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And You Thought the Housing Crisis Was Over!

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ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#1New Post! Jul 28, 2012 @ 10:07:13
You're NOT going to believe this:

"And do you remember how all this cost the government close to a trillion dollars and put the whole economy in a hole that we really haven't begun to dig ourselves out of yet?

"Well, get ready because the whole thing is about to happen again.

"Yes, believe it or not, the federal government is now starting another initiative to force banks to lend to low-credit-rated blacks and Hispanics -- not just anybody but specifically blacks and Hispanics -- and is threatening -- and already imposing -- huge punitive fines if they don't. Moreover, this time they're going even further. They're going to take over the credit rating agencies and force them to change their standards to accommodate blacks and Hispanics so that nobody will have any idea who is a bad credit risk and who is not."

The real question is why do this now? It'll be to late to make any real difference in the economy before the election. It's like they know they're gonna lose the election and this is their scorched earth send off. Even if it isn't, it'll have that effect.

ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#2New Post! Jul 29, 2012 @ 06:43:53
Bump, OK, maybe you don't understand how desperate we are.

Sub-Prime Summary

Let me be quick to say first, I’m not trying to absolve the Republicans from blame at all, especially Bush II who all but sat on his hands while the “we gotta do something now” panic was going on. He and his (third!) Sec. of the Tres., Henry Paulson, late the CEO of Goldman Sachs (!!!), instigated the TARP bailout that should never have happened.

Re: HUD Archives , which is Clinton’s “Partner’s in Homeownership” HUD program. “Amid the hoopla surrounding the partnership announcement, little attention was paid to its unique and most troubling aspect: It was unheard of for regulators to team up this closely with those they were charged with policing. (“Reckless Endangerment”, Morgenson & Rosner).

Some point out that there were plenty of prime as well as sub-prime mortgages that went under causing the crisis, but the run-up or bubble in housing prices was driven by the unsustainable surge in demand for housing due to the increase in the number of borrowers—most of the increase being sub-prime borrowers who now were securing loans with little or no down payment, no credit checks and no investigation of their ability to service the loan as had been done since banks started writing such mortgages. Then when the defaults started, the housing bubble burst leaving even larger numbers of prime mortgages underwater as the growing glut of supply drove prices back down to well below pre-crisis prices.

Some of the pressure to make these sub-prime loans was applied to banks under the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 which stipulated that a federally chartered bank wishing to expand must first undergo a review of its Community Reinvestment Act [CRA]compliance. (For the record, the Act was introduced in Feb and signed in Sept of ‘94, by Bill Clinton.)

But it was an ACORN led lawsuit against Citibank for racial discrimination, in which Obama participated (filed ’94 in Chicago, and settled out of court in ’98) which was the source for the real pressure, due to the size of Citibank. It was settled for the same reasons cited for the recent Wells Fargo settlement—cost of litigation, which is typical. That major ruling was used as a club by Clinton and Reno as a warning to all banks. As she stated, referring to a similar suit, “No loan is exempt (from similar prosecution), no bank is immune. For those who thumb their nose at us, I promise vigorous enforcement.”

One thing I keep asking myself following this calamity—where’s the inquiry, where’s the investigation, where’s the prosecution?

Citibank suit
sketchlord123 On July 14, 2013

, Indiana
#3New Post! Jul 29, 2012 @ 06:47:32
@ThePainefulTruth Said

Bump, OK, maybe you don't understand how desperate we are.

Sub-Prime Summary

Let me be quick to say first, I’m not trying to absolve the Republicans from blame at all, especially Bush II who all but sat on his hands while the “we gotta do something now” panic was going on. He and his (third!) Sec. of the Tres., Henry Paulson, late the CEO of Goldman Sachs (!!!), instigated the TARP bailout that should never have happened.

Re: HUD Archives , which is Clinton’s “Partner’s in Homeownership” HUD program. “Amid the hoopla surrounding the partnership announcement, little attention was paid to its unique and most troubling aspect: It was unheard of for regulators to team up this closely with those they were charged with policing. (“Reckless Endangerment”, Morgenson & Rosner).

Some point out that there were plenty of prime as well as sub-prime mortgages that went under causing the crisis, but the run-up or bubble in housing prices was driven by the unsustainable surge in demand for housing due to the increase in the number of borrowers—most of the increase being sub-prime borrowers who now were securing loans with little or no down payment, no credit checks and no investigation of their ability to service the loan as had been done since banks started writing such mortgages. Then when the defaults started, the housing bubble burst leaving even larger numbers of prime mortgages underwater as the growing glut of supply drove prices back down to well below pre-crisis prices.

Some of the pressure to make these sub-prime loans was applied to banks under the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 which stipulated that a federally chartered bank wishing to expand must first undergo a review of its Community Reinvestment Act [CRA]compliance. (For the record, the Act was introduced in Feb and signed in Sept of ‘94, by Bill Clinton.)

But it was an ACORN led lawsuit against Citibank for racial discrimination, in which Obama participated (filed ’94 in Chicago, and settled out of court in ’98) which was the source for the real pressure, due to the size of Citibank. It was settled for the same reasons cited for the recent Wells Fargo settlement—cost of litigation, which is typical. That major ruling was used as a club by Clinton and Reno as a warning to all banks. As she stated, referring to a similar suit, “No loan is exempt (from similar prosecution), no bank is immune. For those who thumb their nose at us, I promise vigorous enforcement.”

One thing I keep asking myself following this calamity—where’s the inquiry, where’s the investigation, where’s the prosecution?

Citibank suit

Well.. ... Very interesting ...
ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#4New Post! Jul 29, 2012 @ 14:36:30
@sketchlord123 Said

Well.. ... Very interesting ...

