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Safety on TFS - Girls and Boys please read

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treebee On April 13, 2015
Government Hooker


London, United Kingdom
#1New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:16:32
Ok we like to keep TFS a safe place for you to come and chat and air your views and make new freinds.

IF you receive any PM's from TFS members who are not your freinds and contain any material that makes you feel uncomfortable or you feel they are too personal or probing in nature please do the following:

Go to the offending member's profile and BLOCK MEMBER

Report the PM to a Moderator, El Tino, nothinsnew, Misunderstood, Stenise, Secretvixen, JessicaLizzete, BoysforPele, Twiztidangel, Stumblinthrulife, Garfunkle and Treebee. (sorry if i missed anyone)

Our Mods need to be aware if anything of this nature happens and dont feel silly for reporting it as this is completely confidential.

Please do so as we want to keep TFS comfortable for ALL members.
misunderstood On June 24, 2014
Persuasive Madam!

How about you come find me....
#2New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:18:08
I agree totally, there are some members that lurk and just pm people hoping to 'hook up' if you get anything like this please tell us!
elektrakosh On September 29, 2007

, United
#3New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:31:50
I would'nt know to tell ya the truth ....
misunderstood On June 24, 2014
Persuasive Madam!

How about you come find me....
#4New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:32:37
Wouldn't know what?
billybobkins On January 03, 2012

newcastle, United Kingdom
#5New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:33:26
thats a really good idea.
elektrakosh On September 29, 2007

, United
#6New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:35:25
@misunderstood Said
Wouldn't know what?
If folk want to 'hook up'.
misunderstood On June 24, 2014
Persuasive Madam!

How about you come find me....
#7New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:40:07
@elektrakosh Said
If folk want to 'hook up'.

They make it obvious. For instance I got a pm (I know how stupid they pm admin doing it ) Asking for my phone number, whether they can 'swap pics' etc etc.

If someones being a jerk you just know anyway, all this thread is really saying is, if you feel uncomfortable let us know. TFS is all about being relaxed and feeling safe, if someones making you feel uneasy let us do something about it
elektrakosh On September 29, 2007

, United
#8New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 12:51:12
I gotcha!... Ok ...But I reckon folk are not that stupid to try that with me.
earthangel On March 19, 2010

Sunbury On Thames, United King
#9New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 14:37:44
I think it would be a good idea, also to have a list of all the mods on the homepage to indicate when there is a mod online, and also it will make it easier to find one. Especially for new members?
Lili On July 12, 2019

Sunshine Land,
#10New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 14:52:52
@earthangel Said
I think it would be a good idea, also to have a list of all the mods on the homepage to indicate when there is a mod online, and also it will make it easier to find one. Especially for new members?

That's a good idea! a "Current Mods Online Now" box on the front page...yep, a good idea!
stormie76 On March 20, 2010


Melbourne, Australia
#11New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 14:55:04
yep yep good idea
sheepy On March 23, 2010


Treasure Island, United Kingdo
#12New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 15:14:16
All good stuff.

This seems a really friendly site - and I've just joined In all internet sites though, there is going to be a potential element to spoil the atmosphere (I've had moderating experience, and I know ).
It's not fair anyone should be put off somewhere by this sort of unwelcome approach.
Anyway of contacting a mod easily to come in with a banning stick (or cattle prod ) can't be bad.
annski729 On July 24, 2016

, United States (general)
#13New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 15:34:34
@misunderstood Said
They make it obvious. For instance I got a pm (I know how stupid they pm admin doing it ) Asking for my phone number, whether they can 'swap pics' etc etc.

If someones being a jerk you just know anyway, all this thread is really saying is, if you feel uncomfortable let us know. TFS is all about being relaxed and feeling safe, if someones making you feel uneasy let us do something about it

And normally these types of people have no idea how to navigate around TFS, because if they had, they would have already known that Missy has about 50000 pictures in her pics section
reiko On March 27, 2006


New York, New York
#14New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 15:36:56
@earthangel Said
I think it would be a good idea, also to have a list of all the mods on the homepage to indicate when there is a mod online, and also it will make it easier to find one. Especially for new members?

I like that idea!
annski729 On July 24, 2016

, United States (general)
#15New Post! Dec 27, 2005 @ 15:38:58
Someone I was talking to the other day was complaining about people flirting with her on here. I told her to add the people to her enemies list, and PM a moderator or an admin. It's very simple guys!
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