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"Foolish Bombu"
On September 20, 2024 dookie

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Foolish Bombu

, United Kingdom
Joined: Jan 2013

My Stats
Age: 73
Gender: M

United Kingdom
Posts: 4572
PLS: ? 53.99
Joined:: Jan 24, 2013
Reputation: 380


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About Me
I love reading and playing the guitar. And playing with my grandson and granddaughter. My main interest is in Inter-faith dialogue via Buddhism and Christian Mysticism.

Who I Want To Meet
"The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten. Where can I find someone who has forgotten words? That is the person I would like to meet!"

(Chuang Tzu)

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My Friends
On August 23, 2024 Electric_Banana

On February 29, 2024 HiImDan

On May 19, 2022 BozieFozie

On May 20, 2021 someone_else_again

On May 16, 2021 Cpat92

On February 18, 2021 BertieJean

On July 05, 2020 Krimmler

On August 21, 2018 Willi

On June 02, 2017 crazylikeafox

On January 11, 2017 DuLu

On July 04, 2014 Jihadista

On November 30, 2009 TheForumSite

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