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"The beat goes on."
On June 12, 2007 lovebyelise

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Troy, Alabama
Joined: Apr 2007

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Lo's life...
in a dainty pixelated nutshell!
I got married today!
May 03, 2007 @ 05:13:44 am
Jonathan and I got married today. It's not what we want to count as our official ceremony, just our legal one. It felt very intimate, especially for a court house wedding. We had to get married so that he could join the air force. At first, his recruiter told us NOT to get married until after he got back from tech school, but then Jonathan told him that he had an illegitimate child and the recruiter said we had to get married or else he would not be able to join. He couldn't so because if the child's mother died or lost custody of him while Jonathan was deployed the child would have no where to go (because in our state custody goes to the father first and then if he doesn't want or can't financially take care of the child it goes to the next 'bidder'). It's complex, but that's why we got married early.

It's weird having my name changed. I was partial to my old maiden name. :P Me having a maiden name... so weird! Makes me feel old! If you're asking why I'm not celebrating my wedding night or on honey moon it's because this wasn't our special official ceremony. Plus Jonathan has to go to bed at 7pm because he has to be up early for work. And... we celebrated enough earlier.


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New Post! May 03, 2007 @ 05:52:26 am
hooray for you thats great news, even if it's early.


Government Hooker

New Post! May 03, 2007 @ 07:15:14 am


New Post! May 03, 2007 @ 10:03:27 am
Many congrats


New Post! May 03, 2007 @ 10:05:20 am
Wow! Congrats!

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