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On May 28, 2017 shinobinoz

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Stnd w Standing Rock

Wichita, Kansas
Joined: Oct 2008

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Age: 63
Gender: M
Location: Wichita
United States
Posts: 41448
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Joined:: Oct 11, 2008
Reputation: 4165



New Post! Nearing Finals Week...
November 28, 2018 @ 07:28:32 pm
And I can feel myself getting more and more stressed the absolute heck out. I know I need to take things one at a time, but it's hard when you have so much you need to do at one time. I'm just glad I'm only taking four rather than five classes this semester, so it could obviously be worse. Anyway... I'm going to do whatever it takes to pass my classes and I'm doing well in most... I'm hanging in the balance with stats, I need to get a good grade on my final. If you can, please spare a prayer for me that I can get through this and succeed, and find the motivation to work as hard as I possibly can.

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New Post! College vs. Art
November 17, 2018 @ 04:18:16 am
And it looks like college wins. College has stolen every last bit of energy, creativity, drive... I want to create art, but am uninspired. I have nothing left to give unless it goes towards statistics or something else that doesn't inspire me. As long as it eventually brings in an income, right? Such a useless class.



It's all or nothing

New Post! How much one can take
November 14, 2018 @ 05:24:06 am
Sometimes it wouldn’t kill you to start assignments early

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New Post! I haven't posted in so long...
September 18, 2017 @ 04:34:18 pm
Wow... so much has changed since I last posted. Let's make a list.

- Broke up with boyfriend, then got back with him (we are awesome now)
- Made the transition from community college to REAL university (very exciting!)
- Live in a different city

Oh, I guess that's it. I guess I didn't change as much as I thought. XD I hope everyone is well.

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New Post! Missing Family and Friends
November 11, 2016 @ 09:58:49 pm

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New Post! Today is good!
October 22, 2016 @ 10:06:59 pm
Today is a really good day. I get to see my sister and my niece. I am listening to music and making a list of names that I like, for future children and/or for character naming, as I like to write and haven't done it in a while. Here's hoping that will change. How is everyone doing today?

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New Post! Wow
October 21, 2016 @ 04:35:45 am
I am such a negative person. While I explore the boundless world of poetry I should be inspired by the pieces I read, but rather, the more I read, the more I realize what a s***ty poet I am. Here's to f***ing pessimism.


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