29).

A.D. 57 Paul said, "To us there is but one God" (1 Cor. 8:6).

A.D. 96 Clement said, "Christ was sent by God".

A.D. 120 "Apostles' Creed": "I believe in God the Father".

A.D. 150 Justin Martyr, introduces Greek Philosophy.

A.D. 170 The word "Trias", appears first in Christian literature.

A.D. 200. "Trinitas" is first introduced by Tertullian.

A.D. 280 Origen, opposes prayers to Christ.

A.D. 260 Sabellius: "Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three names for the same God".

A.D. 300 Trinitarian prayers unknown in the Church.

A.D. 325 "Nicene Creed" afflrms Christ to be "Very God of Very God".

A.D. 370 Doxology composed.

A.D. 381. Council of Constantinople invents "Three persons in One God".

A.D. 388 Emperor Theodosius threatens punishment to all who won't worship the Trinity.

A.D. 519 Doxology ordered to be sung in all the Churches.

A.D. 669 Clergy commanded to commit to memory the "Athanasian Creed".

A.D. 826 Bishop Basil, required the clergy to repeat the " Athanasian Creed" every Sunday.

(Deuteronomy 6:4) “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.

Footnote: Or, “Jehovah is our God, Jehovah is one [or, there is one Jehovah].” Lit., “Jehovah our God [is] Jehovah one.” Heb., Yehwah? ?Elo·heh?nu Yehwah? ?e·chadh?

(Isaiah 46:6) There are those who are lavishing out the gold from the purse, and with the scale beam they weigh out the silver. They hire a metalworker, and he makes it into a god. They prostrate themselves, yes, they bow down.

Footnote: Lit., “and he makes it a god.” Heb., weya·?ase?hu ?el

(Mark 12:29) Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. - Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6:4

(Ephesians 4:6) one God and Father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all

(1 Corinthians 8:6) there is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him.

These are bible verses that suggest there is a Trinity: So it is a matter of opinion.

Although the term "Trinity" is not found in the Bible, most Bible scholars agree that its meaning is clearly expressed. These are some of the verses expressing the concept of the Trinity - Matthew 3:16-17, Matthew 28:19, John 14:16-17, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Acts 2:32-33, John 10:30, John 17:11&21.
ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#6New Post! Sep 11, 2012 @ 22:48:28
@MadCornishBiker Said

A.D. 57 Paul said, "To us there is but one God" (1 Cor. 8:6).

Paul, for all he did to upend and replace Judaism and the Torah, never had the temerity, or it probably never occurred to him, to suggest that Jesus was divine or a "part" of God, or that there was a "Trinity". I've been unable to pinpoint where or when that idea arose or who was likely responsible.
chaski On June 04, 2024

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#7New Post! Sep 11, 2012 @ 23:35:40
The idea of trinities predates christianity.

It was a pretty common mythological motif.

It was adopted by christians, as with so much of christianity.

The only unique thing being that christianity got rid of the female aspect of the trinity... pretty strange for a religion that is so much against homosexuality between men.
MadCornishBiker On January 14, 2014


St Columb Road, United Kingdom
#8New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 09:39:17
@chaski Said

The idea of trinities predates christianity.

It was a pretty common mythological motif.

It was adopted by christians, as with so much of christianity.

The only unique thing being that christianity got rid of the female aspect of the trinity... pretty strange for a religion that is so much against homosexuality between men.

Actually none of True Christianity as adopted from anywhere, it descends from Judaism a** the next step to the New System and is based entirely on the principles, if not the actual laws, embedded in the Mosaic Law.

Which is why it is against same sex relationships of all sorts, as well as sex outside marriage.

Yes agree the trinity pre-dates Christianity by millennia, however I had to admit, and maybe I should have specified that in my thread title, that I was referring solely to the "Christian" trinity, which as you say is unique in that one sense.

You are whoever right that Apostate Christianity adopted many things from false religion. Even the early Bishops silver coloured Mitre and robes are a copy of statues of Dagon a god who is sometimes depicted as part fish part man with human arms legs and heads projecting from parts of a complete fishes body with open mouth pointing to the skies. A .jpg of a representation of whcch can be found here.


True followers of Christ's teachings are not supposed to wear any clothing that particularly distinguishes them from other people, it is the "secret person of the heart" that is supposed to be their distinction, whatever their role in the faith.
wirelessguru1 On November 01, 2018

Somewhere in, California
#9New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 17:37:48
@MadCornishBiker Said

However there are those whop believe that they were created during the period covered by Genesis 1:20-24. Probably at the beginning of the sixth "day" which would make it approximately 13,000 years ago.

@MadCornishBiker Said

I know this does not agree with man chronology, but unfortunately there is no reliable method of measuring time that far back because all current methods rely on things like decay rates having remained constant, which they may well not have been, and in fact almost certainly weren't.

Hello, hello, 13,000 years is NOT that far back! Wake up!!!

But you are correct that Carbon decay rates are not constant because cosmic ray flow is not necessarily constant either...

@MadCornishBiker Said

Since I believe the bible's chronology to be more accurate than anything man can offer I am happy with that. After all it was based on very carefully kept genealogical records kept because of the importance of chronology to the Jews.

..and who cares what the Jews thought!?

