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On May 18, 2024 Mouse1988

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Troy, New York
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TFS Journal
Just a fb update/sort of rant
March 17, 2022 @ 12:48:52 am
I am getting tired of posting pics,videos,comments or anything on fb and not getting a response. So I have decided to turn off all my notifications on the site. And another thing. Why should I approve people to be in groups if no one will participate in the groups. Fb has completely gone downhill in the last few years. It's been so bad it's not even worth using it.

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New Post! March 20, 2022 @ 09:04:09 pm
You make a good point. I'm getting no replies myself. Maybe you could get in touch with with a moderator about this?


New Post! March 27, 2022 @ 12:48:29 am
@HiImDan Said

You make a good point. I'm getting no replies myself. Maybe you could get in touch with with a moderator about this?

On Facebook? They won't answer



New Post! March 27, 2022 @ 01:21:24 am
Facebook sucks.

I use it for close friends and family. They pay attention because I'm always with my girlfriend and she is an amazing person and amazing photographer (I'm... arguably "good", but see is in another higher artistic skill set).

Plus I don't like stupid FB memes that are largely trite, stupid and/or full on lies (politically... both conservative and liberal... complete BS).

Still I use FB more than Instagram.



New Post! March 27, 2022 @ 01:23:56 am
Oh... and here on TFS... I don't often reply to people's journal posts.

I don't view journals as a place for me to push my opinions... normally...


New Post! April 03, 2022 @ 03:13:48 am
I noticed fb and other forums I used to be on used to be fun and people chatted with each other. Nowadays it's mostly silent. I spend probably a few minutes on fb now.

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