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New Post! February 11, 2024 @ 09:13:02 pm
@backdoor Said

Dear Police: Someone trying to frame me nuts I think relating to selling of my ID cards and they dont want the real ID holder suffice. I come from a reown family related to the British Royals. And Prime Minister Justin Trudeau family has been chip reading me since I was young. I have a terminal cancer formula I gave out at facebook to a Japanese Machi Kozaki around 4 years ago. Trudeau people was chip reading me and got the formula. I heard they made a lab at Toronto General Hospital or Mount Sinai Hospital using my formula to make tons of money. As the inventor I should entitle half for the first 2 years.

I am still waiting him to pay me. There are someone system matically want to label me nuts so that no one will believe I am the inventor. In 2016 when I was awarded the phD they made me involuntary patient at Vancouver General Hospital, now this year, they made me involuntary patient at St. Paul Hospital. Since 2005 my phone line got problems and I stopped using phones. I have been waiting for lawyers at a fix spot every day and those stinky homeless people been giving me harassment so that I dare not wait at that spot any longer. Emails are erased before I log in. By those chip read me and knowing my passwords. My parents are linked to Li kar shing ( Developer in Richmond and Vancovuer ) in business and I know more about something which alot others dont. But I am not nuts. This framing make me difficult to find lawyers to go after what the Li and others owe me. I need a radio frequency blocker to keep my passwords safe. I converse using the rfid implants chip. This is technology and not hallucinating. Please check who certify me into involuntary patient in 2016 and this year to see if they are bribed or related to Li Kar Shing clan or people selling my ID cards. For human traffic rule they cannot have the real ID holder better than those who use their ID cards. My SIN card is used by too many people here. Please stop them. And find out if there is a lab run by Trudeau's people in Mount Sinai Hospital or Toronto General Hospital in Toronto Ontario. We were told to trust chip conversation as much as face to face conversation. YOu are chip reading target subjects too so please dont tell me these chips under the skin do not exist. This framing makes it difficult for me to find a lawyer to go after what I should have.

For your information please

Priscilla Lun PhD Alpha Omega v.
SIN 497237701

Sorry first I have to change the subject line then I have to add in my SIN number. so I sent to you three times.

to rcmp and vpd email.

I made 12 Billion and 74 millions for the British Royals using my ideas in investment and my phD proposal hospital management ideas.

And for Justin Trudeau 30 billions in investment in July-August 2023 Shorting Oil and buying electric car stocks.
And for Terminal Cancer treatment formula they got by chip reading me typing the formula to Machi Kozaki at facebook in 2021 as EK Lun screen name messenger.
He made a lab at Mount Sinai or Toronto General Hospital and made over 20 billion in the first year. As the inventor I entitle to half.

I was made an involuntary patient at the Saint Paul Hospital earlier this year and the medication the use on me categorize me the type of illness they label me.
This make it difficult for me to go after what I should have.
And even want to get me some poor souls here to tie me down here.
To chip read me to steal my ideas and give me dirt poor Government assist pay.
Not even a job.
This country people is wicked to the bone. That is why I would like to go elsewhere.

The police dont have to take my reportings because they frame me nuts.
I want my compensation.
I am still waiting them to arrest the Korean Woman ( Clare )

I have 680ml of urine yesterday. I usually got more than 1 litre.
It is tea color.

I wonder when MI6 come to give me the invitation letter from King Charles..
Even if I am nuts it doesnt mean I cant have good ideas to make money it is just if you believe in it or not.

Tak phD Alpha Omega 5.


New Post! February 14, 2024 @ 08:53:13 pm
Urine is 600ml from yesterday to noon today not too dark in color. I guess if I go to the emergency unit, they still will not admit me and give me haemodialysis. Since Jan28 I only got whole day urine output from 300ml to 680ml. I still have to go to emergency unit of hospital to take blood test if the urea is too high.
Happy Valentines day to the love birds that celebrate it..
They said Alpha Omega Omega ( me) is reincarnate with a toddler's soul. But now I am 59 years old adult, no one can take charge my money and life. I have the right to choose who I like to be with.

And my ex have no right to continue harass me using a chip reader's voice. He passed on and stay on earth using a piece of hair and metronome. And still try ask his kin to call lawyer to file me half. Marriage was annulled long time ago. Using a chip reader voice to claim position is outrageous shameless. Please call Alpha Omega people for me and send him to the purgatory to reincarnate. He was charged with 8 counts of murder when alive all the targets are his wives and commonlaw gal pal. He put poison in my drink in Jan97. I bounced back to life after 26seconds. Thanks to Pope Francis. This is in his court verdict. He escaped from Stanley prison and went to Taiwan then to Canada after wards and continue chip monitoring me. Please check who let him in as tourist since he is warranted. He was gunned down by Li people while in Canada.
His first died in Shanghai in 97 and marriage was annuled since then. Li people resurrected him before but not any more. They finished selling my ID cards. I am the so called Li-Kar-yee.

My profile worths tons of money to those who want to use my position to marry up.

Tak Alpha Omega 5, phD


New Post! February 15, 2024 @ 09:05:58 pm
Yesterday's total urine output is 600. I have to keep walking up and down the corridor and sleep on the side to achieve this amount. I cant be lying prone for the blood to the kidney will be very limited.

I cannot sleep last night for something happened to Takessan and I have to keep hear what happened and Clare ( Now resurrected using a Korea woman's body at 11300 Williams Road Richmond BC Canada) was making me painful on the shoulders and arms using the Acupuncture remote acting device. Hope RCMP Richmond is arresting and pressing charge. Thank you Saudi Arabian man who also chip read and use his line to slash alot of such Acupuncture remote acting device. But Clare and Chan still got these with them and use these to create renal failure symptoms to black mail for money. Wish the police have some guts to wear blockers to go there to arrest Clare. For the device target on your rfid chip. And we all have a rfid chip / identity chip since birth. And acknowledge there is a case reported to them. These acupuncture device can stop the heart and are lethal and should have law governing the usage.
Since Jan 28 my urine output ranges between 300-600. It used to be over a litre.

Tak phD Alpha Omega 5.


New Post! February 16, 2024 @ 09:38:11 pm
Dear Police:

I was at the bank just then and I hear a woman talking with chip reader that she knows how to sign my signature and
they plan to snatch my purse and steal from my bank account.

My signature at the bank entails a finger print that has my DNA.

This woman is linked with Clare Wai Pui Yu - who resurrected using a Korea woman's torso living at 11300 Williams Road
Richmond Bc Canada. Clare is my ex husband's gal pal. All of them come from Hong Kong. My ex lost his residence in Canada after dying in Shanghai and cut ties with Canada staying in Hong Kong for over 10 years since 2000. My ex SIN number is 494466873. I dont have his Hong Kong ID card number. Please check with Hong Kong Canadian Counsulate office.

