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On May 30, 2022 kohhrjacker

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Kohhrgypt, New Zealand
Joined: Jan 2005

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Age: 32
Gender: M
Location: Kohhrgypt
New Zealand (general)
New Zealand
Posts: 576
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Joined:: Jan 13, 2005
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New Post! Caturday!
January 21, 2017 @ 11:02:15 am

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New Post! Good Day!
January 20, 2017 @ 06:14:39 pm
I have a tendency to focus on the negative... so I figure that since I had a good day today I would say so!

I have been sick for a while, and having new job anxiety, but today I felt much better and had a really good day at work. I exceeded my targets, and had some excellent feedback.


Had some dinner and popped on Seinfeld. I haven't seen it for a bit, so It's giving me a good laugh. G has gone to help his mother so I'm alone with the cat for a while. With some chocolate covered peanuts. BLISS.

It's times like this that I miss smoking. I always enjoyed a nice menthol cig. I don't regret quitting, it's for the best. But every so often I still get a bit of craving. About 3 years back I tried a sneaky cig (after I gave up) and hated it, so I know I wouldn't actually enjoy it. I just remember the good 'ole times, I reckon.

No plans for the weekend, probably pop into a store that seems to be having a sale. Otherwise stay home, cook rather than order, be well behaved basically. I'm thinking chicken breast stuffed with black pudding wrapped in streaky bacon.

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New Post! Preserving TFS Song For My Own Enjoyment
January 17, 2017 @ 05:58:48 pm
lyrics by Sherreb, El_Tino, Earz, Stew, Stenise, Jaybee
music by nothinsnew
March 2005


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New Post! Errrm... hello?
January 17, 2017 @ 10:47:51 am
So, I managed to find my old username. Very interesting, I have to say. Ashamed of the weird emo pics of myself, BUT fantastic to see some old friends.

Yeah, so how have you all been? It must have been over ten years.

I am no longer jail bait, and I am now more likely to use full sentences. Hurrah!

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