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annski729 On July 24, 2016

, United States (general)
#1New Post! Jul 13, 2006 @ 19:17:46
How do I resize my pictures before posting them?

I resize my pictures before posting them because 1) It takes less time for it to load when it's smaller 2) It doesn't stretch the page out and 3) It's easier to see something without having to scroll.

There are several programs you can use:

1) Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop

2) Windows Paint:
1. Open the image in Paint (To open Paint go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint )
2. Go to Image > Stretch/Skew
3. Under 'Stretch' enter the same number for horizontil and vertical percentages. If you are re-sizing an image taken with a digital camera this will usually be between 40% and 60%
4. Save the picture
(thanks Tino )

3) Microsoft Photo Editor: Open the program, locate the image (File > Open), then go to "Image" on the top menu bar and select "Resize." Choose between inches, centimeters, or pixels .

How do I resize more than one picture at a time?
I'm not sure if you can resize more than one at a time with the above programs. I use a program, I'm not sure of the name actually. I like it a lot though. It can be downloaded for free from here:

If you choose to use this, after you run the setup and install it, you can resize very easily. Highlight any pictures you want to use (by either using the blue box with your left mouse button or clicking each picture once and then holding ctrl on your keyboard), right-click on any one picture you have highlighted, and select the option "Resize Pictures" from the drop down menu. You will then get a window with a few sizes you can choose from. I generally choose "Small" when posting pictures, but if you need to resize something for an avatar, hit "Advanced >>" and bubble in the "Custom" option. I generally make my avatars "fit a 75 by 75 screen" but you may want to crop the picture first

Anyway, once you select your size, hit OK and a new file will be created on your computer in the same folder that the original picture was in. You'll have the original picture in its full size and then you'll also have the resized picture. You can check "Resize the original pictures (don't create copies)" but I wouldn't recommend doing that.
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