I am soft detent by those who are chip reading me they know my email passwords and erase before I log in. They use my particulars to borrow in Canada and steal my mail. They trespass and stole my old passports. The 1995-98one and another ones are expired Hong Kong British Passport all A042066 A922696. So they can steal register mail sent to me. Accompliced with people living in my building. They all use chip readers to communicate and acquaint each other. All of them are from China and Hong Kong most of them using my ID card to live here.

MY ex died and stay on earth using a piece of hair and a metronome imitating heart beat. HE want to get resurrected and use felony with his kin's help to file divorce to split my bank account money. His kin helping him to chip read me using a chip reader
and communicate with lawyer. Please stop them for the marriage has been annulled. He still harrass me using his voice.
We separated since 1997. I filed divorce in Jan 2021 in Vancouver not knowing the marriage has been annulled. I dont have money for a lawyer.

Please help me get the annullment cert for this is important to me. As they screen what mail I should get.
I live at 237 East Hasting Street Room 308. Vancouver BC Canada. My ex and Clare Wai sell my ID card and get money to set up a clan to do so with Li Kar Shing clan help. The money was returned to Li after Lau died. But Clare and these who use my ID are still selling my ID card and ID chip global position to those who are new to this country ( Canada ) wanting to use our
SIN card to work and stay for the 8 years until they can file residence on humanity grounds. For the Hong Kong ID card I have not renewed to a smart card since 1996. I am still holding onto the old version of Hong Kong ID card. Please also check who is using my ID card in Hong Kong to work and study. Alot of these are chip reading me doing my signature to borrow.

Clare Wai Pui Yu the Korean at 11300 Williams Road is distributing her Acupuncture remote acting device amongst those whom she sell my ID to and they are using the device to make me pain and low urine output to exhibit renal failure symptoms. I went to St. Paul Hospital Feb1/2024 Accident and Emergency unit to consult. They asked me to go again later.
I have to keep on moving to lessen the effect of the acupuncture device. Acupuncture is to reroute the path of blood to enhance self healing power. They reroute the blood not going to the kidney so I have so little urine 200-700ml each day since January 28th/ 2024.

The above people and Li Kar Shing people grouped together to frame me nuts as they got people in their clan working in the medical field here in Vancouver. I know too much and about the acupuncture remote acting device which alot of Li people are using that to make money on healing or black mail. Clare use me to black mail the Saudi people for money for my mother is Gemma Fung Siu Ling ( the first clairvoyance documented by the Japanese ) the Saudi call the big prophet and worship like a Goddess. Clare also try to black mail the British Royals for I am one of their princess. My grand father John Lun Wai Ling is Princess Alysse ( King George VI's sister ) son. Prince Alysse married a Chinese in Great Britian and later the whole family moved to Hong Kong ( then was British colony).

Clare bought alot of this remoting acting acupunture doll to distribute to her clan members to do blackmail and murder in large scale. I am on their list of murder. The Saudi man is paying her 10thousand dollars a day if I have 600ml of urine to keep me alive. The doll can stop the heart and make painful whereever the pins are pinned into the holes of the human shaped doll. Please trace where the radio frequency lines on my body come from to trace the whereabout of these dolls.
These acupuncture reroute blood flow away from the kidney and other organs making renal failure and muscle and organs' atrohphy. Please confiscate them and pull out the pins and arrest and press charge on Clare Wai Pui Yu ( The Korean woman that rent 11300 Williams Road and Radisson Hotel Richmond BC Canada. (?Room304 or 308).
And these tourists that live pass their welcome using our ID card to live and borrow with that group with whoever in my building to play soft detent to steal our mail and chip monitoring to harass me including my ex husband's people.

Thank you for your prompt action.

Priscilla Lun Yee Tak SIN 497237701 Hong Kong ID card D321396 (0)


New Post! February 18, 2024 @ 09:07:49 pm
Urine is only 400ml yesterday, if persist, I have to go to the hospital Emergency unit to have a blood test. I dont use phone going to the emergency unit can get the feedback fast and efficient.
Today is my birthday. I wish those who use my cancer treatment formula to make money to reimburse the inventor fees.

Hope Yahweh people, Takesan, and British Royal collect the money and give that to me when they come to see me.

I wish Adamson people or some Ratatouille will bring the letter to me so that I can go to Buckingham palace. These must have a radio frequency blocker.
I wish those who use me to black mail, Clare Wai Pui Yu and Chan Lai Nar family people will disappear and no one will manipulate my health to blackmail anyone money.

I wish my ex David Lau and his mother go to the purgatory as they are dead and anyone using their torsos give up in using and incinerated the torsos. They are not staying on earth on a piece of hair and using the chip reader to converse and ruin my chances any longer. We separated since 97. Last seen in 2000.
They slander me thinking if they are the only one around, they can ask the church to resurrect them for free. For I am Alpha Omega. Even my mother ( first clairvoyance Fung 5) needs to pay for resurrection

I had runny tummy last night, couldn't sleep again.
Bought a new bottle of Seirogan. This Japanese anti diarrhea medication is fast acting.

Tak phD Alpha Omega 5.


New Post! February 28, 2024 @ 09:25:18 pm
I did not sleep last night, keep on rolling on 2 sides of the bed to get more blood flow to the kidney. I managed to get 650ml of urine by morning. I need Alpha Omega people explode the acupuncture doll for me to create a no rays to my body time out period around 7pm at night for a full hour so that I can accumulate enough urine before I can sleep, and lie prone position.. The night before was good the Alpha Omega people exploded all the acupuncture dolls in Clare and her land lord and one called Alpha Omega 7 's premise (that's Clare cousin, There are no Alpha Omega 7) So that I can accumulate enough urine before the night gets late and I can lie flat to sleep. It is so tiring that I have to sleep on my sides and the acupuncture doll needle pin where my shoulder is to create pain. Hope Pope Francis and the alpha Omega people can trace where the lines on my body came from which acupuncture doll and destroy the dolls so that there are no more radio frequency rays from the acupuncture doll to my body.
Lately I barely hear from my royal cousins, I hope they are really bringing me the letter. I have to make sounds to hear them.

Tak- phD Alpha Omega 5.


New Post! March 01, 2024 @ 08:56:05 pm
Urine output yesterday is 650ml. Please do the explosion of acupuncture doll earlier not after midnight. For it takes more than 2 hours to clear up all the lines to my body for they have hundreds of acupuncture dolls in one order. Please restrict the number of dolls ordered every day to the known premises. And I was told some Mau Shan people was burning my soul in discreet bought out by Clare. Please notify Vatican for me if you notice a line to my head or ears to burn my soul. I am having a flu I thought I am running a fever.
Clare is in a crazy state trying to eradicate me. Please have her arrested and have Vatican continue to burn her with a more effective vessel.

