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Women. You have men by the balls. No one can network like you; yet you do not squeeze. Why do you not and take over the world and solve man’s woes?

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GreatestIam2 On January 06, 2023

Ottawa, Canada
#1New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 18:30:17
Women. You have men by the balls. No one can network like you; yet you do not squeeze. Why do you not and take over the world and solve man’s woes?

Man has shown that he is not up to the task.

No one can network like women, and you control the spending/poverty/war. Men are in the street with guns and kill each other for your pleasure. You can stop it all. Why do you not do so?

You control the shape of our socio economic demographic pyramid. It just so happens that it is the perfect shape for adjustments/wealth redistribution; as the shape of our pyramid allows you to see all the levels except those beneath and they are few. It looks like a top. In real world terms; our top is wobbling rather precariously. You can stabilize it and in doing so make us all more prosperous.

I am told that the rich have been getting richer and the poor poorer for a number of years now. I also hear numbers like 2 % of military budgets would solve the poverty and starvation problems. The poor and middle of our economy can be helped without hurting the rich if redistribution is done at this point in time.

What this speaker says of Africa you must do; regardless of your country, ---- if women are to save man from himself. Show your love ladies or miss a prime opportunity to retake your place of equality within our societies. It is all in your hands. Squeeze. It will be tough love but many men are in your court. Your force and theirs cannot be stopped by the more chauvinistic minority of men, --- once women start moving.

It need not take generations. You and mankind can have what it will have in the future; if you network as only you can. Put corrupt man in his place and take your rightful place now.

Open your third eye or condemn your sisters, daughters and yourself to more years of pain as man’s subjugated b****.

I apologise in advance for the language but people today notice nothing that is not startling and I wish to startle you women out of your lethargy and mental doldrums.

Do you understand that you have the power of change, peace and prosperity in your hands?

Why are you not networking and doing your duty to society by taking your rightful place of leadership and equality?

drummerwannabe On June 17, 2019
Travel Junkie

In a drum.., Minnesota
#2New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 19:57:41
Hmmm... maybe I don't want to. I want to sit here reading books about different worlds or watch movies or actually do my daily job to make sure i can eat than deal with all the crap we've put ourselves in.

Also, why must women clean up men's mess? Why is it our job to get men in gear? I thought we were independent and not homemakers to clean and do crap to make the man feel better about his life. If he put himself in this situation, he needs to get his head on straight and fix it himself. We're not your mother and you're not a 5-year-old. We're not going to scold you into action. You have a choice to improve or not, you shouldn't be waiting for someone to chew you out or "squeeze your balls" to make change.

Ok I'm done.
floydgirrl On October 08, 2022

Pope's Wine Celler, Holy See (
#3New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 20:31:39
Solve your own damn problems. We're all just sitting back relaxing and drinking wine.
futilevoice On October 07, 2016


, Illinois
#4New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 20:49:25
Some women are just as corrupt as men. So that wouldn't work.
Electric_Banana On April 24, 2024

, New Zealand
#5New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 21:19:35
Like groups networking has been a problem that is impeding progression more so than speeding it up.

It usually only results in bias and discrimination.
chaski On May 31, 2024

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#6New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 21:31:13
@futilevoice Said

Some women are just as corrupt as men. So that wouldn't work.

But you corrupt women might teach us a few lessons.
floydgirrl On October 08, 2022

Pope's Wine Celler, Holy See (
#7New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 21:32:00
@chaski Said

But you corrupt women might teach us a few lessons.

I have some really good lessons to teach
chaski On May 31, 2024

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#8New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 21:34:23
@floydgirrl Said

I have some really good lessons to teach

Oh yeah... bring it on.

BozieFozie On May 19, 2022
Life's a Beach

Paradise, Florida
#9New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 22:35:19
@GreatestIam2 Said

Women. You have men by the balls. No one can network like you; yet you do not squeeze. Why do you not and take over the world and solve man’s woes?

Man has shown that he is not up to the task.

No one can network like women, and you control the spending/poverty/war. Men are in the street with guns and kill each other for your pleasure. You can stop it all. Why do you not do so?

You control the shape of our socio economic demographic pyramid. It just so happens that it is the perfect shape for adjustments/wealth redistribution; as the shape of our pyramid allows you to see all the levels except those beneath and they are few. It looks like a top. In real world terms; our top is wobbling rather precariously. You can stabilize it and in doing so make us all more prosperous.

I am told that the rich have been getting richer and the poor poorer for a number of years now. I also hear numbers like 2 % of military budgets would solve the poverty and starvation problems. The poor and middle of our economy can be helped without hurting the rich if redistribution is done at this point in time.

What this speaker says of Africa you must do; regardless of your country, ---- if women are to save man from himself. Show your love ladies or miss a prime opportunity to retake your place of equality within our societies. It is all in your hands. Squeeze. It will be tough love but many men are in your court. Your force and theirs cannot be stopped by the more chauvinistic minority of men, --- once women start moving.

It need not take generations. You and mankind can have what it will have in the future; if you network as only you can. Put corrupt man in his place and take your rightful place now.

Open your third eye or condemn your sisters, daughters and yourself to more years of pain as man’s subjugated b****.

I apologise in advance for the language but people today notice nothing that is not startling and I wish to startle you women out of your lethargy and mental doldrums.

Do you understand that you have the power of change, peace and prosperity in your hands?

Why are you not networking and doing your duty to society by taking your rightful place of leadership and equality?


Who says we're not???
LuckyCharms On July 31, 2021
Magically Delicious

#10New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 22:39:19
Because men can vote too.
Electric_Banana On April 24, 2024

, New Zealand
#11New Post! Feb 18, 2013 @ 23:39:26
The whole OP seems to be a back-handed snarky referring to females and cell phone OCD.
ronrmorris On June 06, 2014

, Texas
#12New Post! Feb 23, 2013 @ 22:35:32
The most simple reason of all. Because like men, women are very diverse with many different opinions on everything.
Electric_Banana On April 24, 2024

, New Zealand
#13New Post! Feb 23, 2013 @ 22:44:13
I really feel the human race blows too much smoke up the female gender's asses which gives them a false sense of arrogance.

All that this glorifying, for centuries, has led to are one half of the human race whom feel more privileged than the rest and won't settle for less then a Porsche and steak dinners every night of the week.

Artificially influencing Superficiality: There are many ways to Stepford...
Grrrl On June 01, 2014

, United Kingdom
#14New Post! Feb 23, 2013 @ 23:38:05
I feel duty bound to try and say something sensible here, although I'll admit I'm really struggling to decode the tone of the OP because it just seems like a massive list of backhanded compliments and sarcasm (Not my strong point when it's written down!)
My gut reaction was just to post a response like a lot of the above saying "Men can clean up their own mess" or "I'm sorry I'm too busy making cupcakes and being pregnant" but, even though it's been presented really horribly, I do feel like there's something worth having a discussion about in there somewhere.

Possibly about the difference between male perception of "female power" and female experience of "power"? This opening statement "Women. You have men by the balls." is something (in sentiment rather than this phrase) I hear all the time from guys I know, but I very very rarely meet any woman who feels she commands this kind of control over men.

(I'll admit I haven't checked any of these links out either because the OP was so long.)
Electric_Banana On April 24, 2024

, New Zealand
#15New Post! Feb 24, 2013 @ 02:22:23
@Grrrl Said

I feel duty bound to try and say something sensible here, although I'll admit I'm really struggling to decode the tone of the OP because it just seems like a massive list of backhanded compliments and sarcasm

Trust me - if you get to know the OP well enough - This is his way of swooning and charming.
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