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"I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"
On June 16, 2012 Five_Tailed_Fox

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Cottontown, Tennessee
Joined: Mar 2012

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Fox Thoughts
The thoughts of a fox
Feelin' fine
June 16, 2012 @ 06:10:05 pm
Wasting time, waiting for stuff to finish downloading. (And earning points.)

I'm at the local library right now. My house still doesn't have interent service, so I can only get online here. Times like this, I really wish I had a good friend whose house I could go over to, so I could download stuff on his computer. Of course, I also wish I had a close friend I could talk to when I feel like crap, but whatever.

Money problems are abundant. Struggling to pay catch-up with the rent, while also struggling with other bills and, of course, gas so everybody can get to work. Last week, we didn't pay the water bill. We expected them to turn it off on Monday, then we called and found out they did cut-offs on Tuesdays. We then expected it to get cut off on Tuesday, but it didn't. Same for Wednesday, Thursday . . . We got it paid yesterday though, so hopefully no worries there.

Gas is really bad. We have one car, and neither my brother nor I can drive. (Long story made short - never learned.) The week goes like this: Monday night, we leave at 9pm, head in one direction to take me to work, drop me off and then my brother and either my mother or father (whoever's driving) heads in the opposite direction to take my brother to work. Then, five hours later, I get picked up and dropped off at home. Maybe two hours later, my mother takes my father to work, then waits an hour or so and goes to pick up my brother from work. Then we rest until my mother has to go pick up my father at 5pm. We do this five days a week. Except my brother also works on the weekends. (Seven-day work week, awesome! I feel so bad for him.) But it's a little different - one week my dad will only work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (twelve hour shifts), then the next week he'll also work Wednesday. On the days that he has to be in work by 6am, I'll stay at my job a little later (chilling in the break room) and then get picked up by my mother and father, who will head to his job, let him out (usually after sitting in the car another half hour, to let him get a little nap and put off going into the building, since he'll be getting there two or three hours early), and then head home. I'm spending about five hours at UPS a day, sometimes more than six, but each day, I only get between three and four hours of work. But I can't complain too much. I mean, at least I don't work twelve-hour shifts. Or eight-hour shifts. Or seven days a week. Sometimes, I hate that I work such an easy job. Other times, I wonder if I could even work a full-time job. A few weeks ago, I doubled, working the shift before my own, and then working my own shift. I did it on Monday and Tuesday of that week, and I felt like I was going to be sick. I don't think I could have done it Wednesday without getting sick, either throwing up or passing out or both. It was too hot, and my body just isn't suited to working for that long. I suck, I know. Believe me, I know.

In addition to not having internet at home, we also haven't had cable, and since we don't have a remote for the converter box we have, and thus cannot access the menu to check for channels, we haven't been able to watch anything at all. (When we bought the converter box, we didn't look inside because we didn't need to use it. Years later, when we did need it, we opened the box to find that it had the converter box, another box that turned out to be something for hooking for various things to a single TV, power adapters for each of the things, and nothing else. No remotes or connection cables.) Well, we heard from a friend that a universal remote would work with the converter box, so we bought one, and it did work! Nothing came in though, so had to buy an antenna. But now, we get the local channels, and they all come in pretty clearly. It's only on one TV, but it's good to finally be able to watch something in real time, that isn't a DVD or VHS tape. And we can hear the weather! And see what's going on in the world! It's good to finally be connected again, in some way.

Not a lot going on. Life just moves, like the river Seine, softly but relentlessly. (I've been watching an anime called Rose of Versailles, which takes place in France in the period before the French Revolution. Good series.) Finished Rosemary's Baby recently, by Ira Levin. The book, I mean. About to start the sequel, Son of Rosemary. Way to go, library! Gotta love free books.

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New Post! June 16, 2012 @ 06:18:58 pm
Take control of your life. If you're capable of driving. LEARN TO DRIVE! You can't expect your parents to ship you around everywhere. It was a little sad reading how you guys live and schedule your days.

Nice thing is you guys work as a unit and are together, but sometimes, you need to take responsibility and take a risk. It's scary, you'll have things to face, but what else are you going to other than stay stagnant in the same place? You're 25, your parents deserve some time to enjoy life, to be able to go somewhere without having to worry if you have a ride to work or not, or some pleasure in watching television, or heck not worrying about bills and the lights going off.

This may not have been the response you were looking for, but take control of your life. Learn to drive, or buy a bike, search for a better job that doesn't make you sick.


New Post! June 16, 2012 @ 06:29:42 pm
@boobagins Said

Take control of your life. If you're capable of driving. LEARN TO DRIVE! You can't expect your parents to ship you around everywhere. It was a little sad reading how you guys live and schedule your days.

Nice thing is you guys work as a unit and are together, but sometimes, you need to take responsibility and take a risk. It's scary, you'll have things to face, but what else are you going to other than stay stagnant in the same place? You're 25, your parents deserve some time to enjoy life, to be able to go somewhere without having to worry if you have a ride to work or not, or some pleasure in watching television, or heck not worrying about bills and the lights going off.

This may not have been the response you were looking for, but take control of your life. Learn to drive, or buy a bike, search for a better job that doesn't make you sick.

My parents are the reason I cannot drive. They never made the effort to teach me. That, or we never had the money to spend on gas for the teaching. Like right now, we have to struggle to get the gas to get everybody to work. How could we afford the gas needed to teach me how to drive? But that's not really important, since we have only one car. We'd still have to figure something out because everybody's work schedules overlap.

As for my parents deserving enjoyment, I'm not the one keeping them from it. They are and always have been. We're broke because they mis-manage money. And they tend to not enjoy a lot, for whatever reason. There's nothing I can do to keep them from not worrying about bills. Really, I could have moved in with a friend a while back, but I decided from the beginning to stay with my parents because they need the money I bring in more than my friend needs a roommate. I give them every cent I make. I'm not holding them back, except for the fact that I work a low-paying job. Rather, a job with fewer hours. And the job doesn't make me sick, the fact that I can't seem to handle what other people can does. I break down very easily, and I have to be careful about overloading myself. I'm a weak person, physically and mentally, and it's one of those things where no matter what I do, I'll always be weak, at least compared to others. It's not the sort of thing where I can work on myself and eventually be "normal." If I could get a job where I sit in a chair and don't have to do physical job, I might be able to do that, so long as I also didn't have to interact with people a great deal, but I can't do a physical job for eight hours, and that fact is what makes me sick. But it's hard to find the line that separates "what I can do" from "what I cannot do," and like I said, if I try too hard to do something I just cannot do, I get overloaded, and then I'm no good to anyone.

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