Tak phD ALpha OMega 5


New Post! March 02, 2024 @ 09:20:30 pm
Urine output is abit low yesterday around 450ml for the whole day. I am worried. Are there Alpha Omega people around to help destroy the acupuncture dolls? Clare order in the thousands and have more than 10 point at my kidney anytime and basically the blood flow to the kidney is so low that the urine output is low. Please ask Vatican to disable the nerve nodes so that acupuncture cannot reroute blood flow away from the kidney. When I go to the hospital, the doctors do not know about what acupuncture can do. Particularly '' remote acting device'' using radio frequency. Please have RCMP arrest Clare I am not the only one she target to create Renal failure symptoms. Please do continue to destroy these acupuncture dolls when they have lines directed towards my body.
The man voicing out is not Alpha Omega people he pretended to be one helping me in fact he is helping Clare, Alpha Omega thinking I have already got someone helping and will not come to stick around to help me. Please ask Vatican to safeguard my soul. I felt some feverish feeling at the ear and nose bridge area but I dont know if someone is burning my soul. Clare got Mau Shan people who can burn souls.

Tak phD Alpha Omega 5


New Post! March 26, 2024 @ 07:53:48 pm
Was talking about Yahweh making a database about reincarnation.
Get soul number in one column and type of DNA (species and planet) in there.
And punch the enter button.
This is for the whole clan or individual that use witchcraft to do crime and bypass purgatory sentenced punishment. Much faster than each one capture to put the card into the flesh. And NO hearbeat line can keep them on earth since the souls are programmed with out of earth species' DNA.

We also have to check if there are Horcrux for the soul number just like Harry Porter One can break his soul into different pieces and put in different bodies and mixed with different soul bits to form dementa (one soul that can use different DNA)
All the dementa with a particular soul number ordered to be burned should be in the database with all the soul numbers in the dementa programmed with out of earth DNA the soul bits with soul number to be burned should be tainted and we just burn that one. The rest of the different soul's bits are programmed back to earthly species DNA after the warranted soul's have been completely burnt.

Change them all with unearthly DNA first, contain them in container, burn the souls and soul bits with soul numbers that are ordered to burn, and reprogram the rest to earthly DNA.

Clare and Chan Lai Nar are ordered to burn by Yahweh. They are 400 and 6000 dementas respectively. They also have horcruxes
THey can imitate Yahweh's voices but He never live in Richmond or Li's basement.
Please find out the origin of the voice you hear. For Yahweh people attention.

These two Chan and Clare particular Clare got people to use acupuncture doll remote acting to ruin my health and make me painful. The doll steer away blood flow from important organ making it ischemic and painful and can create lack of urine. They have been mutilating me since Jan28 and even ask Mau shan people to burn my soul while I was sleeping. And use these to black mail Yahwah that is why they are ordered to burn they are also dementas not reincarnating to by pass the sentence of the purgatory. The acupuncture doll is forbidden by God on earth and we are destroying all of them when found.

Tak- phD AoV


New Post! March 26, 2024 @ 08:45:14 pm
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1:38 PM
From: "toi shan" <toishanvancouver308 @mail. com>
To: @vpd. ca,">vpd @vpd. ca, ihitinfo @rcmp-, @mail. com">toishanvancouver308 @mail. com

Subject: I am being soft detent, I need the marriage annulment letter/certificate can you bring it to me?
Dear Sir:

I am being soft detent, my emails are erased before I log in, I rarely receive anything in the mail. I dont use a phone any longer.
The Li kar shing owes me and my family money and we are chip read to be soft detent. They hold vast shares at Telus. That is why I dont use phone. The calls are forward elsewhere and we tested it with our phones flipped open and have someone calling ourselves our phones did not ring. Please check with postal office if anyone program any letter sent to me being return back to the sender. I am not the first one accessing mail, we dont have individual mail box but one for the whole building. For receent decade I have been renting at premise like this and other house share that I dont see when the mail arrived. I dont even receive tax package from Revenue Canada for afew years. The paper package used to come in the mail. There are lots of people chip reading me and alot are using my ID cards to borrow and these erase my email preventing me from getting hired. I did not borrow, last time I borrow was in 2005 with collateral. NO credit cards since 2006 only cash usage.

My ex died in Shanghai in 97 and marriage and residence were cancelled / annulled I need the marriage annulment certificate just in case the Li Kar shing people use his torso to resurrect someone ( another soul ) who intended to come back to split my half or continue his ways on me, ruining all my chances to play control. He is a wife abuser and average daily bring home money is less than 3 dollars for 10 years I was with him. His SIN number is 494466873 and we wedded at Applewood Registry Etobicoke Ontario May 5th, 1998. Got 8 women and convicted to murder all 8 in Hong Kong court. ( He was resurrected after 97 and died more than once. ) I am an inheritor. My papa is Jerome Lun Chun Yin Hong Kong ID card is BO3313 British Royal. got Arsenal subcontracting authority by being Warjack clan leader and buying from Li Kar Shing arsenal factory in Deep Water Bay mansion in Hong Kong. My mother is the executor of the estate and accompliced with the lawyer to hold onto the estate and not letting me inherit. Li Kar Shing resurrected my papa using his torso with a different soul ( not daddy) accompliced with my mother holding onto Lun family's asset claiming my daddy is back to life ( died since 1988) and not letting me inherit. Soft detent to make me jobless to make me poor and selling my ID cards. Recently being prosecuted by Hong Kong police. Those who use my ID cards and profile to marry up, anything they receive like estate or divorce split or money stolen from their husband familiy, my mother and the resurrected father got a share. Please check with Japanese religion Shinto and Vatican pertaining to resurrecting a body with a different soul. The Li photocopy humans to produce close DNA pattern to claim identity to steal everything belonging to the real ID holder. I am one of the victim. They know my entitlements and use a photocopy ( adult cloning) to claim. Just like they photocopy Daddy to steal his assets. I have more than one daddy that hold onto his money preventing me from inheriting. I cannot receive any notice nor calls so I cannot show up in court and they use the plastic surgeried look alike ones or adult clone ones to show up at court to steal my entitlements. Please check how many tried to use my name to file commonlaw split trying to split my money in my bank account. Please arrest those who use my name to borrow to stay in Canada for 8 years then apply for humanity grounds to receive residence. These are also chip reading me the Li gave them my chip frequency to chip read to erase my incoming emails to play soft detent to keep me jobless and down and under preventing me from getting in touch from lawyers that intended to help me to inherit.
Please tell lawyers that I am still alive. My heart stopped for 26 seconds in 1998Jan at South Pacific hotel elevator in Hong Kong after drinking pina colada being poisoned by my ex David Lau, this is one of his convictions in Hong Kong. Sorry I dont have his Hong Kong ID number please check with Canadian Consulate Hong Kong.
I need that marriage annulment cert to make sure he cannot use precedent to claim my money in the future to have peace of mind. I need a radio frequency blocker to keep my passwords safe.

