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BNP Leader Pelted In Egg Protest

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mark_is_god On June 26, 2015

antrim, Ireland
#46New Post! Jun 11, 2009 @ 21:01:38
@Hinckleylad Said

i have been a member of both organisations in the past, the NF is a front for various neo-nazi idiots who like to adorn the swastika and revel in racist provocation, i was shocked at what i witnessed, and soon left this so-called party.
Now i can understand the left wing of UAF targetting these people, as these people are the ones who actually go ourt and commit race hate crimes.

I joined the BNP simply because it was so more advanced from the NF, its more like a right wing tory party, honest. if for one moment i thought it was anything else, i would myself leave tommorrow. i have been involved in right wing politics for 22 years, and can tell you the BNP and the NF are not the same, even though if you look back to when the BNP was first formed by ex-NF members.

There is no links, the NF hate the BNP and stand against them in elections to try and split the vote.

If any party deserves closer scrutiny by the mass media, it is the likes of the NF and the weird misfits it attracts.

so its fair to say, you dislike the NF

but why do you like the BNP then?, its basically the same thing except dressed up to be more acceptable.
many of the senior BNP members were and possibly still are members/supporters of the NF

and you criticise the NF for racial provocation, yet once again the likes of nick griffin and other high ranking members of the BNP, are all guilty of serious racial hatred including anti-Semite behaviour.

and theres people like tony lecomber who was a high ranking member of the BNP, in fact he was considered the number 2 of the party.
tony wasn't just a racist thug, he was a terrorist.
Jennifer1984 On July 20, 2022
Returner and proud

Penzance, United Kingdom
#47New Post! Jun 13, 2009 @ 22:18:20
I think we're all overreacting somewhat, to the election of a very tiny number (2, actually) of members to the European Parliament. Does anyone seriously think that this represents a "breakthrough" of any kind..? What the heck sort of threat does anybody perceive the BNP to be...??

That political pygmy Griffin and his Neo-Nazi mate (can't even remember his name) are total political amateurs. They have no experience whatsoever of governmental political processes and they are going into a pan-European parliament, of which a significant proportion of the other members are very experienced, and they don't like him. He is going to be at the mercy of people who can screw him at every turn, whenever they like

Griffin and his only mate will soon find themselves totally isolated. Nobody will want to support them in any of their proposals and would not want to be besmirched by being seen to be in agreement with anything this brace of political nonentities propose. They will soon become the Nobby No-Mates of Pan-European politics.

In political terms, Griffin and his only cohort in the world are a pair of political mice..... and the Strasbourg Parliament is full of alley cats. What do you think of their chances...?

Frankly, the BNP are a joke. Stop and think a moment..... At a time when the standing government's poplularity is at an all time low....... When the masses were in the mood to make a political protest via the ballot box...... When the BNPhad the advantage of a proportional representation system in their favour........when every single mitigating factor produced the best possible opportunity they will ever have, then how many MEP's did they return.....?


Well, spank my a** and call me Charlie..!! Are we supposed to see this as a threat to democracy..?

Come the next time round, when voting for MEP's comes up for grabs, the political landscape will have changed. The recession will be over..... Britain will probably have a Tory government and life will have settled down again. There will be less of a mood to protest and voting patterns will return pretty much to normal. Indeed, if any sort of protest vote is in the minds of the public, it will probably be more of advantage to UKIP than BNP.

Nick Griffin is a noisy, malodorous, nasty, vicious little racist scumbag, full of his own wind and self importance, with all the political clout of a dead sheep..... and his politics smell just as bad..!!

He has put his party in the public eye by being the lowest turd in the cesspool of politics....... which usually attracts those other festering rectal stools, the popular press. Griffin's utterances, the sheer horribleness of his party's manifesto and the disdain and disgust felt by the huge, overwhelming majority of the British people have seen the toilet-roll press give him column inches he doesn't deserve. You wouldn't wipe your bottom with the BNP manifesto, but writing about it don't half sell newspapers.

Give this political mouse his five years amongst the alley cats of Strasbourg and when it becomes apparent to even his most fervent followers that he can't deliver...... is nothing but hot air and empty promises....... then even they will walk away and we will hear no more of him.

And good riddance to bad rubbish.

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