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NZ women "Most Promiscuous in the World" - study

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Lili On July 12, 2019

Sunshine Land,
#1New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 17:18:25

NZ women have twice as many sexual partners than the average number of sexual partners for women worldwide. NZ is also the only country in the world where the women have more sexual partners on average than the
alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#2New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 17:26:24
jackpot, and i was just telling somebody today about how i always wanted to visit.
wildething On February 04, 2008

, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 17:28:49
wow! no wonder the 'all blacks' perform that dance, must be a mating ritual!
still, how many people of either sex actually live on NZ, thought it was mainly sheep?
daifu On December 20, 2007


somewhere in the south, German
#4New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 17:30:40
I want to go to New Zealand........ this is a killer argument for immigration.
bendover On November 25, 2007


Muff, Ireland
#5New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 17:39:15
Do Easyjet fly to New Zealand?
crazychica On March 13, 2011
A taste of insanity

Aberdeen, United Kingdom
#6New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 18:47:49
@bendover Said
Do Easyjet fly to New Zealand?

Not yet but they'll probably get a couple of 747's second hand soon All the bigger airlines are looking to get their hands on the new super-jumbos so they might get rid of the old ones. Easyjet'll probably grab a few. As long as they're maintained properly, shouldn't be a problem.
Vizzy On February 20, 2012

, Florida
#7New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 19:43:44
I'm being lazy and didn't read the article...did it say what is the average number of partners worldwide?
rosewillow On July 19, 2015


, New Zealand
#8New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 19:45:56

Kiwi women are a bunch of sluts!

Does it have anything to do with prostitution being legal here?
El_Tino On October 12, 2023

Albuquerque, New Mexico
#9New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 19:47:42
I've heard the swedish ones are also quite promiscuous
rosewillow On July 19, 2015


, New Zealand
#10New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 19:51:04
We loose the yachting, we loose rugby, we loose the league bu win with with promiscuity!!

It hasn't been a failure of a year after all!
alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#11New Post! Oct 17, 2007 @ 19:52:47
@rosewillow Said
We loose the yachting, we loose rugby, we loose the league bu win with with promiscuity!!

It hasn't been a failure of a year after all!

Jenna you're a total tramp!
NNewt84 On July 19, 2018

Adelaide, Australia
#12New Post! Jul 10, 2015 @ 07:30:35
Oh my god, you guys are so inconsiderate. There's nothing wrong with a woman expressing her sexuality, but it's not okay to reduce someone to their sexual status, or just being a sex toy or whatever. Is it really any of your business if a woman sleeps with lots of guys?

And what about women who aren't interested in sex, and hate to see women being associated with sex all the time? I can only imagine how they'd feel about this. Why can't you just leave them alone?

Sorry to lash out at you like that, but I'm only doing this because I love women, particularly the ones who just want to be themselves and fulfil their hopes and dreams, and not be treated as f*** toys. Is it really that hard to comprehend that women are human beings, and they have emotions and reactions to you guys generalising about them like this?
shadowen On March 22, 2024

Bunyip Bend, Australia
#13New Post! Jul 10, 2015 @ 09:05:36
@rosewillow Said

We loose the yachting, we loose rugby, we loose the league bu win with with promiscuity!!

It hasn't been a failure of a year after all!

Hard to see the AB's not winning the World Cup
chaski On May 31, 2024

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#14New Post! Jul 10, 2015 @ 12:44:42
@NNewt84 Said

Oh my god, you guys are so inconsiderate. There's nothing wrong with a woman expressing her sexuality, but it's not okay to reduce someone to their sexual status, or just being a sex toy or whatever. Is it really any of your business if a woman sleeps with lots of guys?

And what about women who aren't interested in sex, and hate to see women being associated with sex all the time? I can only imagine how they'd feel about this. Why can't you just leave them alone?

Sorry to lash out at you like that, but I'm only doing this because I love women, particularly the ones who just want to be themselves and fulfil their hopes and dreams, and not be treated as f*** toys. Is it really that hard to comprehend that women are human beings, and they have emotions and reactions to you guys generalising about them like this?

Did you notice that this topic was written 7 years ago, when you were 11?

Did you actually read the 11 posts? Most people were making fun of the topic, not the women... sarcasm and all that.

Hypnotica On October 08, 2023


Steel City (Sheffield), United
#15New Post! Jul 10, 2015 @ 14:35:45
@NNewt84 Said

Oh my god, you guys are so inconsiderate. There's nothing wrong with a woman expressing her sexuality, but it's not okay to reduce someone to their sexual status, or just being a sex toy or whatever. Is it really any of your business if a woman sleeps with lots of guys?

And what about women who aren't interested in sex, and hate to see women being associated with sex all the time? I can only imagine how they'd feel about this. Why can't you just leave them alone?

Sorry to lash out at you like that, but I'm only doing this because I love women, particularly the ones who just want to be themselves and fulfil their hopes and dreams, and not be treated as f*** toys. Is it really that hard to comprehend that women are human beings, and they have emotions and reactions to you guys generalising about them like this?

Do you understand male sexuality? Here let me help:

Men think about sex more than they will ever let women, or even each other, know. Teachers think about f***ing their students, fathers think about f***ing their daughter’s friends, doctors think about f***ing their patients. And right now, for every woman with even an iota of sex appeal, there’s probably a man somewhere in the world who’s touching himself and thinking about what it would be like to f*** her. She may not even know him: He may be that businessman who walked past her in the street or the college student who sat across from her on the subway. And any man who tells a woman otherwise is most likely doing so because he’s trying to get in her pants, or the pants of someone else within earshot. The great lie of modern dating is that in order to sleep with a woman, a man must pretend initially as if he doesn’t want to.
Most appalling to woman is the male obsession with strippers, porn stars, and teenage girls. It is abhorrent because it threatens a woman’s reality. If all men really desire a woman like that, then where does that leave her marriage and happily-ever-after fantasies? She’s doomed to live them with a man who really wants a Victoria’s Secret model or the neighbour’s daughter or that dominatrix in the videos he hides in his closet. As a woman ages, an eighteen-year old girl will always be eighteen. Love is dashed on the rocks in the face of a possibility that a man doesn’t want a person but a body.
Fortunately, this is not the entire story. Men are visual thinkers; thus we’re often deceived by our eyes. But the truth is that the fantasy is often better than the reality.

-Neil Strauss

For the record Neil's new book comes out October 13th "The Truth", its more relationship orientated this time. Should be a blast.

However I also recommend you to read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. Help you get that innocent butter wouldnt melt in my mouth idea about women out of your mind. Im not saying they are a*****es, but they are not as innocent as you seem to believe either.
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