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House Arrest for Failing to Pay Child Support

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plebian_angel On April 25, 2012
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a great future,
#1New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 13:59:12

Parents Face New Penalty For Failing To Pay Child Support
Change Allows Electronic Monitoring, Jail Time

MADISON, Wis. -- A local judge and a sheriff are squaring off over changes to a state statute.

At issue is the penalty parents face when not paying child support. Critics said the recent change may actually eliminate a motivation to pay-up.

"We're real concerned that when word gets out that the consequence for hanging out at home and not paying child support is to go hang out at home with electronic monitoring bracelets on your ankle we just lost our power to coerce the payment of child support from these people,? said Dane County Judge Bill Foust.

Until June 30, parents not paying child support were held in contempt and jailed for up to six months.

The change in the state statute now allows sheriff?s to release any inmate on electronic monitoring, the jail?s Custody Alternative Monitoring Program (CAMP), including those who fail to pay child support. Those parents were previously ineligible for electronic monitoring.

"It is not in the best interest of children, families for a dead beat dad or a dead beat mom to sit in jail for up to six months and not pay child support," said Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney. "My intent if somebody is brought into the jail for failure to pay child support. I will immediately notify the court to try to get this individual in before the family court commissioner for a hearing to work out a process to pay child support."

Judge Foust said Tuesday that allowing parents to be released on house arrest will lead to problems, in part because family court commissioners tell him a quarter of people jailed for not paying child support; end up paying within a week of being behind bars.

Judge Foust sent a letter to Mahoney on Tuesday, urging him not to release those who do not pay child support; stating it's "a very bad idea."

Mahoney had not yet received the letter, but said he disagrees with Foust and believes it is best is to get the inmate in front of a family court commissioner to set up payments.

Currently, there are no parents on house arrest for not paying child support, said Mahoney.

Copyright 2009 by Channel 3000. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

Your thoughts? I knew someone on house arrest for DWIs convictions (yes convictions) and after work he'd come home and get plastered. What's the punishment in that?
Wingsy On November 26, 2023


#2New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:04:15
In Maryland, they offer weekend time for failure to pay child support. I know a few people who've done it.

They work Monday through Friday, and report to the County jail at 6 pm on Friday. They spend the weekend in jail, being released at either 9 pm Sunday night, or 7 am Monday morning (depends on the arrangment) to go to work. They MUST pay their child support on time, and work toward getting caught up, and they MUST report to jail on time. If they fail to do either, they serve out the remainder of the sentence in jail without release to work.

I actually think this is a good idea, tbh. They're working, they're paying the back support, and there are clear consequences if they don't.

I don't know about house arrest though. Unless they're making them work to pay the back support, what's the point?
plebian_angel On April 25, 2012
Intergalactic hussy

a great future,
#3New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:07:13
@Wingsy Said

In Maryland, they offer weekend time for failure to pay child support. I know a few people who've done it.

They work Monday through Friday, and report to the County jail at 6 pm on Friday. They spend the weekend in jail, being released at either 9 pm Sunday night, or 7 am Monday morning (depends on the arrangment) to go to work. They MUST pay their child support on time, and work toward getting caught up, and they MUST report to jail on time. If they fail to do either, they serve out the remainder of the sentence in jail without release to work.

I actually think this is a good idea, tbh. They're working, they're paying the back support, and there are clear consequences if they don't.

I don't know about house arrest though. Unless they're making them work to pay the back support, what's the point?

I like MD's system better. Nope I think WI is payup or do time. not what's the point? Most deadbeat dads I know do the jailtime laughing about it
Again people, don't sleep with someone you don't want a kid with!! This is what happens when you pick loser dads.
Wingsy On November 26, 2023


#4New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:12:38
@plebian_angel Said

I like MD's system better. Nope I think WI is payup or do time. not what's the point? Most deadbeat dads I know do the jailtime laughing about it
Again people, don't sleep with someone you don't want a kid with!! This is what happens when you pick loser dads.

The idea behind the weekend time program is that if they WANT to catch up, they'll work to do it. Of course, if they don't want to get caught up, they won't abide by the rules set out for them under the agreement and they'll end up serving out the sentence in jail. Usually they do it for 6 months, sometimes 8. And during those 6 or 8 months, they go to jail on the weekend, and work through the week.
plebian_angel On April 25, 2012
Intergalactic hussy

a great future,
#5New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:14:16
@Wingsy Said

The idea behind the weekend time program is that if they WANT to catch up, they'll work to do it. Of course, if they don't want to get caught up, they won't abide by the rules set out for them under the agreement and they'll end up serving out the sentence in jail. Usually they do it for 6 months, sometimes 8. And during those 6 or 8 months, they go to jail on the weekend, and work through the week.

