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A Plan For Social Security

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gmt On May 29, 2005

Clarksburg, West Virginia
#1New Post! May 21, 2005 @ 02:28:40

To All That's Interested In Keeping Social Security From Going Insolvent

First: Have Government place all Social Security Funds back in a private fund,
and secure from any other usage by government!!. For any reason other
then it's intended purpose, And that is to provide a supplement income for
future and present retirees.
Why doe's the Goverment want our future security for government use?
Don't the many forms of government collect enough taxes from the American
worker to operate this country.

Fact: This is what our President and some Politicians want to do. So I ask why aren't
they doing this? Instead of suggesting that the young workers put away there
own retirement security in private funds.

Second: Implement a import tax on all imported goods into this country, and deposit
these funds into the Private Social Security Fund to provide a stable future
supplement income for all future and present retirees.

Fact: The reason that our Social Security fund is going insolvent is that there are
not enough present American Workers contributing funds to provide for

This is being caused by imports taking away jobs in the USA.

With less American Workers contributing to the Social Security fund, only
cripples the future supplemented security for retirees.

If you feel this is a joke or un-researched fact, look at where most goods
are manufactured at and sold in the USA, And you will understand why our
future is being challenged and in jeopardy, and all being caused by imports
reducing American Workers contributing to the future of Social Security.
Lili On July 12, 2019

Sunshine Land,
#2New Post! May 21, 2005 @ 02:37:50
I was thinking actually that there should be a system that keeps track of amount of exports vs. imports, and make sure we aren't importing more than we're exporting. When you import more than you export, that's a drain on the economy. There should be a quota for each one. Just look at China..they are definitely exporting more than they're importing, and they are BOOMING! And the great thing about being more of a producer than a consumer, internationally, is that we would be more self-sufficient as a country, we could use our own produced goods too, instead of hauling them over from China.
The problem is the system. It's basically every business to themselves. For the individual company, importing makes sense. Labour is cheaper in other countries, so the individual company profits, but at the expense of it's parent country. That's not right.
nothinsnew On September 15, 2009


The Coast, Australia
#3New Post! May 21, 2005 @ 05:25:57
Thats the thing about conservative governments like u guys have in the States (the Republicans must be one of the most conservative governments on the planet)- They believe that its up to the individual to make a life for themselves. They don't believe that sometimes people are born into situations where thay actually need a bit of a helping hand. And to take it further, conservative governments don't think that it should be their responsibility to try to alleviate these inequities. They say that people should help out charities and stuff and that it is the responsibiliy of these charities to iron out the social injustices. Well I say that if the government wants to exist it's in their best interest to try their hardest to create equality. They shouldn't just leave it to society at large.
Lili On July 12, 2019

Sunshine Land,
#4New Post! May 22, 2005 @ 02:38:54
that's true..after all, what do we pay taxes for? I think if we have a government, it should be helping people out. It's true that a lot of people are born into situations that they can't get out of on their own. Canada has a pretty good system. High taxes, but the quality of life is pretty good. Give and take ya know...
gmt On May 29, 2005

Clarksburg, West Virginia
#5New Post! May 24, 2005 @ 14:24:12
I wish to thank all that has responded to my post about social security.
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