@MadCornishBiker Said

The disappearance of the dinosaurs may have been due to them having served the purpose for which they were originally created. However they are not directly mentioned.

So when do you think that they disapeared!?
wirelessguru1 On November 01, 2018

Somewhere in, California
#10New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 17:42:45
@MadCornishBiker Said

Actually none of True Christianity as adopted from anywhere, it descends from Judaism a** the next step to the New System and is based entirely on the principles, if not the actual laws, embedded in the Mosaic Law.

So it came from the Jews!

@MadCornishBiker Said

Yes agree the trinity pre-dates Christianity by millennia, however I had to admit, and maybe I should have specified that in my thread title, that I was referring solely to the "Christian" trinity, which as you say is unique in that one sense.

So I suppose that the Christian Trinity is not as hot...
futilevoice On October 07, 2016


, Illinois
#11New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:05:41
@MadCornishBiker Said

History of The Trinity

The growth of the doctrine of a triune God, is briefly but plainly, set forth in the following historical facts about official doctrine:

A.D. 29 Jesus said, "The Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12:29).

A.D. 57 Paul said, "To us there is but one God" (1 Cor. 8:6).

A.D. 96 Clement said, "Christ was sent by God".

A.D. 120 "Apostles' Creed": "I believe in God the Father".

A.D. 150 Justin Martyr, introduces Greek Philosophy.

A.D. 170 The word "Trias", appears first in Christian literature.

A.D. 200. "Trinitas" is first introduced by Tertullian.

A.D. 280 Origen, opposes prayers to Christ.

A.D. 260 Sabellius: "Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three names for the same God".

A.D. 300 Trinitarian prayers unknown in the Church.

A.D. 325 "Nicene Creed" afflrms Christ to be "Very God of Very God".

A.D. 370 Doxology composed.

A.D. 381. Council of Constantinople invents "Three persons in One God".

A.D. 388 Emperor Theodosius threatens punishment to all who won't worship the Trinity.

A.D. 519 Doxology ordered to be sung in all the Churches.

A.D. 669 Clergy commanded to commit to memory the "Athanasian Creed".

A.D. 826 Bishop Basil, required the clergy to repeat the " Athanasian Creed" every Sunday.

(Deuteronomy 6:4) “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.

Footnote: Or, “Jehovah is our God, Jehovah is one [or, there is one Jehovah].” Lit., “Jehovah our God [is] Jehovah one.” Heb., Yehwah? ?Elo·heh?nu Yehwah? ?e·chadh?

(Isaiah 46:6) There are those who are lavishing out the gold from the purse, and with the scale beam they weigh out the silver. They hire a metalworker, and he makes it into a god. They prostrate themselves, yes, they bow down.

Footnote: Lit., “and he makes it a god.” Heb., weya·?ase?hu ?el

(Mark 12:29) Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. - Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6:4

(Ephesians 4:6) one God and Father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all

(1 Corinthians 8:6) there is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him.

It's very telling when you ignore posts that prove you wrong or at the very least challenge your beliefs.

Again, how do you explain bible verses that indicate there may indeed be a Trinity?
MadCornishBiker On January 14, 2014


St Columb Road, United Kingdom
#12New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:13:32
@wirelessguru1 Said

Hello, hello, 13,000 years is NOT that far back! Wake up!!!

But you are correct that Carbon decay rates are not constant because cosmic ray flow is not necessarily constant either...

Did I say it was?

@wirelessguru1 Said

..and who cares what the Jews thought!? [?QUOTE]

Depends on how interested in truth. I care because it helps set teh context for a lot of scripture.

So when do you think that they disapeared!?

When what they had been designed to do was finished.

I look at it this way, two things they were very good at was eating and excreting. Certainly would add to the fertility of the earth. Since so many of them were so heavy also I don't doubt they made good mobile compacters for dead vegetation plus their own additional fertilizer.

OK I'm speculating here, but I can think of no other reason for God to allow the vast majority of the dinosaurs to simply die out.
futilevoice On October 07, 2016


, Illinois
#13New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:18:14
@MadCornishBiker Said

Did I say it was?

When what they had been designed to do was finished.

I look at it this way, two things they were very good at was eating and excreting. Certainly would add to the fertility of the earth. Since so many of them were so heavy also I don't doubt they made good mobile compacters for dead vegetation plus their own additional fertilizer.

OK I'm speculating here, but I can think of no other reason for God to allow the vast majority of the dinosaurs to simply die out.

The dinosaurs were destroyed by a meteor. At least that is the common theory.
wirelessguru1 On November 01, 2018

Somewhere in, California
#14New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:22:31
@MadCornishBiker Said

When what they had been designed to do was finished.

So when was that!?

@MadCornishBiker Said

I look at it this way, two things they were very good at was eating and excreting. Certainly would add to the fertility of the earth. Since so many of them were so heavy also I don't doubt they made good mobile compacters for dead vegetation plus their own additional fertilizer.

So they were designed as mobile compacters! Was that for the Flintstones!!!???

@MadCornishBiker Said

OK I'm speculating here, but I can think of no other reason for God to allow the vast majority of the dinosaurs to simply die out.

Vast majority!? So what dinosaurs are still around!?
chaski On June 04, 2024

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#15New Post! Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:24:44
@wirelessguru1 Said

Vast majority!? So what dinosaurs are still around!?

Birds! Wake up!
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