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"life sucks. but it gets better........i hope"
On November 17, 2006 lifeisloss

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noneyourbussinessville, United
Joined: May 2006

My Stats
Age: 31
Gender: M
Location: noneyourbussinessville
United States (general)
United States
Posts: 169
PLS: ? 63.18
Joined:: May 29, 2006
Reputation: 3


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About Me

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i have a girlfriend,crimsoncutter, (sorry ladies ) but i love her so i dont want any other girls. im not to interesting so there isnt much to say. i like football and hang out with friends in a little town called noneyourbussinessville becuase its none your bussiness where i live cause im afraid you might try to stalk me : /. so yeah thats basicly me. if you have any questions are comments i might care about or wont care about ( i read everything ) feel free to do so in a pm and ill dele....i mean read it


You are shy and mysterious. Hotties are always trying to unlock your secrets, and figure out what makes you so cool.

You have to have trust in your partner, so you?re not really into randomly hooking up. You really like the intimacy that comes with sex and you won?t take no for an answer when it comes to after sex cuddling.

Sex matches: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces

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You scored as soldier. you were a soldier that died in a war! you were killed in action while fighting for youre life. You are strong and resilient and you are respected by most of your friends please rate and comment





homocidal killer


working class citizen




what were you in youre past life?
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You scored as Eyes full of Pain. People tend to overlook you, which makes you feel less worthy of their attentions. You sometimes wish you could just disapear from the world around you. You have been hurt very badly in the past and you just wish that someone would understand you, and what their cruelty is doing to you.

Eyes full of Pain






Diamond Eyes


What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
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You Are a Blueberry Margarita

Honestly, there's no one quite like you. And believe it or not, most people think that's a bad thing!

You're open, wild, friendly, wacky, and tons of fun. You have a big personality... and a big heart.

You Are Cyclops

Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.

You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.

Power: force beams from your eyes

Your True Love Is a Scorpio

Why you'll love a Scorpio:

Strong and sexy, Scorpio will overpower you into falling in love (before you even realize it!).

You'll love being swept away by Scorpio - into a world of insane passion.

Why a Scorpio will love you:

You don't mind letting your Scorpio take the reigns, as long as you know you're truly cared for.

Loyal and devoted, you would never do anything to set off insanely jealous Scorpio.

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Copper Panther

Your Superpower is Distant Attack

Your Weakness is Spiders

Your Weapon is Your Ice Sword

Your Mode of Transportation is Fire Engine

Your Love Style is Agape

You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.

Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.

You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.

Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.

For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.


You Are A Margarita Martini

You are a full on partier, with a good deal of sass and spunk.

You're always friendly and welcoming - and very tolerant of obnoxious drunks.

You should never: Drink and dance. The pictures will be everywhere the next morning!

Your ideal party: Is loud, with good music and fun drinking games.

Your drinking soulmates: Those with a Dirty Martini personality

Your drinking rivals: Those with a Classic Martini personality

You Are Mexican Food

Spicy yet dependable.

You pull punches, but people still love you.

You Are 55% Addicted to Love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love.

You've been a fool for love many times - but are you the wiser for it?

Your needs should come first, both in and out of relationships.

Because you're the only one who can look out for yourself!

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct!

Your Outrageous Name is:

Miles Zlong

You Are a Punk Rocker!

When it comes to rock, you don't follow any rules

You know that rocking out is all about taking down the man

You've got an incredible stage presence and rock persona

You scare moms, make bad girls (or boys) swoon, and live life on the edge!

Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?:uh-huh (it was fun to)
Toilet Paper someone's house:yup
Played Poker with money:still broke
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt:im a dude what dose it matter
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk:yeah
like someone but never told them:hell yeah
went camping:yes
had a crush on your broher's friend:im brotherless
walk in the rain without an umbrella:all the time
told a joke that NObody thought was funny:most of the time
been in a talent show:un talented
started laughing at someone's bedtime:yup (but then i tell them minewhen i have one)
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of:most of the time
been to a nude beach:only when i need to puke lol
drank jack daniels:i wish but never got my hands on the bottle
cursed in a church:no
been called a slut for kissing someone:hello dude
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner:DUDE
wanted to be a police officer:yeah
dumped someone:yeah
been hit on by someone too old:no
wanted to be a model:HAHA thats funny
bought lottery tickets:yeah
made out in a car:i wish but im still lacking that merret badge scouts
cried during a movie:yeah
wanted something you couldn't have:of course
had sex on the beach:-cry- im still a virgin
had the drink sex on the beach:see previous answer
seen someone shoplift:yeah
hung up on someone:are you asking me something dirty -smile-
yelled at you pet:yeah
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy:DUDE IM A GUY....yes
tried to strip when drunk:probably
gotten seasick:no
had a stalker:maybe
played a prank on somone that had them really scared:yeah
been embarassed by one of your family:YEAH
felt bad about eating meat:yes
been to an island:yeah
been in love:yes with my girlfriend
ate jus because you were bored:yes
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww":yes
Screamed in a library:yes
Made out with a stranger:no
Been Dumped:yes
Wished a part of you was different:yes
asked a guy to dance:not offense to gays
been asked out by a really hot guy:prevous answer
laughe so hard ou cried:yup
went up to a complete stranger and started talking:yup
been sunburned:yes
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert:no i was normaly on the reciving end
threw up in school:yeah
recieved an anonymous love letter:yeah
had to wear something you hated:yeah
been to a luau:no
say your ex and wanted to kick his ass:i dont get the question
cursed in front of your parents:yeah
been in a commerical on tv:no
watched a movie that made you miss your ex:yeah
been out of the country:o yeah
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk:o yeah but it was a chick in the car and she was mad cause i j walked
won at pool:yeah
went to a party where you were the ony sober one:yeah
went on a diet:yeah
been lost out to sea:no
cheated on your bf:it would be girlfriend but not that i can remember at the moment
been cheated on:yes
tanned topless:im a guy so im always topless and i dont tan
been attacked by seagulls:no
been searched in an airport:yeah
been on a plane:yeah
been pants-ed:no
thown a shoe at someone:no
broke someone's heart:doubt it
sung in the shower:no comment lol
bought something way too expensive:yeah
done something really stupid that you still laugh about:yeah
been walked in on when you were dressing:im a dude it dont bother me
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie:no
been kicked out of the mall:no
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back:yes
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one:yes
done something stupid when you were drunk:yes
fell off your roof:if by that you mean jumped then yes
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone:only at every horror movie we go to but i still cant get as close as i want to
had a deer jump in fron of your car:cant drive yet
threated someone witha water gun:yup
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge:no
open your eyes underwater:no
eat whatever you want and not have to worry:no
ice skate:no
sing in front of a crowd:no
whistle:not really
be a b**** at times:ask one of my friends
do thirty pull ups:no
walkin in really high heals:never tried
eat super spicy foods:no
sleep with the lights on:not really
touch your nose with your tounge:yes
fall asleep easily in the car:no
do the cotton eye joe:if i was shown how then of now no
play ddr and not fall:no
fit in your locker:no
do a split:no no no no no that is a MISPLACEING experense
taste the difference between pepsi and coke:yes
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

A Girls Underwear

Created by thefonz and has 26206 votes on Bzoink

What underwear do you think girls should wear or just what do you prefer?
Thong (daring)
Boyshorts (cute)
Whatever they are comfortable in (independant)
Granny Panties (Brave)

View Current Results

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i prefer one over the others (guy thing) but id always tell them to wear what they want so id say the third choice

What COLOR best decribes your PERSONALITY?

Created by lizza and taken 58815 times on Bzoink

If math were a fruit, what kind would it be?
Aren't you awesome?
Your personality color:black - you're just evil and everybody hates you. Don't take it personally, this is just a quiz, ok?

