I've seen many peopleon this forum site discussing about how stressful they are or what they did to themselves because of stress. I think this would help some of you here.
To Reduce Stress:
1. Write down everything you have to do when you're feeling overwhelmed. Set a time frame, then block out when you will accomplish what. By divvying up your workload into manageable chunks, each with an allotted time, you'll feel more relaxed about the work before you.
2. Concentrate on one task at a time. Stressing about work you haven't done yet only detracts from accomplishing the task at hand.
3. Manage your energies wisely ' prioritize your workload and put in less effort for low-priority jobs, and avoid expending energy on unimportant tasks.
4. Delegate responsibility and get outside help if you feel overwhelmed. Hire a gardener for your lawn or a baby sitter for your child when you feel pressed for time.
5. Reward yourself for accomplishing things. Acknowledge the work you put in and give yourself a pat on the back, instead of immediately rushing into the next task and creating more stress.
6. Take small breaks during work. Visit a nearby caf� or take a quick walk, or allow yourself 10 minutes to relax in your office: Close your eyes, strip your mind of work-related thoughts, visualize a pleasant landscape or vacation scene and relax your muscles.
7. Exercise regularly to maintain your health and release stress, or take up a hobby.
8. Give yourself vacations. If indulging in a long vacation (and staying away from work) seems even more stressful, try taking several short vacations per year.
9. Maintain your perspective by asking yourself, "Is the situation at hand really that serious that I should become stressed-out about it?"