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"It's better to burn out than fade away ~k.c."
On November 12, 2020 cvchic13

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Desolation Row, United States
Joined: Feb 2005

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Read At Your Own Risk(:
Nothing special.
The First Time.
September 28, 2011 @ 04:01:57 pm
The first time I've ever gotten drunk and hurt myself happened last night, and it just happened to be a head wound (Well, it wasn't the first time I've gotten drunk, but the first time I've seriously hurt myself while under the influence.)

I was sitting on the couch, in the dark, talking to my boyfriend and we were kind of arguing. I got pissed at him and flung my head backwards and somehow, a picture frame was sitting on the back of the couch and the corner was sticking out. I slammed my head into it and stabbed the back of my head with the corner of the picture frame.

I screamed and could immeadiately feel blood gushing from my head. I totally freaking out, partly from being totally wasted, and my boyfriend was freaking out also. He was yelling about how I needed stitches and it was deep. It was like, half an inch deep and we got it to stop bleeding. I thought I was going to have to go the doctors, and I was bawling about not wanting to go. It was awful

Leave it to me to do something so totally f***ed up as this. It was one of those "being at a bad place at a bad time" type thing. It was totally surreal.

My head still hurts and I can barely brush my hair and it sucks.

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root tedt ree

New Post! September 29, 2011 @ 02:03:52 pm
Be careful caring for your hair until it properly closes up..
You were lucky you didn't have to get stitches, as they would have had to shave your hair at that area to do it.



New Post! September 29, 2011 @ 03:52:30 pm
@sTreetAngeL Said

Be careful caring for your hair until it properly closes up..
You were lucky you didn't have to get stitches, as they would have had to shave your hair at that area to do it.

OMG!! I never realized that!


New Post! September 29, 2011 @ 04:12:44 pm
I'm glad your ok and diden't need stitches

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