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Homophobic Violence in Oxford Street, Sydney

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Darkshine On May 05, 2010

Sydney, Australia
#1New Post! Jan 19, 2008 @ 10:54:02
attacks/2008/01/18/1200620213002.html?page=fullpage]Gays March on Oxford Street
in Protest[/url]

In recent weeks, every newspaper I've received has had a page 2 or even front-cover story
about this issue, which is still being ignored by the higher powers.

In the past two years, 200 cases of homophobic violence have been reported to different
organisations. This information is always passed to police, but not a single case brought
forward has had any results.

Now, for a one mile strip of road, made up mainly of stores and nightclubs; the above
figures mean someone is the victim of homophobic violence every three days.

For the gay centre and hub of Australia, let alone Sydney, this is entirely unacceptable!

The police refuse to take responsibility for the situation at hand, offering no increased
numbers, or even police routes through the area.

This has lead to complete outrage from the gay community. As mentioned in the article,
many people of the pro gay or gay community are marching on Australia Day (jan 26th) in
protest to the situation and to bring media attention to it.

A small and under-protected community has been left to fend for itself in an unwinnable
battle, is the way I see it.
The gay community has pulled together of late and formed groups to protect the one mile
strip. The police, though, strongly oppose the vigalante theme given.

My vote on this is; if they oppose it, get out there and stop it yourself!

I know if I had the muscle to me and was of age, I'd be proudly wearing the rainbow and
patrolling the streets at night. I have no pity for any man or woman caught by the patrol
harassing a member of my community.

So, my grammar isn't tops tonight, I apologise;

But given the information you've seen:

What do you think you think of the situation?
Should the thriving centre of gay culture in Australia be ignored and turn derelict because
of incapable and possibly biggoted police?

What do you think should be done in this situation?

Thoughts, ideas, opinions, any real feedback is cool.

And those in the sydney/east coast area who wish to help with anything associated with
what you've read, send me a PM, there are organisations who love all the help they can
hedkandi1984_21 On July 23, 2013

London, United Kingdom
#2New Post! Jan 19, 2008 @ 11:58:44
Well, obviously, this kind of discrimination can't continue and there should be incresed police numbers and maybe more policies. But if the government is refusing to do something, then protests and marches are really the way to go, as long as they don't become violent.
Darkshine On May 05, 2010

Sydney, Australia
#3New Post! Jan 19, 2008 @ 12:00:04
The only time the gay community has been forwardly violent in a march (in
australia) was in the first Mardi Gras where police assaulted the playful crowd.

So no chance there
buffalobill90 On July 12, 2013
Powered by tea

Viaticum, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Jan 19, 2008 @ 14:24:29
If only gay people were not a minority, their protests would be far more powerful, as with the black civil rights movement in the US. What they should do is somehow become a real nuisance to the government in order to force a resolution. Active, but non-violent, protest has always been the way forwards, as with black civil rights and Gandhi in India. For example, they should target government institutions and organisations.

Can homosexual couples receive civil partnerships in Australia?
Darkshine On May 05, 2010

Sydney, Australia
#5New Post! Jan 19, 2008 @ 22:45:45
@buffalobill90 Said
If only gay people were not a minority, their protests would be far
more powerful, as with the black civil rights movement in the US. What they should do is
somehow become a real nuisance to the government in order to force a resolution. Active,
but non-violent, protest has always been the way forwards, as with black civil rights and
Gandhi in India. For example, they should target government institutions and

Can homosexual couples receive civil partnerships in Australia?

The problem with said actions is that the homosexual community is forced underground.

Unlike being black, homosexuality can be hidden. And thus, is.

A good portion of gays will make a stand for things like this, but there are the portion
who are far too scared to even come out. If they can't come out, they can barely be
expected to make a stand. Which is so sad.

And in Tasmania (The tiniest territory of Australia) they can be marked on a relationships
roll. That's the only gay-specific law in Australia.
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