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On May 30, 2022 kohhrjacker

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Kohhrgypt, New Zealand
Joined: Jan 2005

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Age: 32
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Location: Kohhrgypt
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Joined:: Jan 13, 2005
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New Post! What a scary day!!!
August 11, 2008 @ 01:28:56 am
I went to the doctors a couple weeks ago just for a check up on my wrist because i sprained it at work. The doctor decided that my hand wasn't getting better as fast as it should and gave me a steroid shot thinking it will be better in no time. The office visit is now over and i am heading to my car when i started getting dizzy and my legs were getting weak. I got to my car and reached for the door handle and i collapsed by this time i was completely blind and had no feeling in my body. As i fell i ended up hitting my head on the car behind me and cut open my knuckles. thankfully there was a guy two cars down and he had his wife go in and get the doctor. then i started getting my sight back and i seen feet running at me. the nurses got me into a wheelchair and took me back into the doctors office again. when i got into the office the guy that gave me the shot was laughing because i didn't feel a thing and i was pretty cut up from the fall. eventually i got all my feeling back and they let me go home and on the way home my brake lines burst in the truck i was driving, so i made it to my mothers work and left the truck behind for my uncle to pick it up and my mom took me home. that was my scary day. what do you think!!!

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Father of your child

New Post! Busiest month ever!
May 01, 2008 @ 09:12:40 am
April 2008 was my busiest month ever with over 120,000 post! This beats the last busiest month ever, March 2008, that had over 85,000 posts. Additionally, more than 2/3rds of the busiest days ever were in April.

There will soon be in excess of 2.2 million posts and 40,000 accounts.

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