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On September 21, 2005 wib654

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I Wish I Didn't Know
July 08, 2005 @ 01:25:56 am

Ignorance is bliss, makes me think of that guy eating steak in the first Matrix movie. Which in turn makes me hungry, I think of the mozarella sticks in the freezer. By now, I am beginning to remind myself of the children's book "If you give a moose a muffin", which brings me to muffins...

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New Post! July 08, 2005 @ 02:17:58 am
I agree with you on not saying anything. It's their lives, let them live it as they choose.


New Post! July 08, 2005 @ 03:41:42 pm
I don't think I could say anything either. First, because it wouldn't accomplish anything and second, well, see first reason. I find that office romances normally blow over quickly or the cause MAJOR DAMAGE. Either way you letting them know isn't going change the effect of anything. Talk to you later.



New Post! July 08, 2005 @ 09:20:36 pm
I concur.


New Post! July 08, 2005 @ 01:18:37 am
Yesterday after leaving work I took a shortcut through the office park to catch the bus. I rounded one corner and not far away I saw two coworkers, one a young male and the other a young MARRIED female, embracing. There was an alternate route I could take without passing by them, so I walked quickly and acted like I had not seen them.

There are three reasons that I would never mention what I saw to anyone at work.

1. It is none of my business.
2. Some angry men inflict bodily harm on cheating spouses and their lovers. I wouldn't want to do anything to aid that process.
3. It is none of my business.

Today at work I acted normally toward both of them. I could tell the young man was a little tense around me, but I will act like I saw nothing, because it truly is none of my business.

In this life ignorance is usually harmful. Ignorance keeps you in a lower level of life. Knowledge is power. Knowledge can produce many good things in this life. However, in some cases it is still true: Ignorance is bliss!!

I really wish I didn't know.

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