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You can't sleep- Can we talk about it, I'm desperate.

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ReAdSaLoT On September 23, 2019

#1New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 18:35:49
I've slept 4 hours in the last two days and it's making me nuts. Seems like I'm not alone, could we discuss sleep? Has the internet affected yours? I wonder, is it really insomnia or the changes in today's society? It talks about America, but we're not alone.
Has it affected your health? Has sleep deprivation become a problem?

Added information if your wish.

Sleep loss is taking a toll on our physical and emotional health, and on our nation's highways.
By Jeanie Lerche Davis
WebMD Feature

Elise G. hits the alarm at 5:30 a.m. to get her kids and herself up and ready. She's an elementary teacher in Marietta, Ga., with a seasonal business on the side. When a big holiday is coming up, she's typically burning the midnight oil most nights. On weekends, she says, "I've just got to catch up on my sleep."

Multiply her story about 30 million times, and you've got a snapshot of America's sleep situation.

For the past few years, the Sleep in America polls -- conducted on behalf of the National Sleep Foundation - have provided a snapshot of the nation's bedroom woes. Today, about 20% of Americans report that they get less than 6 hours of sleep on average, and the number of Americans that report that they get 8 hours of more has decreased.

"It's no secret that we live in a 24/7 society," says Carl Hunt, MD, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health. "There are many more opportunities to do things other than sleep - 24-hour cable TV, the Internet, email, plus long work shifts."

Indeed, how we live is affecting how we sleep, says Meir Kryger, MD, director of the Sleep Disorders Centre at St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre at the University of Manitoba. "Often, our sleep deficit is related to too much caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Often it's related to work - stress from work, putting in long hours at work, working night shifts, working on the home computer until the second we go to sleep."

Yet there's strong evidence that lost sleep is a serious matter. The Sleep in America polls and several large studies have linked sleep deficits with poor work performance, driving accidents, relationship problems, and mood problems like anger and depression.

A growing list of health risks has been documented in recent studies, too. Heart disease, diabetes, and obesity have all been linked with chronic sleep loss.

"People just don't realize how important sleep is, and what the health consequences are of not getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis," Hunt tells WebMD. "Sleep is just as important for overall health as diet and exercise."

They also don't talk to their doctors about sleep problems, he adds. "They figure everybody's sleepy, and what can be done about it anyway. And doctors don't ask about it. Sleep disorders are severely under-diagnosed and under-treated."
MissChantelle On March 10, 2010


, Australia
#2New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 18:39:21
I have barely slept in the past couple of weeks, I put it down to being 28weeks pregnant and having an awful flu.
Thank heavens I just got in 7 hours straight, I'm feeling so much better
SKUBER On July 20, 2009


#3New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:02:11
I am totally diurnal I have always awakened early.My maternal Grandfather was a career sailor in the US NAVY Submarine service,besides looking alike we have or had the same sleep habits. Waking early and retiring early,Grand dad would get up at 3AM and retire at 7PM, I on the other hand arise at 4AM and retire at 7PM but I may watch TV until I go to sleep!
Kristy69 On September 14, 2014
Carly's Mommy

Underneath the Cyanide Sun....
#4New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:04:59
Nah, I just sleep whenever I feel like.
40isnotsobad On December 07, 2010

Houston, Texas
#5New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:05:46
Hmmm...I sleep alot! I generally get about 7 hours a night and I snooze on the bus on the way to and from work...30 minutes or so each way...I guess I am doing pretty well in the sleep department.
Mysteria On May 19, 2014
I Am Rogue!

A Small Town, Texas
#6New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:11:56
I finally got caught up on my sleep. It's hard on ya, for sure. This has been me for months! I hope all of you get some much needed rest.
fOOfy_pAnTs On January 01, 2019

Salem, Oregon
#7New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:19:26
I get enough sleep but my sleep habits are the problem. I can't get to sleep usually until after midnight and wake up really late, between 11 and 1.
DuLu On January 11, 2017

Waverly, Washington
#8New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:35:02
When I watch my caffeine intake, I sleep pretty good.
If I am burning the midnight owl (doing laundry at 2 am) there's a good chance I had caffeine within the last 24 hours. More than 1 cup/1 glass.
ReAdSaLoT On September 23, 2019

#9New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:38:03
My sleep loss is caused by fibromyalgia pain which causes spasms that drive me out of my mind. I don't like the medicine. When I posted there were several people on who keep the goofy hours I do. I guess nobody wants to talk about it.
Going to bed after midnight and sleeping until noon; get a 2nd shift job. When we were on vacation, I don't remember the trip home, I was asleep. I'd been awake all night.
SKUBER On July 20, 2009


#10New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:49:31
What I stated in the previous post are only roughly true.
There are many mornings when I will awaken as early as midnight,if I get a sinus headache which I do, not infrequently,when it awakens me it is hopeless to try to return to sleep!
SKUBER On July 20, 2009


#11New Post! Jul 02, 2009 @ 19:52:03
I hate to use the "A" word but as I have aged my sleep habits have changed drastically. My sleep habits used to be quasi normal!
amelie3 On March 07, 2010

Sydney, Australia
#12New Post! Jul 03, 2009 @ 06:57:17
I sleep pretty well unless I have a flight to catch or something really early planned and I tell myself (fatally) I might not get to sleep.

Then, I am awake until 3am. It's ghastly when it happens.
Coleosis On December 01, 2013
Don't care

Mustang, Oklahoma
#13New Post! Jul 03, 2009 @ 07:00:25
Im in pretty good control of my sleep. If I have nothing to do I can sleep from 9am until 9:30pm...If I have stuff to do that day though I can perform off of just a few going to bed at 5pm and waking up at 9pm.
eternus_somnium On April 14, 2021
clinically crackers

, United States (general)
#14New Post! Jul 03, 2009 @ 07:03:59
It's not easy for me to get to sleep unless I've really done a lot that day. I get tired easily but that doesn't mean I'll sleep easily. My sleep pattern is nowhere near regular, I'll fall asleep at 10 one night and 2 AM the next.
wristband On July 19, 2009

Emerald City,
#15New Post! Jul 03, 2009 @ 07:04:13
I get on average 3-5 hours of sleep a night and have for a long time. At first it was really exhausting, but after a while I found that I could be a lot more productive in the quiet hours of the early morning, when everyone else is asleep and the world is a quieter place.

I go through cycles where sometimes I'll sleep slightly less than that a night for a few weeks, and then slightly more for about a week. It occurs naturally; I don't even find myself tired. But when I'm out--I'm out. Game over. You're not waking me unless I want to be woken.

*ahem* That's why I was late for work yesterday. I was supposed to open...
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