@TheForumSite Said Read on...
There is no limit to the number of pictures you can submit, but these are the selection criteria for what pics will be posted and which ones won't.
1. Pictures from the same member that are too similar to one already posted will not be approved.
2. No pictures containing nudity will be approved.
3. All pictures must be photographs taken by you that have not been created or edited in photoshop or other image editing software except to change the size or format.
4. Pictures not in a public place must include a person in the picture. Pictures in a public place do not have to include a person. There may be exceptions to this rule provided the photo is sufficiently creative or interesting.
5. All pictures must contain one of more of the following words/phrases, and the picture quality must be good enough for it to be clearly visible.
- The Forum Site
- theforumsite.com
6. You must include your member name with your email so we know who to bless.
7. No pictures containing graffiti or other forms of vandalism or illegal act will be posted.
8. ALL members who submit photos that are posted will be blessed, and extra points will be given for pictures that are especially interesting or creative.
9. Although there is no formal limit on the number of pictures you may submit, you will only be blessed for up to 10 photos. |