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"The Flirt"
On May 06, 2007 kinglegend

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Brisbane, Australia
Joined: Oct 2005

My Stats
Age: 34
Gender: M
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 2513
PLS: ? 41.58
Joined:: Oct 24, 2005
Reputation: 11


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About Me
My email is @gmail. com">ledge.n.dary @gmail. com for interesting people

*Name as it appears on birth certificate: Dunno, never seen it lol
*In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Na, is it good?
*In the past month have you been on Stage: Whenever I want.
*In the past month have you been Dumped: Don't you need a relationship for that? lol
*In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Not like I would very likely tell you is it? You want to skinny dip, come here, I'll help you get changed *In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Don't know
*Ever been Drunk: Nope, I can out drink all of you :D
*Ever been called a Tease: All the time
*Ever been Beaten up: Nope, got in many fights though
*Ever Shoplifted: Yep
*How do you want to Die: Old lol
*What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I don't want to grow up
*What country would you most like to Visit: Spain
*Nickname : KingLegend, Ledge.N.Dary, Smile, Get your hands off me creep...oops did I say that aloud?
*Occupation : Radio
*Number of candles on last b-day cake:What cake?
*Pets: Dog - Buffy. Guinea rat which I hate - Shrek. An assortment of fish. My family
*Hair colour : Light brown
*Piercings: Used to have one earing, hole is closed now, am thinking of putting my skull earring in it.
*Eye colour: Changes constantly
*Favourite foods : Edible
*Ever been toilet papered: Nope
*Love someone so much it made you cry: Nope, just disappointed
*Been in a car acident: Nope
*Croutons or bacon bits: Either
*Fav day of the week: Fridays, busiest day at work.
*Fave restaurant: Sizzlers?
*Do you Shower Daily: Have to be fresh for the lady folk
*Have you Been in Love: I have no idea, what does she look like?
*Do you want to go to College: Yeah I will go, great socializing
*Do you want to get Married: Maybe one day, if I find someone worth my life
*Do you belive in yourself: Always...i
*Do you get Motion Sickness: no
*Do you think you are Attractive: Average
*Are you a Health Freak: Nope
*Do you get along with your Parents: Occasionally
*Do you like Thunderstorms: Sexcellent
*Do you play an Instrument:Not well
*In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yeah and it was great
*In the past month have you Smoked: Never
*In the past month have you been on Drugs: Never
*In the past month have you gone on a Date: I don't know lol.
*In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yep
*Fave flowers: Dunno
*Do you Smoke: Not even if you payed me
*Do you Swear: Always
*Fave sport to watch: Nude womens wrestling
*Fave drinks: Water, schnappes, creme'de'menthe, etc.
*Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla unless chocolate body paint
*Fave ice cream: Mint choc chip
*Single or Group Dates: whatever my date wants
*Fave colour: Black. It is a colour, if you say shade I will punch you
*Fave fast food place: Dunno
*How many times did u fail ur drivers test: I haven't done it yet. Too lazy
*Where do you love to shop: Anywhere
*What do you do when your most bored: Sleep, or come here.
*Most annoying thing people say to me: Anything stupid. IF they are trying to be funny it is worse.
*Bedtime: Whenever I decide to go.
*Last person i went to dinner with: I don't know
*Whens my bday: 23rd of August (there Christina, you happy?)
*Birthplace: Canberra, Australia
*Current Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
*Hair Color: Don't know, it seems to change itself. lol
*Height: 5 ft 5
*Right Handed or Left Handed: right handed
*Your Heritage: Practically all of it
*The Shoes You Wore Today: skin
*Your Weakness: N/A
*Your Fears: N/A
*Your Perfect Pizza: Meaty Mmmmm
*Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Live, have more fun.
*Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
*Thoughts First Waking Up: I wake up at 2am, no thoughts that early hahaha
*Your Best Physical Feature: Come here and decide for yourself.




I edited my profile with Thomas? Myspace Editor V3.6!

Who I Want To Meet
Have fun - meaning of life.

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On October 08, 2013 sarahf

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On June 21, 2020 andy04

On December 12, 2016 kayt

On July 24, 2016 annski729

On January 21, 2016 chipmunkinator

On December 13, 2014 vanders

On August 18, 2013 guff4567

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