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Vancouver, Canada
Joined: Dec 2007

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TFS Journal


New Post! December 14, 2007 @ 06:39:24 am

I never have a pink overcoat.
'' how see dun dook '' in Cantonese...
even though Bosco think I like pink.
well dont need to be like a pink panther...

I bought a pink high heels in 80s @ TST ocean centre...seldom wore them. dng 400 bucks!

Ah that bag of implants each is like a greyish black grain of rice
if you have somethign shape like this on the periphial of your skull remove this cause these are Tank's chips. They may cause CVA.
(Observable with plain Xray )
I love you I wish you well I wish you free....




New Post! December 14, 2007 @ 10:38:02 am

I am on break....
I cant stand some youngster...
esp those manipulative shoe shine boys

Called mom, and told her if she has a chance to call Aunt Teresa,
tell her to tell her nut case son Bosco not to send people playing turn around games and trying to make me return to HK by making my work and my life difficult in Canada.

I am not returning to Canada for the sake of renewing my drivers license or SIN ( show a record that I am in the border) for her or others to get hired or to work or to drive here.

Cant afford the auto insurance..dont freaking drive!
I have taken the bus for 3 years. what's the problem?
If the horse dies they have to take the bus....
IF they cannot afford the charriot.
I am not a whore. Yick is.
Cannot get out of China without the help of an old brown man.
/ ie being his concubine 9th??

Tak :


New Post! December 14, 2007 @ 03:33:44 pm

It is time off work.
thinking of eating sth good b4 I sleep.
will work tonight...

Tell some xhole kids who thinks working graveyd will bring him more dollars and getting me out of their way.
Directly I am here 20 yrs...a Canadian and there is no need for them to play the turn head game to signal me back home anymore.
Canada is my home. I also tell some that Chinese family once the gal is married...she is no longer part of it.

Cousin Amy's room now is part of the sitting room ...
Pete's room is now guest room...
and tiny Bosco's room looks ''sterile''.
If he moves out, think they are changing the whole place to a second family room. Or maybe selling the whole place for better investment or moving to Pete's house up the street.

Ask if my brother leaves me a room in Aussie his house?
Mom cant stay there if she does not help out with the family chores and baby sitting my nephew Kyron.

I think these xholes or youngsters are too much into my family business. I still need my hugs though and the foot ball game if you can transmitt. BTw your phoneix... can I watch it from Vancouver.
I missed the Europe Football game already!! Good grief!
If I were in HK I would have watched that at some lounges...and you have to send ppl over there to watch me. hahaha...IQ prof!



New Post! December 14, 2007 @ 07:59:13 pm

M back home after staying abit downtown...want to open up a chequing account. Maybe when there is time off to open up one for paying the phone bills that all. Not much need to use chqs anyways.
Maybe I pay my bill using a MO once every few month for the phone bill. 5 bucks handling fees for a MO! and 10+ for a box of cheques.
and handling charges monthly for a chq acct...which one is cheaper?

Time to go to bed now... but I am still full.
Still awake..... still thinkin if I should wash my hair now or when I wake up. they say washing too frequently will cause more hair loss?!! I am wearing a band on the forehead to prevent the banks from getting oily and remains fluffy after wearing a visor..also warmth for the ears when I am out.

Okay,it is almost time for me to go to bed...still 2 more nights to go for this week.



New Post! December 14, 2007 @ 08:13:03 pm

There has been a rumor that you are '' russian''
there has been a rumor that you are '' western''
there has been a rumor that you are Thai...
there has been a rumor that you are Indian...
but... how come no rumor saying that you are chinese? hahah..
how come successful people cannot be Chinese?

So these fakes are spinning their race's gals round n round!!
Guess you will be hated after these gals are cheated off their money love and future...race after race.
Wonder who is that xhole who thought about this selling trick?
wicked wicked....U need not do selling for a living.

Anyways, I dont like this at all. I dont want you / ur image to be used. Whoever thought of this trick in fact wants you dead.

Tak - very cute emoticons!


New Post! December 15, 2007 @ 06:55:32 am

Well back at work. my time is 1051pm ..9 more mins to start. off at 7am tomorrow...shoot.lots of people out tonight.
Friday nite...of course nite life!
Else waste of life.

I am still full... thinking of drinking a coffee to wake me up.
Write 2 u later, if you are in town, drop by and say hi!

Hi hi,... ah some naive chick still try to play that '' ng arm'' thing as cousin xhole coughed that night.. they could have told you I was dead, so that they had to put up such foul play.
Because I called his office at Jobasia.
or I called his home one night and he picked up the call?
I was calling his mom actually.

