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On May 18, 2024 Mouse1988

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Random covid question
April 03, 2022 @ 12:29:35 am

Random question: but is there a such of thing for if you ever had covid before? Like a test. Cause I know I had a massive cold during the covid Era but never tested myself.

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New Post! April 03, 2022 @ 02:55:42 am
@Mouse1988 Said
Random question: but is there a such of thing for if you ever had covid before? Like a test. Cause I know I had a massive cold during the covid Era but never tested myself.

in your case, there is a test for it. that is a covid test get at drug store or at the hospital. scientists said even, you had a cold, you didn't landed in hospital. you have a mild case of it or simple case of cold. or possible, a case of mild of bronchitis or pneumonia. during the time of cold, your doctor draw your blood, your blood would tell if you had the virus.


New Post! April 03, 2022 @ 03:10:32 am
Would the virus still be there if I had no symptoms?


New Post! April 03, 2022 @ 03:24:43 pm
@Mouse1988 Said
Random question: but is there a such of thing for if you ever had covid before? Like a test. Cause I know I had a massive cold during the covid Era but never tested myself.

@Mouse1988 Said

Would the virus still be there if I had no symptoms?

yes, scientists said most people had the virus and show no symptoms at all. that's why if you are concern, the quicky way of getting test. go to walgreen website and sign up for their drive in test. i had one a couple of months ago, it took less 10 minutes, you call get results in less 48 hours. i been tested 4 times in last 3 years, been negative all 4 times.


New Post! April 03, 2022 @ 06:11:36 pm
@Mouse1988 Said

Would the virus still be there if I had no symptoms?

You could have the virus without symptoms.

But, I think what you're asking is if you had it and recovered, can you tell.

There are tests for antigens or antibodies (I forget the term) that would remain if you had the virus.

That's the point of the vax's. To get your body to produce antibodies that will fight the virus if you do get infected. And have a "head start" on fighting it.


New Post! April 05, 2022 @ 07:39:58 pm
When I got sick with covid this winter, I had a bad headache and had a runny nose


New Post! April 06, 2022 @ 02:34:39 am
I had a bad cold last year. But never had covid symptoms. Plus I never got anyone sick. I did wear a mask a lot in the house too. Even though I got vaccinated can you still tell if you had covid in the past? And no I never tested for covid when I was sick.

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