OK. Gotcha. WI should look into that instead of house arrest. i realize our jails are overpopulated, but still sending them home to their xboxes and whatnot
rider On September 28, 2009


The first one, Australia
#6New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:43:52
That all sounds very Draconian to me,if somebody faults on their payments why not just do an automatic deduction from their wages/salary???or if they lose their job deliberately and go on welfare it's deducted, the courts are freed up a bit and the parent who should get the child support get's it??that's still probably harsh as well,but it's one way of ensuring the money's paid.
The kid's didn't ask to be born,so why should they suffer?.
hedkandi1984_21 On July 23, 2013

London, United Kingdom
#7New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:48:31
@rider Said

That all sounds very Draconian to me,if somebody faults on their payments why not just do an automatic deduction from their wages/salary???or if they lose their job deliberately and go on welfare it's deducted, the courts are freed up a bit and the parent who should get the child support get's it??that's still probably harsh as well,but it's one way of ensuring the money's paid.
The kid's didn't ask to be born,so why should they suffer?.

I was going to say something similar

In the UK, student loan payments come directly out of your salary, along with tax and national insurance. Child support payments, in my opinion, should be done the same way. That way, there's no excuse and money and time need not be wasted on taking people to court.
plebian_angel On April 25, 2012
Intergalactic hussy

a great future,
#8New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:50:42
There are deductions from paychecks also, but the problem comes with the ones who don't work or are self employed so get no paychecks.
I know tax refunds are held if child support is owed.
loveis On January 15, 2010


In the mirror,
#9New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:52:45
@rider Said

That all sounds very Draconian to me,if somebody faults on their payments why not just do an automatic deduction from their wages/salary???or if they lose their job deliberately and go on welfare it's deducted, the courts are freed up a bit and the parent who should get the child support get's it??that's still probably harsh as well,but it's one way of ensuring the money's paid.
The kid's didn't ask to be born,so why should they suffer?.

This is the smartest idea, IMO.
rider On September 28, 2009


The first one, Australia
#10New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 14:54:47
@hedkandi1984_21 Said

I was going to say something similar

In the UK, student loan payments come directly out of your salary, along with tax and national insurance. Child support payments, in my opinion, should be done the same way. That way, there's no excuse and money and time need not be wasted on taking people to court.

Yeah but then you have the other side of the coin,where all the civil liberties fools scream it against the rules,but it's not against the rules to let somebody else suffer because they want to spend what's not rightfully theirs.
I had to pay child support and I saw the Bank and made sure the money was deducted like that,that way my Ex couldn't say it wasn't paid.
rider On September 28, 2009


The first one, Australia
#11New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 15:02:25
@plebian_angel Said

There are deductions from paychecks also, but the problem comes with the ones who don't work or are self employed so get no paychecks.
I know tax refunds are held if child support is owed.

That does make it difficult Plebs I agree,I don't know about other countries but here we have what's called an ABN (Australian Businees Number)so what's to stop any Gov or Tax Dept from introducing something,and in this case we'll call it a CSP (Child Support Payment) and these peple MUST give that number to their bank or whenever they do a job,if they change Banks one Bank informs the next and so on.
plebian_angel On April 25, 2012
Intergalactic hussy

a great future,
#12New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 15:04:08
@rider Said

That does make it difficult Plebs I agree,I don't know about other countries but here we have what's called an ABN (Australian Businees Number)so what's to stop any Gov or Tax Dept from introducing something,and in this case we'll call it a CSP (Child Support Payment) and these peple MUST give that number to their bank or whenever they do a job,if they change Banks one Bank informs the next and so on.

Must work like our social security number system.
I know people who work in cash only and to avoid having bank accounts will get their paychecks cashed at payday loan places.
There's so many ways to beat the system.
and like I said I know guys who will voluntarily quit their jobs and go to jail than cough up child support.
rider On September 28, 2009


The first one, Australia
#13New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 15:06:55
@loveis Said

This is the smartest idea, IMO.

Thanks loveis,there has to be some way of having that payment made,how many times have we heard about some company exec who earns more than what he's really worth living the High life with some Bimbo who was his Mistress before a divorce and the first family suffers because he won't make the Payments??.
rider On September 28, 2009


The first one, Australia
#14New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 15:10:12
@plebian_angel Said

Must work like our social security number system.
I know people who work in cash only and to avoid having bank accounts will get their paychecks cashed at payday loan places.
There's so many ways to beat the system.
and like I said I know guys who will voluntarily quit their jobs and go to jail than cough up child support.

Well the only option I can see is, they have to produce evry payment slip that's been stamped by the bank they made it to during the year,if the can't they get Fined that amount and the Interest is compoundable weekly until it's paid,and believe it or not that's how Our Tax dept works if you owe them Money.
plebian_angel On April 25, 2012
Intergalactic hussy

a great future,
#15New Post! Jul 08, 2009 @ 15:11:19
And then when the parent paying child support moves states, it's harder to make them pay!
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