These b****es tried to aliente me from my kin but they cannot.
Tell them to get a life.
Hay thanks for the one arm hug......



New Post! December 15, 2007 @ 10:45:03 am

busy busy..... fri nite.
saw sb looks like you...but not you.
he doesnt have your big front teeth...
but think you are that big and tall now...

oh dont you go body build with H3....
I dont want you to look like a rectangular block.
He looks like a block of sugar...Peter too...haha.
Worse part is that these 2 cousins like to wear suits with
sleeves too long for their arms..and would nt want to tailor them short using their dad's facilites.
hahaha....worse than a bad joke.
the 2 walk out looking like a pair of 3 1 'man nun hop'.
One green one beige....
Arent they look like the 2 (green and brown) monster in the IQ prof comics? hahaha.... Bosco looks like the green one...and Pete used to wear glasses too... ( the brown one) hahahaha....
I think you will turn handsome when you see your love...
hahaha that is how IQ prof does when he thinks of his love in the comics.

The thought of being loved turns people beautiful.
So those always have delusion of love will look beautiful all the time...hahaha ''sarcastic''? So I am a gin ching just like you too!

hahaha... I never think you are a gin ching!
in the eyes/measurement of another chin ging ( myself)
Just similiar wave length..!!! hahaha.
Will be off at 7am.

Will be off break in 45mins.



New Post! December 15, 2007 @ 03:06:44 pm

how r u? now my time off.
will be going home. Still feeling full.



New Post! December 15, 2007 @ 06:07:38 pm

M back home... prepare to go to bed.
but not sleepy. had breakfast dun worry, but forget to bring newspaper home.( Sat Van sun)
need a tube of toothpaste...and small hand cream.
Here there is not Silicone cream.
(previous bank customer Demarco's recommendation)
No skin repair cream either...

Where are u my love? PPl know u are not dead and they dare not bully me... haha now you are my Hermione, Porter!

I love you. Miss ya.
I have not watched TV for days.... Koala eat n sleep when off work.
I need to hug my tree to sleep.
U know I need that ever since I was a kid.

Tak :d::


New Post! December 16, 2007 @ 10:18:44 am

Where r u? sour ngar chai.??
Are you well? Are you fine?

M on break. 215am. will resume at 3am.
Off at 7am
Thinking of having tea ....
Pig hog... or chicken soup.

Not much news on you lately r u okay?
Still thinking of opening a chq account.
Possibly with another bank.

Okay have a nice day, nice munchies..
and nice book.



New Post! December 16, 2007 @ 03:28:00 pm

I got identity theft think you knew.
So who else is using my SIN to work in Canada.
I am no longer in Ontario.

I made a humble pay .... salaried in attempted to recover my
CPP UI and fed they can know how many are actually using my ID to study since I had so much pressure to admit i am another person in myt 20s so these chicks some of them must be still in School. I also report tax as self employed consultant.

I shall report to RCMP again... if I ever know some E whore, E fu whatsoever still want me out of canada because they are using my SIN number here to live.
They better not with any Prof asso. Since I never upkeep the Asso fees for a decade now.

I said, no stable employment corresponding to the right wages I am not paying the Asso fees...cause benefit doesnt outweigh the cost.
I am not some 20 yrs old. I am in the same class with you in HK.
You cannot be in the 20s, H3 n T3 etc too...

I am not in sales, I need not say I am young and beautiful.
I sell my knowledge. I consult. Not in Sales.
IF someone only wants me if I am young, I can bypass them.
I am not a dog a pig and any other pets which worths more when they are babies. I am a human being.
These people have such idea should be put down when they becomes of age. Why dont they just put down their aged parents first if they are so age discriminative?

Canada better make those comers understand her original culture instead of letting these new comers to force local to follow their barbaric culture and thinking which nurtured before these comers landed.

IF you want me in NY, send someone to hire me to work there.
I seldom call SF now since my cousin moved and dont know where she moved. ( the one from Salvadore)
Someone asked me where I came from, Japan? I think I look like Japanese .... well I tell them I have relatives from Japan. Since T3 wife is Japanese... and he is my cousin.

I am Canadian. I never have an Aussie passport. In fact I never apply for residence in Aussie. I settled in Canada long before brother moved to Aussie. They never applied me over.
So my home is in Canada. NO more questions, no more head turning game before I tell these people to mind their own fking business.

