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On June 10, 2008 sexmachine21

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savannah, Georgia
Joined: Aug 2006

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Age: 37
Gender: M
Location: savannah
United States
Posts: 417
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Joined:: Aug 29, 2006
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New Post! Finally landed my big girl job!
February 03, 2014 @ 11:39:51 pm
I graduated from college in May with my degree in Secondary Level Mathematics and I have been a substitute teacher for the first half of this school year. Three weeks ago I got offered a job at a high school working full time teaching Algebra 1, Statistics, and Trigonometry. I absolutely love the district and the people I work with. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep this job next year. They are not sure because they have massive budgeting issues within the district right now.

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New Post! Student Teaching!
December 06, 2012 @ 10:39:14 pm
I know that I haven't posted anything on here in ages and i only get on every now and then to talk to a few friends that I met on here. However, I am SO excited that I just have to share this with everyone! I student teach next semester and after that I will finish my degree (FINALLY!) and today I got my placement for student teaching which means I will now get to start planning. YAYY! I start January 14th and will be teaching 11th and 12th grade mathematics.

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New Post! Any idea what might be wrong with my water?
November 20, 2012 @ 02:27:10 am

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New Post! Finally get to meet OSM :)
June 03, 2012 @ 04:05:15 pm

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New Post! "But you've done it!"
February 03, 2012 @ 02:05:53 pm
So I was in my English class today, showing my students a video on youtube.

As you can see, it's a video of Oedipus Rex done with vegetables. In the sex scene between the potato and tomato, there is a lot of gratuitous moaning...enough moaning to make me uncomfortable letting my students listen to it.

When I got to that point in the story, I muted the scene, informing them that "It makes me uncomfortable listening to that...think of how you feel when you watch a movie like that with your parents!" Most of them understood, but one of the students says, quite loudly, mind you, "But you've had it [sex] before!"

I was flabbergasted. Really? I can't believe that a student would think that that is a good thing to say to their teacher!!!
Needless to say, he got written up. I'm still a little flustered about it.

How many of you would have thought that that comment would be appropriate to say to your teacher?



New Post! School Grumblings...
January 25, 2012 @ 01:24:55 pm
Okay, so most of you know that I'm a High School English teacher. I generally love my job. What I don't love is when the school changes stuff on me at the last minute.

At the beginning of the year, I was under the impression that I would have two Young Adult Literature classes (electives) and the rest of my classes would be 10th grade English classes. On THE DAY before students come, I was told that I didn't have enough students in my YA Lit classes, and so they were going to dissolve one of them and turn it into a 9th grade class...which I hadn't taught in 3 years. Oh, and to make matters worse, all of the materials that I used to have for 9th grade had gotten wiped from my hard drive the year before. So that was fun.

Well, today, two days before the new semester, I was told that they had closed my OTHER YA Lit class. And that now, I have to teach a Mythology class. I have never taken Mythology. I have only a rudimentary understanding of myths. And they expect me to teach 18 weeks worth of it. AND I have no curriculum, I don't know what book I have, and I have no idea what to do.

But I don't really have a whole lot of time to plan all of that stuff, because I have to finalize my grades for the semester.


Excuse me while I cry over here.

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New Post! Don't you just hate it...
January 20, 2012 @ 01:39:55 pm
When you think a day is going to end up nice and instead it ends up sucky?
I walked into my class this morning, excited to start the day. I'm showing my students a movie and I'm having them work on a review guide. Just some nice quiet time for me to grade and think and fart around online.

But no. One student...that's all it takes.

The kids have assigned seats. They're supposed to sit where I put them. So when they sit somewhere they're not supposed to, I ask them nicely to move back.
This particular student acts like he doesn't hear me. Then he tells me that he didn't know I was talking to him because he doesn't know his own name. So then I ask him again, and he says "No."
So I tell him one more time that he needs to move before I write him up. No again.
So, I call security and write a referral. Over something stupid.

High Schoolers get on my nerves.

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New Post! I didn't realize this....
September 27, 2011 @ 02:17:14 pm
I just noticed that I have been on TFS for over 5 years now. Granted, I haven't been the most active member in the past year or so because all I really do when I get on is check PM's but still. I love this place even though I don't post often.

Also, thanks everyone who has helped me with anything in the past. I love all of the friends I have made on this site and I'm sure they will be my friends for a long long time.

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New Post! Translate into symbols??
November 30, 2010 @ 03:51:52 am
Anyone know how I would translate "some prime numbers are even, but not all even numbers are prime" into symbols?



New Post! Very upset
September 12, 2010 @ 07:24:11 am
I don't even completely understand. It's a long story I guess. I feel like just curling up in a ball and dislocating myself from the world for the next few days. Too bad I have to work tomorrow.

I hope you all have a great night. I guess I'm going to just try to get some sleep.

Good night.


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