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Brasilian Life
I'm a controlling wife!?!
February 01, 2008 @ 06:58:32 pm
My husband thinks I'm too controlling. So I'm trying to back off even though I dont think its really true. Now here it is going on 5pm. He said he'd be home at 4. I thought a call wouldnt hurt. So I call his cell and I hear people laughing and a lot of noise like an arcade. He says he's busy and that he's not coming home yet. Hangs up and thats it.
Alright. What now. I need to let it go right? Do I sound too controlling?

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New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 07:00:40 pm
No your right a phone call wouldn't take a minute! Just to let you know all is all right and that he would be home later than expected.


Government Hooker

New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 07:00:55 pm
get the kids and go out someplace


New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 07:01:24 pm
Not at all.. If he aid he was going to home at a time and he is not home, you have the right to call.

You are his wife and you have a right to ask questions, just like he has the same...


New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 07:03:56 pm
LOL I feel like the mama monkey in my pic. "Where is that baboon?!?!"


New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 07:04:03 pm
ouch. . ask him where he was when he gets home, and then chew his a** out about not telling you that he'd be home late.


New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 07:57:34 pm
I think the best way to play it would have been not to call him and to just wait for him to come home, then casually mention it. Sure, he was an hour late, but sometimes it can't be helped, and if he's out having fun with his friends and you've called him, it might make him feel as if you're checking up on him.


Government Hooker

New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 08:06:27 pm
give him some space, get your a** out the house and have some fun


New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 08:43:21 pm
He hung up on you? That would seriously piss me off. That is wildly disrespectful and totally unacceptable in my universe. That said, I'd do what Treebee said and get out of the house...go find my own good time and let him come home and wonder where I've gone off to.


New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 10:30:11 pm
Definitely sounds fishy to me. If he's expected home at a certain time and he's that late, he should have called. I give my other half that courtesy and I expect it back. If for nothing else, maybe you had plans and counted on his timely return. It's just plain rudeness.


Bringer of rad mirth

New Post! February 01, 2008 @ 10:34:09 pm
@treebee Said
get the kids and go out someplace

That's the best idea.


New Post! February 03, 2008 @ 09:58:12 pm
I think he only says you're too controlling to keep you at bay whilst he does unhusbandly things like that. Let the tables be turned and we'd really see who was controlling.
If it bothers you than it's not something that can be solved with him telling you that YOU have to change something, that is not fair at all. But maybe you can change something about yourself, just not give a damn and have your own fun, but then again, that's what people do when their just simply dating.

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