Tak :smitten:


New Post! December 16, 2007 @ 04:06:42 pm

I am off now...will be tea at Fishing terrace when it opens today.
Will be there for an hour or so...
Tonight I am off, but the duty was changed..I need ot work monday nite. and off on thurs nite.
FYI so you can roll... in your 'own side of the hot pot'.
' ma lak for wor, kok yau kok kwun '

Hope no one else is using my SIN to work or study anymore in Canada.
I got identity theft you know that.
I only make a very low salary job in BC.
So I can retrieve my CPP, UI etc federal remittance.
On top I am consulting.... ( self employed but not with IG )
Cause alot can use my SIN and report T4A tax...etc.
and use my SIN to study at local rate if I am not working. MAybe they say or create a rumor that I have '' retired ''.

Do you know how full of lies some people can be?

Called Grace Lee... b8ut she is never home. Last spoken to her 2004 5 hours on the phone called BC from ONtario.
Could not contact her since. She and Angela tsf from Mss to St Paul Coed, I should have done the same. but serious academic institution is never amicable to me.

I am never untidy, Dave was. I did not clean up cause I was shouldering majority expenses of the whole household and he was messing up and still expected me to clean up after him.
Besides Clare is never off with Dave even during our marriage term.
I wonder if she tagged DAve so that he had to be manipulated by her and she knew he loved foul plays for prelude which I never like doing such with him. I never like the idea of proversive sex at all.
I hope you are not or have not dated this b**** at all.
I am that frank and open. There is nothing which I have to hide.
Accordig to my diary, nothing at all.
So I am not affected by that tag... or any idea of being '' transparent''. ( have you watched that japanese movie '' transparent'' - which the heart voices of a genius doctors got listene4d to by all those within 2km from him? - very touching movie. because his iq is over 180 so he is protected by government and treated as national treasure?)

After that I encountered very frequent breakins and vandalising and messing up. They glued dirt on my counter top... could not wipe off without ''acetone''.... all sorts..!
I was not feeling well then and I coudl not up keep the tidying
I recover now... and thanks that I can live long enough to clear up my reputation.

This shop alot have heart voices too......
not their superior Iq but maybe linked to some Asian groups.
U know what I mean.
High tech game.... when can they actually make a '' data - from startrek ' out?



New Post! December 16, 2007 @ 04:12:44 pm

So now you know why I dont like to use the bank accounts unless I have to. Being transparent has a lot of disadvantages esp if some bad gang has the reader as well.



New Post! December 17, 2007 @ 05:10:56 am

Back at home for a while... long while. groom wash, etc.
Looked at a pair of glasses... at Aberdeen mall.
Pretty dear..but I need glasses. Dont want to go to Cambie and 41
The old ones are '' crooked'' or broken. 5 years already.
Or stolen.

I am off tonite so I am not downtown tonite.
Where are you?

Still I have not gone to Tom Lee to rent a studio to try practising piano.. I have not bought the piano book yet. 30 bucks..
My fake nails are kept long... I want to protect the true layer and let it grow longer by putting a layer on top..

I have to work graveyard tomorrow nite.
Have no time to seach for other stuffs.... like rooms and others.
Like the web etc.

I am living at ground level room 12. But not basement.
There are many rooms in that family hotel.

Was at the book store at Aberdeen...renovation abit like Pg1 in HK.
But a far cry of course. I looked at the Chinese calligraphy section.
Ask those fake to write me a piece of calligraphy then I know they are fake at a glance. I always think those ' scientific' fur pen is so much more handy.... Daiso is packed today. What I ordered at the restaurant is also good for dinner. And maybe lunch too for tomorrow.

Initially I wanted to take my eye exam as they said he/she would arrive at the store at 5pm, but i when I went back at 5pm, the optometrist was not there. so maybe Friday. The frame is not brandname, but I like the cutting. Expensive....if in terms of HKD.]
HKD could have done with half the price.

I got the hand cream, not bad for the price I paid.
I still need a call display phone.....
Emdless needs...

Hope I can tea with u ...



New Post! December 17, 2007 @ 11:16:25 am


See us? Kai: See we Oui!

It is good that I got some photos put on the web else they will be stolen like the rest.

This site is abit crude, u have to know some programming to use the features. I am awake, cause I am used to working nites.
The store is opened 24 hrs that's why.
If my cousins try to frame me a whore to cover his lies and furnish his grandiose delusion. I think he really needs some medication.
Those mong kok ''filty lads'' might have think he is a prince or king. but I never had such feelings.
For some reasons, I dont want to put some grown up photos of urs here. Because I am nice enough to think those look alike could be indirectly helping ur family's business to sell in certain districts too. People use '' positive transferrence'' to help them sell or easier to get close to another person. Cause u are so widely accepted. But I am not some crazy fans of yours and write to a stranger each n every day. Hope no one touches or revamp this website. ( Those communist Chinese IT ppl! ) Like they did to your email.


M living at Richmond BC. but workign Downtown.


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