For your information please. Checking DNA welcome I am the real ID holder.
Currently residing at 237 East Hasting Street Room 308. The Li also got people trying to frame me nuts to control my future finance when I got my inventor money and inheritance. Justin Trudeau family is my mothers friend and been chip reading me and they steal use of my formula in treating Terminal Cancer and got lab in Mount Sinai and Toronto General Hospital.
THey have not paid me yet. They Li also chip read me to steal my formula to get lab to make money on treating Terminal Cancer and get people to frame me nuts so that they dont have to pay me a cent and claim the formula is theirs. I gave this formula at face book using EKLun.180 messenger account given to facebook acquaintance Machi Kozaki in 2020. And Trudeau and Li have people chip reading me and got my formula. Please make sure no one erase my account to destroy evidence. Trudeau made 60billion last year on investment also got advice by me to short petroleum future and buy stocks of electronic cars. I heard Trudeau and his family were gunned down at their residence at Strathaern Drive, Forest Hill Village Toronto years ago. Wonder if Li resurrected the family with different souls and stole their power and bank account.
The soul can use the body if there is DNA programmed to that soul are inside the body. Please verify what I claim with the Catholic church. (Vatican or even other religion like Buddhist, Taoist, Shinto and Mau Shan- Asian religions )

When there is big money the Li use high tech ways to steal identity other than plastic surgery to look alike.
But photocopy of humans ( adult cloning ) shows slight difference in DNA not exact. There is a strand of DNA that showed the body is a cloned one.

My grandpa John Lun Wai Ling got a foundation also have assets in Vancouver BC Canada. My papa has to share with me the yearly sum he received he framed me murder him in India to throw me off the foundation interest, I wonder if this papa is also an adult cloned one by the Li Kar Shing bio lab. RCMP cleared my status. Papa is resurrected again after that. And there are always more than one papa. ( Lun Chun Yin Jerome - Hong Kong ID BO3313 ) Please check with Hong Kong police and police in India ( East India ). These papa never come to visit me but preventing me from inheriting. Papa died in 1988 Feb 22nd in Hong Kong.

For your information please.

From Priscilla Lun Yee Tak. phD I have been a target person by RCMP.


Yahweh people I would like Yahweh to collect my inheritance for me and take 13 percent and deliver the rest to me. My daddy's estate also include the money he made with my Elise Line. The Line belong to Yahweh and so Yahweh can get more than 13percent while the rest I will inherit.

Li Kar shing people and his sons and the Chan Lai Nar people are targeting on stealing all my entitlements from me.
Please put these in the unearthly database so that everyone on earth is safer.

They use witchcraft to do crime ( steal money after gunning down the person and insert their people's DNA into the body to use the torso to forge signature to steal everything ) or insert a elongated DNA strip containing the target and sons of Li Kar Shing or Chan Lai Nar family people's DNA into the adult cloning device, and put a 'do not enter' Mau Shan religion sign onto the cloned body so that the appearance is the person paying for the cloning but only Chan and LI souls that are with the elongated DNA strip can enter the body. ( Please see how much money and good families are compromised by this type of high tech witchcraft manipulation. because these pay us ( Vatican) to do the cloning, we have a duty to bring these back. ) Please check who are the people cleaners that can get close to the cloners if these are possessed, and if people climb the ventilation chutes to get into the cloning room or even the space vessel. Please lock the door of the space vessels and cloning room at all times.

My parents have accounts with Li and Li pay everyone 15million per space vessel stolen. And any monies they play a part to steal or any monies those using my profile to marry up getting from the husband's family, divorce money or estate.
Please also stop Li from selling my ID card and profile. These women even borrow with my ID and chip read me to play soft detent erasing my incoming emails so I dont get jobs and chances.

Dont let Li Kar shing people the Chans etc to inpersonate Yahweh to make Yahweh people work for them or stealing my inheritance.

I also get inventor fees needed to collect from Saudi Arabia Iran leader '' Ko Mei Lay'', the Li and others like Justin Trudeau for they use my Cancer treatment formula to make money it is 50 percent first 2 years.
Chan King Wai Alex said he will split ongoing 30 percent to me for what he made with the lab they have in Buckingham palace.

Please help me get housed and raised by British Royals at Buckingham palace.
For Princess Alysse my great grand mother and Princess Alexander are sponsoring me to live there and please do not let those Li people working as replicas of royals in the palace use the room to house Identity thieves using my profile ( Those who steal my ID cards sent there by the Li Kar Shing appear being served in the palace so they can say they are the princess ). Please do not let these use or steal from my royal trust account. Please help me get back the life and money that I should have thank you. I am a born princess stuck at poor side of town in Vancouver BC Canada on Government assistance. I should be in England fed by the royal trust every year that give a million to princess and prince of England and housed at Buckingham palace.

The Li people are selling my profile and make their clan people in the palace service those who use my ID to go there, who can pay them the boarding money while preventing me from getting the letter from King Charles so that I can go pass customs in England without deterrence and be housed in the palace.

I need the butler to come to escort me to Buckingham palace for the has the letter of invitation from King Charles. I set up a routine noon and 430pm to be found outside my motel door and its been 3 months, they are chip reading me and no one come with the letter. The palace have swallowed 600k escort money from my great grand mother for taking me to the palace. The escort basically stopped the car at the wrong address and claimed I refused to come downstairs to see them or go to the palace with them and the palace take 7000 per 3 days they house those who steal my ID cards refer to them by Li. And Clare have been using a voice impersonating machine to make trouble or threats so that the palace people or MI6 people not come to approach me but giving the letter to those who buy my ID to go to England and be served by the palace.

And I am still stuck in Vancouver East the poorer side of town in BC Canada.
Wonder when the Butler will come. The previous escort that stopped the car at west Hastings ( wrong address ) claiming I do not come down stairs is said to be Kate Middleton's cousin.
Which Kate? The real one is said to have returned to Russia. The other Kates all look different from one another at facebook.

Tak- phD Alpha Omega 5.


New Post! March 28, 2024 @ 08:27:47 pm
@backdoor Said

Was talking about Yahweh making a database about reincarnation.
Get soul number in one column and type of DNA (species and planet) in there.
And punch the enter button.
This is for the whole clan or individual that use witchcraft to do crime and bypass purgatory sentenced punishment. Much faster than each one capture to put the card into the flesh. And NO hearbeat line can keep them on earth since the souls are programmed with out of earth species' DNA.

We also have to check if there are Horcrux for the soul number just like Harry Porter One can break his soul into different pieces and put in different bodies and mixed with different soul bits to form dementa (one soul that can use different DNA)
All the dementa with a particular soul number ordered to be burned should be in the database with all the soul numbers in the dementa programmed with out of earth DNA the soul bits with soul number to be burned should be tainted and we just burn that one. The rest of the different soul's bits are programmed back to earthly species DNA after the warranted soul's have been completely burnt.