Create a Quizlet | Search Quizlets | Go to Bzoink

I've Never.. (put an x in the box if its true)
Kissed a guy:x
Kissed a girl:
Had sex:x
Had sex in a public place:x
Drivin a car:
Been in a car accident:
smoked cigarettes:
done drugs:
drank alcohol:
had a threesome:x
thought about sex:
fantasized about a guy:x
fantasized about a girl:
been so high i couldn't move:
been so drunk i couldnt move:
cursed to my friends:
lied to my friends:
lied to my parents:
cursed to my parents:
drivin drunk:x
driven high:x
met someone from online:x
bungee jumped:x
been on a rollar coasted:
cut myself on purpose:
tried to kill myself:
thought about suicide:
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
gum:dentyne ice/fire
restaurant:johnny carino's
type of weather:cool and breezy but not to cold or warm
thing to do on a half day:play video games
late-night activity:dont ask .....
store:........WAL*MART....or hot topic is good
When was the last time you..
played a sport:last month
hugged someone:today
kissed someone:last night
felt depressed:today
felt elated:what the hell does that mean???
felt overworked:two days ago
faked sick:a while
What was the last..
word you said:f***
thing you ate:mozzereala stix
song you listened to:alone
thing you drank:fresca
place you went to:ingles
movie you saw:city of angels
movie you rented:domino
concert you attended:dont know
Who was the last person you..
cried over:uncle
kissed:KANSAS!!!!!!! was good to lol
danced with:kansas
shared a secret with:kansas
had a sleepover with:hehe i could be so sick right now......but it was jack
went to a movie with:kansas
were angry with:megan
couldn't take your eyes off of:kansas
obsessed over:kans................I AM NOT OBSESSED
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:yeah
kissed someone:yeah
done drugs:yeah
drank alcohol:yeah
slept around:no
partied 'til the sun came up:yeah
had a movie marathon:yeah
gone too far on a dare:...........
spun until you were immensely dizzy:yeah
taken a survey quite like this before:no
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You believe that people see you for how you are, not how you look. But deep down, you know that's not exactly true.

Your near future is still unknown, and a little scary. You'll get through wild times - and you'll textually enjoy it.

For you, falling in love is all about flirting and feeling playful. You couldn't fall in love with someone who took life too seriously.

ty --


A hermit living in the big city

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

ty is a radioactive squirrel!!


You scored as Machinegun. Machinegun isn't very good as personal sidearm - too heavy, too clumsy, too loud. But you don't care. Okay, it's your choise...



Assault Rifle










Sniper Rifle


What Firearm Fits You Best?
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You scored as Football. You should play football- its the most popular high school and college sport, and creates a ton of school spirit.









Ice Hockey










Field hockey








What sport are you meant for??
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Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

"Nice doggy."

You scored as Suicide. Your death will be suicide. What more can I say? Fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you want to know hwo you will commit suicide, take a look at your second highest percentage on the bar graphs.



















Cut Throat






Natural Causes


How Will You Die??
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lifeisloss may actually be a spider-human hybrid


Funny Videos
Funny Videos

You scored as Goth. Your A Goth!



Rocker, Mosher






Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev






What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
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Who I Want To Meet
anybody interesting or in an awsome band

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My Journal
I have no life

My Interests (6)
music (3957), football (996), working out (84), playing video games (36), talking to my girlfriend (2),
My Friends
On December 24, 2020 psycoskunk

On August 25, 2015 glitter_sniffer

On April 03, 2013 crimsoncutter

On December 11, 2010 young_nick

On March 25, 2010 fallen_in_tears

On December 17, 2009 emo_tionalwreck

On December 09, 2009 x_chanelle_x

On November 30, 2009 TheForumSite

On March 28, 2009 st0nerdude

On December 01, 2008 hopeless

On November 24, 2008 mazzyroxursox

On September 11, 2008 fallenangel

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