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On March 05, 2024 essenceofjme

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Fucking, Morocco
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New Post! Oh, hey.
March 21, 2019 @ 02:28:48 pm
Been a while. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm doing well, too... still a depressed and lonely college student counting down the days to graduation.

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New Post! Nearing Finals Week...
November 28, 2018 @ 07:28:32 pm
And I can feel myself getting more and more stressed the absolute heck out. I know I need to take things one at a time, but it's hard when you have so much you need to do at one time. I'm just glad I'm only taking four rather than five classes this semester, so it could obviously be worse. Anyway... I'm going to do whatever it takes to pass my classes and I'm doing well in most... I'm hanging in the balance with stats, I need to get a good grade on my final. If you can, please spare a prayer for me that I can get through this and succeed, and find the motivation to work as hard as I possibly can.

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New Post! College vs. Art
November 17, 2018 @ 04:18:16 am
And it looks like college wins. College has stolen every last bit of energy, creativity, drive... I want to create art, but am uninspired. I have nothing left to give unless it goes towards statistics or something else that doesn't inspire me. As long as it eventually brings in an income, right? Such a useless class.



It's all or nothing

New Post! How much one can take
November 14, 2018 @ 05:24:06 am
Sometimes it wouldn’t kill you to start assignments early

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New Post! Retirement
November 02, 2018 @ 02:09:44 pm
Well it's been two weeks since I officially retired. Now I'm trying to get my ducks lined up. Of course it's rained most of the time and I'm having difficultly changing my sleep schedule. Working 11 years on graveyard will do that. I've tried staying up til 9pm but still I wake around midnight. Tried going back to sleep but all I do is roll around and fluff up my blasted pillow.
I know I'm just whining when it's really just small stuff. I'm don't rich but I really don't have to worry about finances and then I find out my neighbor lives on $700. a month on social security. I really don't know how she does it. And here I am sniveling. Geez just Deal With It Terre!!!

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