Change them all with unearthly DNA first, contain them in container, burn the souls and soul bits with soul numbers that are ordered to burn, and reprogram the rest to earthly DNA.

Clare and Chan Lai Nar are ordered to burn by Yahweh. They are 400 and 6000 dementas respectively. They also have horcruxes
THey can imitate Yahweh's voices but He never live in Richmond or Li's basement.
Please find out the origin of the voice you hear. For Yahweh people attention.

These two Chan and Clare particular Clare got people to use acupuncture doll remote acting to ruin my health and make me painful. The doll steer away blood flow from important organ making it ischemic and painful and can create lack of urine. They have been mutilating me since Jan28 and even ask Mau shan people to burn my soul while I was sleeping. And use these to black mail Yahwah that is why they are ordered to burn they are also dementas not reincarnating to by pass the sentence of the purgatory. The acupuncture doll is forbidden by God on earth and we are destroying all of them when found.

Tak- phD AoV

The reincarnation database that work by pressing the button instead of taking the souls one to one to the blood whirl portal.... are for those who use other religion methods to do crime and escape sentence of the purgatory.

Clare Wai pui Yu got 8 bodies living on earth and 8 dementas. ( her soul crushed powder and mixed with other soul bits so that the combined soul can use 400 and more DNA bodies. ) Please check how many dementas containing her soul number are on earth and make one database per dementa with all the souls in it.
Taint the soul bit with her soul number on and press the button to program her wit DNA of space species '' microorganisms '' wriggling so all 400 souls turn into such organisms. The tainted one in the nucleus will be burnt. The rest will be back into Earth's species DNA after all the tainted nucleus have been burnt. We can do this in one small container per dementas that she has. SHe is sentenced to burn because she ask Mau Shan to burn others,and turn into Dementas and not reincarnating. She is sentenced by the purgatory to be animal and hence she use Mau Shan ways to stay on earth with another human body. And use Alpha Omega 5' life to blackmail Yahweh to give her longevity and affluence.

Do the same with Chan Lai Nar.Who also is Dementa of 6000 souls and use Alpha Omega 5's life to threaten Yahweh for longevity and affluence.
This one use Mau Shan method to burn souls and mass murder by walling people in with the whole 6000 members of her family. Turn into dementas and can use any of the 6000 relatives body to live on earth. Please check how many dementas with her soul number there are on earth and do each one a database and press the button to get them off the human coat and can be burn easy in a can.

The Li Kar Shing family also use witchcraft to do crime to steal bank accounts by inserting their people's DNA under target's skin after knocking them out or gunning them down. And mixing their people 's DNA strand in the cloners and using Mau Shan do not enter symbol on cloned bodies to make sure the cloned subject are their people to steal the cloned subject and their family's power and money.
And use Mau Shan ways to stay on earth continue doing crime after death, using another body to come back alive or using a piece of hair and heart beat sounds to stay on earth and not reincarnating.

THey have a voice imitator to impersonate using Yahweh's and varioius pope's voice. Please check origin of voice before talking to anyone from the Church.

For your information please.
Tak. phD
Alpha Omega 5 of the Catholic Church.


New Post! March 28, 2024 @ 08:51:19 pm
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 2:40 PM
From: "toi shan" <toishanvancouver308 @mail. com>
To: "Pual" <pual3175 @gmail. com>
Subject: Wonder is you can help me. I got lots of unfairness in my life. I need an assertive fiesty lawyer.

Dear Attorney:

All my life I have been hidden / soft detent by Li and my folks to sell my identity cards. I cannot receive mail nor phone ring.
My parents did not tell me about my family roots and we have a foundation by grand pa Lun Wai Ling
and I am eligible to get money when 19 years old. My parents swallowed my portion.
And my uncle run away (back to Hong Kong ) with costal health compensation for me ( they use the company as plaintiff to sue costal health on my behalf and have the cheque written to the company name) it is 2016 for 16million.
There is a contract in Hong Kong paying me 10million USD ( 1billion in HKD ) matured and Li gave construction sales to one of my cousin Lam Construction becauseof my family relation with the Li, we entitle the right to comission.
Li ( LI Kar Shing - one of the developer in Vancouver in the 80s) had a son convicted of human traffic with my identity ( mass scale last year in Hong Kong ) testify in court saying my parents are also consented and got proceeds in the selling of my profile and ID cards for past 55years. I want compensation.
I have alot of unfairness experienced in my life and want an assertive lawyer to claim compensation for me.
I have a terminal cancer treatment formula that I gave to facebook friend Machi Kozaki in the messenger as EKLun.180 in 2020
Justin Trudeau Prime Minister family people are chip reading me ( ever since I was 10 years old because my mother is the first clairvoyance Gema Fung) got the formula and set up lab in mount Sinai and Toronto General Hospital to cure cancer. I entitle to half of what he made in the first 2 year. I also have another facebook account as @facebook. com">lun.yeetak @facebook. com the first pinned post about the terminal cancer treatment formula.
The contract with Li is in Hong Kong legal contract database. I cannot get in for I am not a lawyer or firm to print it out.
It is made in 1960s and matured in 50 years so at least I should be paid 10million.US. Please see file attached.

I need a no win no fee lawyer I am on Government assist and cannot pay upfront. Li make me poor by soft detent they got people also chip read me to know my passwords and erase incoming email before I log in.
I dont know how you can find me, but I tell you I try to make a routine almost every day I eat lunch at Carneige Community Center 401 Main Street first floor cafeteria at around 12noon to 12:30pm. I am with a black maple leaf cap and a large white with checkers bag. I usually go to use library ( at ground floor) computer from 1-2pm. See photo attached. ( I am the woman in the photo)

I also need to look for a trust that pay princess and prince of England every year. My grandpa Lun Wai Ling is the son of Princess Alysse sister of King George VI of England. Human Traffic rule they cannot sell affluent people's ID cards so my folks and Li group together to hide every means of income from me. I am one of those like TV soap Downtown Abbey's basket case.
I did not know my royal roots until recently. Checking DNA welcome.
John Lun Wai Ling my grandpa foundation also got property in Vancouver.

I also need to look for a marriage annulment letter/notice from the Marriage registry can you help me get it so that my ex cannot claim my half in the future? He died but heard he was resurrected. So the marriage and his residence were annulled.
Hope you charge me affordable on this and tell me your office/affiliate address in Vancouver so that I can go and pick up.
His name is Lau Lup-cheung David and SIN 494466873 and we married in May5/1988 in Etobicoke Ontario Applewood Registry.

from Priscilla Lun Yee Tak. SIN 497237701 Citizen of Canada.