Yeah, and scarey.
Leon On March 30, 2024

San Diego, California
#5New Post! Jul 29, 2012 @ 16:33:49
PT do you ever read anything from non-biases news sources?
wirelessguru1 On November 01, 2018

Somewhere in, California
#6New Post! Jul 29, 2012 @ 19:45:13
Hello, hello, the Housing Crisis Was NEVER Over!
ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#7New Post! Jul 30, 2012 @ 11:56:31
@Leon Said

PT do you ever read anything from non-biases news sources?

Glad you axed. You're gonna think I set you up for this one, but be that as it may, you stepped in it. In my second post I quoted Reckless Endangerment by Morgenson & Rosner, two NY Times reporters. That book is THE most detailed expose, some would even say textbook, of the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

And, for the record, most of my sources ARE unbiased. You're just so busy with you severely partisan, George Soros talking points, I'm afraid you're unable to recognize unbiased. Mine report--we decide; yours report--and you'd better by god believe it.

@wirelessguru1 Said

Hello, hello, the Housing Crisis Was NEVER Over!

Well, I'll be damned if you don't have a excellent point son.
wirelessguru1 On November 01, 2018

Somewhere in, California
#8New Post! Jul 30, 2012 @ 17:40:33
@ThePainefulTruth Said

Well, I'll be damned if you don't have a excellent point son.

I am NOT your son!
ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#9New Post! Jul 30, 2012 @ 22:27:59
@wirelessguru1 Said

I am NOT your son!

Not literally, no.
wirelessguru1 On November 01, 2018

Somewhere in, California
#10New Post! Jul 30, 2012 @ 22:34:51
@ThePainefulTruth Said

Not literally, no.

Literally and/or figuratively.

+1 (Neo)
Leon On March 30, 2024

San Diego, California
#11New Post! Jul 31, 2012 @ 02:38:58
@ThePainefulTruth Said

Glad you axed. You're gonna think I set you up for this one, but be that as it may, you stepped in it. In my second post I quoted Reckless Endangerment by Morgenson & Rosner, two NY Times reporters. That book is THE most detailed expose, some would even say textbook, of the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

And, for the record, most of my sources ARE unbiased. You're just so busy with you severely partisan, George Soros talking points, I'm afraid you're unable to recognize unbiased. Mine report--we decide; yours report--and you'd better by god believe it.

You and your George Soros conspiracies.

I actually get my news through newspaper articles via Google News headlines. So if George Soros controls every newspaper in the U.S., then I guess I'm guilty.
ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#12New Post! Jul 31, 2012 @ 05:19:05
@Leon Said

You and your George Soros conspiracies.

I actually get my news through newspaper articles via Google News headlines. So if George Soros controls every newspaper in the U.S., then I guess I'm guilty.

You and your Democrat diversion tactics. First it's ignore the housing crisis, then that I do use other than right wing sources. Meanwhile they're setting it all up again only worse--but it's too involved for most people to consider.
nooneinparticular On March 16, 2023

, Hawaii
#13New Post! Jul 31, 2012 @ 20:02:56
@ThePainefulTruth Said

You're NOT going to believe this:

"And do you remember how all this cost the government close to a trillion dollars and put the whole economy in a hole that we really haven't begun to dig ourselves out of yet?

"Well, get ready because the whole thing is about to happen again.

"Yes, believe it or not, the federal government is now starting another initiative to force banks to lend to low-credit-rated blacks and Hispanics -- not just anybody but specifically blacks and Hispanics -- and is threatening -- and already imposing -- huge punitive fines if they don't. Moreover, this time they're going even further. They're going to take over the credit rating agencies and force them to change their standards to accommodate blacks and Hispanics so that nobody will have any idea who is a bad credit risk and who is not."

The real question is why do this now? It'll be to late to make any real difference in the economy before the election. It's like they know they're gonna lose the election and this is their scorched earth send off. Even if it isn't, it'll have that effect.


The real question is wheres the evidence that this is actually going to happen? I've read through the whole thing, and there was no indication of where exactly this was taken from. Exactly what new initiative this is, or supposed to be.

Not to mention the Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending was taken out of context...
ThePainefulTruth On May 06, 2013
Verum est Deus


Peoria, Arizona
#14New Post! Aug 01, 2012 @ 04:57:30
@nooneinparticular Said

The real question is wheres the evidence that this is actually going to happen? I've read through the whole thing, and there was no indication of where exactly this was taken from. Exactly what new initiative this is, or supposed to be.

Not to mention the Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending was taken out of context...

Dodd Frank is still in effect. When the s*** hit the fan everyone ducked for cover and bailed out their cronies, but nothing was done about it change anything. Like I said not the first investigation or whatever because both parties and some of the banks don't want to go there.

And anyone claiming not making loans to minorities with nothing down, no credit check or work history is discrimination (which they have), it's is complete BS--and that sub prime market is what triggered this bubble's collapse.

The facts are complicated which makes it very easy to pander & demagogue. Read the links in the second post.
El_Tino On October 12, 2023

Albuquerque, New Mexico
#15New Post! Aug 02, 2012 @ 07:32:17
Hey TP,

If you're so smart, blaming this mess on laws created more than a decade before the mortgage implostion, explain to me why everything was just fine until 2007? Explain to my why subprime lending didn't really take off until well into GWBs first term?

You mean to tell me that a law passed in 1994 didn't make lenders do crappy loans until 2004? Bulls***! The share of subprime loans doesn't suddenly almost triple in a single year, after declining for many years beforehand, because of a law passed 10 years prior. I don't care what quotes you find from the New York Times or anywhere else, something changed in 2004 apart from anything that happened in 1994 or any other time before.
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