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burning man project: 35,000 people in the black rock desert

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dujac On May 22, 2012

Hot Springs, Arkansas
#1New Post! Sep 01, 2006 @ 05:15:00
burning man is well under way again this year 8/28 - 9/4

' ever been?

i have some trippy stories from each year i went into the black rock desert 1996, 1997
and 1998

but, let's hear yours first
st0nerdude On March 28, 2009

pfft, Denmark
#2New Post! Sep 01, 2006 @ 05:17:43
that looks fun
dujac On May 22, 2012

Hot Springs, Arkansas
#3New Post! Sep 01, 2006 @ 05:25:53
clothing is optional
treebee On April 13, 2015
Government Hooker


London, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Sep 01, 2006 @ 07:41:03
thats cool, in the UK the police clamped down on all those types of festivals we have nothing like it now, only money grabbing "legal" ones
dujac On May 22, 2012

Hot Springs, Arkansas
#5New Post! Sep 01, 2006 @ 08:54:38
the burning man festival used to be held at baker beach (nude) in san

the police drove them out in the early 1990's

so, it was moved to the 400 square mile, flat, dry lake bed called the black
rock desert... north of reno, nevada

the 1st year i attended in the desert i arrived at 3 am

there was a gate through the barbed wire fence on the side of the road

and the gatekeeper took our tickets and pointed to venus (bright star) in the
east away from the road and said

drive toward that star until you see the lights of the burning man camp

there's no road, it's a huge salt flat... so, i started off slow, it was pitch black

then after a few minutes i saw car lights coming up from behind

about a half mile back and gaining

so, i sped up to 80 mph and the car was still coming up fast

i don't want to eat his salty dust... so, now i'm going 110 mph

and he can't take the lead

then i start thinkin' , s***... i'm out in the desert, what if i hit a hole or

so, i'm watching the surface like a hawk and see something that looks

like a fog bank in the distance... or is that a sand dune?

i backed down and let the guy pass me up... he doesn't even slow down

and hit's the dune going at least 80 mph, launching 20 feet or more off of the

i couldn't even see where he landed and had to drive around the dune to get
to him

the big four door lincoln rental car had its air bags deployed

but was shiny side up and no one hurt, the horn was stuck on and blowing

i helped the french guy (driver) disconnect the battery to quiet the horn

he and his girl friends squeezed in with me and mine and just left the lincoln

i pulled into the camp a few minutes later, my blood laced with adrenalin

that was just the start
treebee On April 13, 2015
Government Hooker


London, United Kingdom
#6New Post! Sep 01, 2006 @ 09:10:52
@dujac Said
the burning man festival used to be held at baker beach (nude) in san

the police drove them out in the early 1990's

so, it was moved to the 400 square mile, flat, dry lake bed called the black
rock desert... north of reno, nevada

the 1st year i attended in the desert i arrived at 3 am

there was a gate through the barbed wire fence on the side of the road

and the gatekeeper took our tickets and pointed to venus (bright star) in the
east away from the road and said

drive toward that star until you see the lights of the burning man camp

there's no road, it's a huge salt flat... so, i started off slow, it was pitch black

then after a few minutes i saw car lights coming up from behind

about a half mile back and gaining

so, i sped up to 80 mph and the car was still coming up fast

i don't want to eat his salty dust... so, now i'm going 110 mph

and he can't take the lead

then i start thinkin' , s***... i'm out in the desert, what if i hit a hole or

so, i'm watching the surface like a hawk and see something that looks

like a fog bank in the distance... or is that a sand dune?

i backed down and let the guy pass me up... he doesn't even slow down

and hit's the dune going at least 80 mph, launching 20 feet or more off of the

i couldn't even see where he landed and had to drive around the dune to get
to him

the big four door lincoln rental car had its air bags deployed

but was shiny side up and no one hurt, the horn was stuck on and blowing

i helped the french guy (driver) disconnect the battery to quiet the horn

he and his girl friends squeezed in with me and mine and just left the lincoln

i pulled into the camp a few minutes later, my blood laced with adrenalin

that was just the start

omg! you had me totally engrossed in that

Its kinda amazing how that sort of gathering can change you, an experience privvy to the participants only, and nobody outside would understand nor would you want them to.
intoxsickated On October 21, 2006


Suburbia Hell, California
#8New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 03:29:22
it was cool back in the day, now it's all bulls*** and they charge f***ing admission to go!

but yea....i have stories.
shaggyjebus On August 26, 2008


Goodlettsville, Tennessee
#9New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 03:31:09
Why does it cost $350 to go?
intoxsickated On October 21, 2006


Suburbia Hell, California
#10New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 03:33:12
i think it's too cover law enforcement and environmental fees.....i forget and i'm too f***ed up to check.
digidave On May 24, 2007

Townsville, Australia
#11New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 03:34:41
I heard story about burning man - I heard there was a guy there in a big tent with a huge pile of bike parts - like HUGE - and you could go into the tent and he would help you create any kind of bike your imagination could devise - triple-decker bikes, quad-tandems, spider webs, whatever - and so there were heaps of people riding around on these super-trippy pushbikes - sounded cool to me!
shaggyjebus On August 26, 2008


Goodlettsville, Tennessee
#12New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 03:39:11
Just wondering - I've heard some people mention Burning Man offhandedly as a big celebration where people get stoned and have sex, that it's nothing much more.

How much of that is true?
idiotsonofanasshole On May 02, 2007

Why the f*** does Scotland hav
#13New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 03:42:22
Its time for ordinary folk to reclaim there festivals and make them for every one again and not just folk who can afford $350
digidave On May 24, 2007

Townsville, Australia
#14New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 04:40:24
@shaggyjebus Said
Just wondering - I've heard some people mention Burning Man offhandedly as a big celebration where people get stoned and have sex, that it's nothing much more.

How much of that is true?

he, you can keep the pot but the rest sound pretty darn good to me
dujac On May 22, 2012

Hot Springs, Arkansas
#15New Post! Sep 03, 2006 @ 15:06:33
the beatles were just a band

they played a few songs

nothing much more
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