File attachment:

Tak is searching for a probono /contingency lawyer (no recovery no fees lawyer) to go after her consulting fees... if anyone can refer her one, and find her where she is at.

First: G. Li, brother of Richard got a surrogate Chan Lai Nar who plastic surgery into Tak's face and stole the PCCW cheque in Hong Kong office payable to Lun Yee Tak Priscilla, ( Tak ) and cashed it with George in India 2013. Li used Tak 20 years for consulting ideas, messing up her phone line preventing her from working for others. Li never pay Lun a cent in compensation nor consulting fees. George Li people still chip read to soft detent. Tak is in Vancouver when they did a show to pay her in HK and split the cheque.. And the Chans using the chip reader keep on defaming Tak calling her as whores and cleaners to switch identity with those they sell Tak's ID number to...This Chan Lai Nar and Chan Lai Lay (- sister also plastic surgery into Lun yeetak/ Tak's face) got police records in Hong Kong stealing identity of Tak/ Lun Yeetak Priscilla's HKID D321396(0) and SIN 497237701 since mid 90s . Please check with Central cheque clearing database in Hong Kong to affirm. Also auditors of PCCW should have copies of large amount of cheques - 17million USD. Tak is in Canada 2013 suggesting privatization in 2004, chip read by Johnson Li Vice Chairman all along.

G. Li did plastic surgeries to help people steal identity and residence. There are around a hundred looking alike Priscilla Lun Yee Tak / Tak in Richmond BC and other parts of the world. G. Li does plastic surgery for illegal stayed to steal residence by looking alike another resident, and assist these to chip read the REAL ID holders to steal from and hide / soft detent them. Tak is 153cm and abit round in build 105lbs, and arms and legs are NOT slender.

Second: the agreement between Li Kar Shing and Jerome Lun - Tak's father, matured (this year 2018) summer and Li has not paid Lun a cent on the amount promised. Lun referred Li to Warjack and Li got Warjack Arsenal business for past 50 years amounting to 300+ billions USD ( 60F14 @6billion USD each in 70s). There is a 10million USD promised to pay Lun upon maturation of the agreement ( by default 50 years since 1968-71)

AND I was told later that all the Arsenal sales to Saudi were arranged by father Jerome Lun and mother is friend of previous Iran's Queen Farrah and she helped in the negotiation of their moving to France with permission of recent leader Komini with chip reader.

Third: the agreement made between Li and Lun in late 1960s also linked Li to Lam construction. Owned by Bosco Lam (they called H3 in HK). Lam receives over 1 billion HKD in cash and sales every year. Now accumulating to around 90+ billion in HKD, Lam should give Tak commission for this. And....

Lam withheld a sum of (REVISED) 9billions HKD from Fungs to Lun (Tak) by Fung Kwok King Victor in 2000 written a guarantee to give this to Tak. ( Lun Yee Tak, Priscilla Canadian SIN#497237701) A written guarantee was written up to the payer Fung Kwok King Victor since 2000 and Lam never pay Lun the promised sum. Lam was jailed in Honolulu earlier this year (2019), Fung sued him for fraud not paying the sum to Tak.. Lam is also suspect of paying uncle to frame Tak in a wounding case. Paying uncle 200k HKD for the trouble to maintain status quo in ID card money split in case Tak enters into a good world clan or married to another person, then the parties splitting Lun's ID card revenue would change. Lam is to big to be reduced so Li bribes them. Tak prompted Fungs and Lams to escape Stock Crash in 97. (9billion HKD is the 6% of investment principle pay to brokers by Fungs) This framing of wounding is also suspected to get Lun's handprint to forge documents to steal Lun's interests in her grandpa Lun Wai Ling foundation. ( IF AGE OF DNA CAN BE DEFINED THEN THE HANDPRINT SHOULD NOT BE USED IN ANY REASON OTHER THAN COURT PRIVACY ISSUES AS MENTIONED AT TIME OF THE TAKING OF HANDPRINT THAT IS AROUND OCTOBER2011)

Fourth: Tak last saw ex husband in 2000 ( lived apart since 1997). Ex David Lau never gave her the address to file divorce. Tak cannot afford lawyers' fees of 200-400 dollars Cdn an hour. Seeking help to get this done *FIRST* . Ex has never paid her support since 1995, he got a son out of wedlock by galpal Bonnie Tong in Hong Kong in 1999-2000 worked at Smartone Telecommunications.

Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin. or Queen Mary's Hospital HK? - Bonnie Tong Tin Bo/Po. Son is called Sunny Lau.

Also he gave my SIN /Canadian ID card to Clare Wai to use during her stay in Toronto mid90s to 2010s.

Clare got big eyes and skinny limbs and light brown skin. They depleted Tak's credit line of 100K+( RBC in 90s) ACTUALLY STOLE 200K FROM TAK'S ACCOUNT.Need to do this issue first. Please help file desertion& adultery. Clare was deported and police interrogated her where she got Tak's Social Insurance card. ( Heard she is allowed back to Toronto recently as a tourist with her husband and child.) HOW OUTRAGEOUS THESE THIEVES ARE ALLOWED IN HERE!


Fifth: The court in Hong Kong reversed the verdict of a wounding case. HC-ESC4250-011/012 But Tak never received any written notice. Need the lawyer office to receive it so that Tak can go and pick it up. Clare's Wai cousin Wai Pui Yin was living upstairs from Tak at 3700 Kilby Court Richmond BC Canada in 2012 and they got Tak's mail. ( Common mail box of the same family motel). Ever since Tak has been living at premises with '' common mail box'' and she is never the first one to access the mail. And these ID thieves always got people living at the same premise and stealing her mail.

Sixth: There is a blocker RF chip at the back of Tak's head. She need this removed for this stops her from hearing from her kin that use long range radio frequency reader to connect to her. She needs to check who's DNA is on the chip that tagged her in her sleep and pursue legal proceeding and compensation.

Please tell Tak where the clinics doing Tag removals are. (in Vancouver).

Seventh: Tak was cheated to move out of her owned property by someone in city uniform banging on the door without a eviction notice at 735 Don Mills Road Apt1004 Don Mills Ontario in 2006. This person appeared in later years appeared in police uniform without a badge in Vancouver when Tak reported police. She was only given 15 minutes to pack. She lived in the premise since early 90s and the address helps people define who the real Tak is for there are others plastic surgery into her face by putting a cloth structure under the facial skin. Li is doing this type of surgery.

