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On October 03, 2017 solitaire

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Dublin, Ireland
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Public entry The leap of faith
September 27, 2012 @ 08:57:05 pm
The leap of faith is something that comes up in films every now and again. Sometimes the leap is quite literal, like Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail, other times it's trusting in someone you have no reason to trust.

I have recently taken a leap of faith (recent being three weeks ago), I quit a well paying (but ultimately unfulfiling) job to go back to school (That's school, not University). The reason I've done this is to get into Medicine.

I'm not sure how familiar people on this site are with the procedure for getting into medicine in Ireland, but let me assure you it sucks.

Every now and again I get scared that I've made a mistake but, and this if you're still reading this is the whole point of the piece, I keep on going, because if I don't put in every bit of effort that I can then I'll never know for sure.

Whatever your leap of faith is, I hope you'll be able to take it and know that it's ok to be affraid.
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