Eighth: Tak needs a lawyer to go after her grandpa's estate to her father ( missing in E. India since Dec 2016) Since Li can do adult cloning and plastic surgery and have means to print of Identity documents. Grandpa is Lun Wai Ling who owns a foundation in Hong Kong that has a portfolio of land holdings, survived by 3 sons and his wife since 1930s. Each survivor holds equal interest in the portfolio. Tak's father's interest was loaned to his younger brother Lun Chun Wah when he needed a mortgage to buy land in' Ma Wan' ( pronounced in Cantonese) in Hong Kong. Wah never return the interest to Tak's father Lun Chun Yin . Lun Wai Ling is a great philanthropist that his foundation donates to Community Chest every year. Please help the foundation people get in touch with Tak all legal contracts mature in 50years by default in Hong Kong. ( Tak is Lun Yee-Tak, Priscilla ) Thank you. And see if the foundation people are all witchcraft resurrected WITH LI'S ANCESTORS RULING THE BODY/ compromised by Li people. *This issue is to be last to do for the land is locked in and cannot be used to pay contingency lawyers' fees*. WE CANNOT SELL THE LAND AS STATED IN THE FOUNDATION MANDATE.

Ninth: Without the Lun's family consent, Li use our family's chip frequencies to make crystal. Mother is Gemma Fung -the first clairvoyance, and Tak - foretold 2 things 911 and tsunami. The crystals are like chip readers with projection function onto the crystal (LIKE THE MIRROR) to show who they are chip reading. Li is trying to replace by theft, the old crystals to new crystals that shows surogate Chan family to replace the real Gemma's family. Tak, Gemma, and Jerome and Albert's Lun family ID cards are all 'classified'. George tries to replace the real Lun's family by his surrogate Chan's family to steal influence to ruling class by impersonating first Clairvoyance Gemma and Jerome to cheat for war-jack business. The address at bottom if shown in Richmond BC , Canada is reading Chan family members who steal Lun's ID accomplice with George Li.

Tak is the real Victoria sharing same place and birth date as Victor Li. Li did bio lab cloning in the Feb/18/ 1964 in Hong Kong to make one fetus 2 embryos and 2 different fathers of the twin that Gemma gave birth to. HOSITPAL IS QUEEN MARY HOSPITAL IN POKFULAM HONG KONG. VICTOR LI SHARED SAME INCUBATOR WITH TAK BUT NOT GOING TO SAME HOME. HE IS WITH LI KAR SHING'S DNA. THIS MAY MAKE TAK MOTHER GEMMA INVOLVE IN ADULTERY CLAIM SO HUSHED UP. VICTOR LI HAS NO RIGHTS IN GOVERNING TAK'S AFFAIRS.

Tenth: Fung Kwok King Victor is holding the compensation from Costal Health and putting a lien on it for lawyers fees since 2017. Tak needs that cheque back. ( Cheq#10607-8? unsure) DECEMBER2016?2017? VANCOUVER COURT RECORDS.

Fung sue Costal Health on Tak's behalf and took the compensation.

Tak cannot sue Costal Health again. Li pay Fungs a sum each year as sales and ask Fung not to disclose who is his niece that have an agreement with the Li family. To end the circus, Lun never renewed HK identity card since 1996. Tak knows too much, and HospitalS got too many STAFF inserted there by Li or Lam 's clan. And the hospital was collecting selling Tak's DNA to Muslims trying to get Tak's uterus to sell to a Muslim Princess according to chip reader records. After Gemma lost hers with the same reason in 1960's.










And loss of affluence life as a princess of UK for my family never told me of my royalty roots and use my profile to sell my identity for past 50+ years. I was never told of my interests in the grandpa foundation and land holding. The mediocre life facilitates everyone can be me and buy my ID to get my royal profile.
The exact amount that I go after in each item needs to be verified by black and white in the HK legal contract database and also in court verdicts.

File attachment 2 the recent photo of me and a passerby man.


New Post! March 31, 2024 @ 08:39:39 pm
I missed Easter Church and my apologies to
Jesus and church. I overslept and there are surprisingly no church bells in the area. How come? These used to ring on Sunday.
I get around 700ml of urine yesterday and I had some intimate time with my man-in-waiting from London via the special chip reader that can create'' touch sensation''. He is American-Korean, just came out of the cloner.
I am happy for him that he just got residence in UK and all previous worries aroused from not having a residence are history.
I wish I can also reside at Buckingham palace and physically be around..the Li people there and those selling my ID play alot of tricks keeping me in Vancouver so that they can continue selling my ID and using my profile even though Li deny still making money with my identity and profile. Queen Elizabeth grand aunt signed them in as man in waiting using my name and they worked at the palace clinic while I am stuck in Vancouver.

I need someone to escort me to London where the palace office is so that I am attended and waited in. I hope those using my profile to marry into the palace no longer deter me from entering the palace. And no lawyer or court will grant them claims on my entitlement as Lun Wai Ling's granddaughter in England. These lure the biggies to take them in as wives saying they can get my inheritance with Li's help. I retain the right to sue the court in making such mistake while I am looking for a lawyer to do my claim the court would check DNA and no copy face can steal my inheritance and no cloned me can do the job because people and police are chip reading the real one. They think they chip read me do soft detent to make me not receiving court letters and so they can steal every dollar of my entitlements. Lun Wai Ling is Royal and the family is British Wah-Kius. It is Ming Dynasty that the family moved to London from China. So no darkie and Caucasian woman claim my Identity please.

IF Queen Elizabeth use my name to recruit man in waiting that means my princess title is enacted and still effective and I should be feeding on the Trust that pays princess and prince each year.
I have not received a cent from this trust ever since I was born. Because my parents accomplicing with Li to sell my ID and profile ever since I was 4years old never told me we are royals in England and top affluent in Hong Kong. They presented to me as middle class Government servant family . In fact my father got pay by grandfathers foundation every year and do arsenal business with Li Kar Shing. He is Warjack leader and had a say in which subcontractor in Arsenal American can buy from to process orders selling to Saudi America. Li has technology to do F15 airplanes.

And recent father helped to do F16 orders selling to Taiwan. IF he is not claiming commissions, I think I can try claiming it from the Li.
Please continue tracing and destroying the acupuncture doll remote acting that have lines on my body to reroute blood flow in my body causing atrophies in organs and joints and absuria if not enough blood going to the kidney. Please get me a radio frequency blocker ( sell or lend me one. ) Most of the time 1-2pm I am at the Carnegie Community Library 401 Main Street Vancouver BC Canada ground floor library doing internet. I am with black cap and a big white with checkers plastic bag.

Tak / Priscilla Lun Yee Tak - phD Alpa Omega 5.


New Post! April 05, 2024 @ 08:48:25 pm
I am trying to get a feisty lawyer to collect money for me. My terminal cancer treatment formula is posted here at facebook. I gave it to a facebook friend using EKLun.180 facebook messenger. And Trudeau and Iran leader people are chip reading me got the method and make money in their labs. I entitled to half what they make in first two years. There are even a lab in Hong Kong also doing it. I need a lawyer to collect what I should have. There is also an agreement in the Hong Kong legal contract database in the 1968-69 between Li Kar Shing and Lun Chun Yin Jerome my father regarding 1billion HKD to me. The agreement expires in 50years by default. Li never give me the money. They have people plastic surgery to look alike me even use adult cloning / photocopy of human to do a show as if they paid me. Cloning gives a deviated dNA pattern and I died never died, my heart stopped for 26 seconds at South Pacific Hotel in Jan98, never certified dead. My ex husband David Lau Lup-Cheung was convicted in Hong Kong for projecting poison in my drink. I bounced back to life in the elevator.
Fung Kwok King Victor use Lifung Enterprise pocketed my compensation of 16million CDN from Costal Health since 2016 never gave that back to me. They use the company to sue Costal health on my behalf and the cheque was written to Lifung Enterprise. I don't have shares at Lifung. And I am entitle to the Royal trust that pays a million US a year being a princess. My grandpa is Prince John Lun Wai Ling of UK, nephew of King George VI. I need to be connected to that trust in England. My parents never told me of my royal roots, use my profile and identity to get LI to sell that to chicks that use it to marry up for past 56years. So I never get a cent from the trust and Megan Markle borrowed with my name in Vancouver in the recent 10 years, hope she did not quote this trust as collateral. ( Please check who is referred by Li Kar Shing people to marry the royals in UK) I am soft detent by those who chip read me working or buying my ID card from the Li and their affiliates. Every penny these chicks make from the IDcard, profile, ID chip position selling, matrimonial split, and divorce or estate, my parents have a share. I should have a life of a princess now I have to get government assistance in Vancouver BC Canada. Please find me at Vancouver. Li got too many shares at Telus and they forward my calls away, so I don't use phones. At 12noon and 430pm I appear outside the grey motel door where I live at 237 East Hasting Street Vancouver BC Canada. The white building adjacent to KGS convenient store and Empress bar across to Rickshaw / Shaw cinema in Chinatown Vancouver. I wear a black cap and with a white with checkers big plastic bag.

If you have lawyer licence in Hong Kong and Canada, Please come to find me. I need a no win no fee lawyer, the payout is much more than 2million maximum that you can get from each client.

Tak- phD AOV

Daddy got arsenal business being warjack lead with Li Kar shing and Saudi ( my mother is first clairvoyance Gema Fung the Saudi and ruler class chip read our family since I was a child )


New Post! April 07, 2024 @ 08:16:55 pm
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2024 at 1:14 PM
From: "toi shan" <toishanvancouver308 @mail. com>
To: @vpd. ca,">vpd @vpd. ca, bcrcmp-grcencb @rcmp-, @mail. com,">toishanvancouver308 @mail. com, momo688 @hotmail. com, @police.">crimepre @police.

Subject: I need a lawyer, radiofrequency blocker and marriage annulled cert. I am soft detent in Vancouver by those who chip read me using my Identity cards and by Li.

Furthermore, my grandpa got a foundation which I should share the yearly proceeds with my father every year it is call Lun Wai Ling Foundation also got property in Vancouver BC Canada. My father framed me murdering him in East India and so he doesnt have to give me a share of his part of the foundation. Please check with the foundation mandates. I should have a part in the proceeds since age 19. And he totally hide the foundation from me. I dont know about I have interests in it until recent year. I am being chip read to soft detent here by the Li kar shing people who even do photocopy of humans to steal.
Please notify the foundation office where I am and the conduct of my father Jerome Lun Chun Yin and I am still alive.
I dont use phones. You are chip reading everyone and know where they are anyways. Come find me. I dont receive all my mail they steal my mail it is a common mail box. Li got people around me all the time. They follow me where I rent.
aLSO PCCW-hkt in Hong Kong also owes me consulting fees please do not let Li Kar Shing's people steal what I am going after. These people do walling in for the Li clan. The Chan Lai Nar and her family in 11240 and 11440 Daniels Road complex in Richmond BC Canada. They come from Hong Kong all illegal stay. They plastic surgery into my face and steal my entiltments with George Li Tzar Chi, one of Li Kar Shing 's sons. They chip read me to know what I am going after.

From Priscilla Lun Yee Tak. SIN497237701.

Dear Police

I am trying to get a feisty lawyer to collect money for me. My terminal cancer treatment formula is posted here at facebook. I gave it to a facebook friend using EKLun.180 facebook messenger. And Trudeau and Iran leader people are chip reading me got the method and make money in their labs. I entitled to half what they make in first two years. There are even a lab in Hong Kong also doing it. I need a lawyer to collect what I should have. There is also an agreement in the Hong Kong legal contract database in the 1968-69 between Li Kar Shing and Lun Chun Yin Jerome my father regarding 1billion HKD to me. The agreement expires in 50years by default. Li never give me the money. They have people plastic surgery to look alike me even use adult cloning / photocopy of human to do a show as if they paid me. Cloning gives a deviated dNA pattern and I died never died, my heart stopped for 26 seconds at South Pacific Hotel in Jan98, never certified dead. My ex husband David Lau Lup-Cheung was convicted in Hong Kong for projecting poison in my drink. I bounced back to life in the elevator.
Fung Kwok King Victor use Lifung Enterprise pocketed my compensation of 16million CDN from Costal Health since 2016 never gave that back to me. They use the company to sue Costal health on my behalf and the cheque was written to Lifung Enterprise. I don't have shares at Lifung. And I am entitle to the Royal trust that pays a million US a year being a princess. My grandpa is Prince John Lun Wai Ling of UK, nephew of King George VI. I need to be connected to that trust in England. My parents never told me of my royal roots, use my profile and identity to get LI to sell that to chicks that use it to marry up for past 56years. So I never get a cent from the trust and Megan Markle borrowed with my name in Vancouver in the recent 10 years, hope she did not quote this trust as collateral. ( Please check who is referred by Li Kar Shing people to marry the royals in UK) I am soft detent by those who chip read me working or buying my ID card from the Li and their affiliates. Every penny these chicks make from the IDcard, profile, ID chip position selling, matrimonial split, and divorce or estate, my parents have a share. I should have a life of a princess now I have to get government assistance in Vancouver BC Canada. Please find me at Vancouver. Li got too many shares at Telus and they forward my calls away, so I don't use phones. At 12noon and 430pm I appear outside the grey motel door where I live at 237 East Hasting Street Vancouver BC Canada. The white building adjacent to KGS convenient store and Empress bar across to Rickshaw / Shaw cinema in Chinatown Vancouver. I wear a black cap and with a white with checkers big plastic bag.

If you have lawyer licence in Hong Kong and Canada, Please come to find me. I need a no win no fee lawyer, the payout is much more than 2million maximum that you can get from each client.

Tak- phD AOV/ Lun Yee-Tak Priscilla
Daddy got arsenal business being warjack lead with Li Kar shing and Saudi ( my mother is first clairvoyance Gema Fung the Saudi and ruler class chip read our family since I was a child )

Note: Li = Li Kar Shing (people) .

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