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have you ever felt that you're being followed?

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becky_pepper On December 29, 2013

Stourbridge, United Kingdom
#1New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 17:52:24
I was wondering, has anyone here ever had the feeling of being watched or followed?

Main reason I ask is, when I was younger I used to go on walks with a friend of mine from school. Just round the corner from where she lived were a few well known haunted walks.

1)Gibbet lane
2)Sandy lane
3)Bluebell woods.

Of an evening over the weekend we'd walk her pet dog Fluke around these areas, usually thinking nothing about the haunted tales that lingered over the area.

Gibbet Lane, is so named because...well, it was where gibbets were placed, bodies were left to rot after having been hung. One story tells how one local man killed a policeman while en route back from the pub, being found guilty he was hung and strung up in the gibbet so as crows would eat off his body.
Ever since his body is said to haunt the lane and follow lonely travelers down the lane!

Sandy Lane, or Roman road, as it's also called has had a couple of stories and one sighting. It is a myth that while walking down sandy lane there is a ring of mushrooms, if you stand in the ring, and look out over toward Gibbet lane you can see said criminal as mentioned above hanging in the gibbet.
There have also been sightings of roman soldiers walking down the lane into bluebell woods either en route back from battle or going to battle, who knows?

Bluebell woods, I was originally sceptical about as I was only told by my friend that a man was known to have committed suicide and his restless soul is said to haunt there. As I was younger I believed that what my friend said there was only a way to freak me out, naturally it didn't work! M parents knew the myths and stories of the area as they'd grown up around there and not once had they mentioned anything like that before!

Anyway, back to what I was saying.

One evening, myself, Leah and her sister Amy were walking Fluke up Sandy lane, I had spoken to Leah about the mushroom ring and or a giggle we'd decided to try and find it!

Having not found it we decided to carry on with the usual walk, and headed on to gibbet lane, now for this I must note, Fluke is a Jack Russel, at the time of the walk he was a very lively puppy who could not stay still for one moment and refused to walk slower than us!

Upon getting to gibbet lane I noticed how Fluke had slowed down considerably and I'd never seen his tail disappear between his back legs before! I mentioned this to Leah and we both stopped and watched as Fluke started whining and tugging at the lead as if to say I want to go for a walk so can we hurry and get this over with!

After walking through Gibbet lane a little unnerved from Flukes behaviour (it's common knowledge that dog's have a way of seeing things that we, humans, can't!) and went straight through to bluebell woods.Fluke seemed to liven up a little, and kept jumping around amy as she played on the rope swing attached to one of the tree branches within the woods.

After she'd tired herself out ont he swing Leah sat next to me and we ended up talking about our school days as you do, it was then that a lot of things started to fall from the trees. IT started off small, like acorns, one, two and after a while a few at a time a load of acorns started falling from the trees.
Leah asked if anyone was there, no reply, other than a few sticks and a crash from one area of the woods! Looking around we both saw a shadowed out figure standin on the far side of the wood, Fluke yet again had his tail between his legs and appeared to be yelping!

Getting the hint Leah and I grabbed the lead, Fluke and Amy and decided to leave the woods!

While walking very quickly there was a constant feeling of us being followed that wouldn't leave us alone, and at one point a large stone was thrown at me and missed my face by an inch! By the time we got back to Sandy lane we were quivering and had had enough of the walk, and decided to head back via sandy lane!

Now at the one end of the lane where we were, there's a large gate that you have to open so as to get onto the lane itself. Leah and I climbed over it, helping amy over and Fluke, only being a pup was able to walk under it.

Now while walking down this lane we, Leah and I, turned round just in time to see a figure, pass THROUGH the gate and start to follow us! Feeling amazingly freaked by this point we decided to speed up which seemed to coax he figure to speed up too! By the time we got off the lane we were flushed and sweaty and ran back to Leah's house!

Has anyone had experiances simila to this and could someone help me understand as to what happened here?

I can assure you that this actually happened, as I can remember it as clearly as though it were yesterday! and I am not on any form of hallucinagenic medication lol!

So please, can someone help identify what this could have been!
loveis On January 15, 2010


In the mirror,
#2New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 18:02:13
I did read all of that..and no similar experiences..
but out of curiosity, how many points did you get out of that?
markfox01 On October 23, 2021

Welshman in Brum.., United Kin
#3New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 18:03:21
After watching the Trueman show.. i look everywhere for cameras..
becky_pepper On December 29, 2013

Stourbridge, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 18:04:56
@loveis Said
I did read all of that..and no similar experiences..
but out of curiosity, how many points did you get out of that?

lmao very good question, I was surprised by it....62!!!!!! my record so far!
loveis On January 15, 2010


In the mirror,
#5New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 18:05:42
@becky_pepper Said
lmao very good question, I was surprised by it....62!!!!!! my record so far!

bendover On November 25, 2007


Muff, Ireland
#6New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 18:12:10
We used to own a house that we are convinced was haunted.
In the kitchen things just happened all the time. The kettle was boiling away one evening even though it hadn't been turned on at the plug.
We always had the feeling that someone wsa standing close behind you in the kitchen.

After we had sold the house and moved on we were talking to a previous owner of the house and they asked us if ever had any strange feelings when in that kitchen. She had had similar experiences but when they sold the house to us they never told us about it. Did we tell the people who we sold it to? NO we wanted to sell the dam thing.

WHy dare I complain about the previous owner not telling us about the haunted house before they sold it to us. Because the previous owner is my SISTER.
becky_pepper On December 29, 2013

Stourbridge, United Kingdom
#7New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 18:18:07
@bendover Said
We used to own a house that we are convinced was haunted.
In the kitchen things just happened all the time. The kettle was boiling away one evening even though it hadn't been turned on at the plug.
We always had the feeling that someone wsa standing close behind you in the kitchen.

After we had sold the house and moved on we were talking to a previous owner of the house and they asked us if ever had any strange feelings when in that kitchen. She had had similar experiences but when they sold the house to us they never told us about it. Did we tell the people who we sold it to? NO we wanted to sell the dam thing.

WHy dare I complain about the previous owner not telling us about the haunted house before they sold it to us. Because the previous owner is my SISTER.

But woa, a kettle boiling without being plugged? how'd that one work?
kit On January 24, 2014

Fife, United Kingdom
#8New Post! Oct 10, 2007 @ 19:41:42
@becky_pepper Said
I was wondering, has anyone here ever had the feeling of being watched or followed?

Yes. I completely freaked out because it was raining, I'd gone to see some weird abandoned buildings with my friend and I was sure someone was running up behind me at one point. I felt this horrible sensation in my back, and I could hear something that sounded like footsteps.

I still don't believe in ghosts
mrmhead On March 27, 2024

NE, Ohio
#9New Post! Oct 27, 2017 @ 22:20:43
Apparently a few spambots feel like they're being followed
chaski On December 11, 2024

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#10New Post! Oct 27, 2017 @ 22:52:37
@mrmhead Said

Apparently a few spambots feel like they're being followed

I hate public places... malls, fairs, concerts...well anywhere that has people.... whenever I turn around someone is behind me...

Why are they all following me!?!?!?
bob_the_fisherman On January 30, 2023

, Angola
#11New Post! Oct 28, 2017 @ 03:43:47
Yes I have felt like I was being followed. I was in a shop and had the sense of someone stalking me. I turned around and grabbed the person who was following me, told him to bugger off and punched him in the face. The fact that it was a lost three year old crying for his mum had no effect on me. If you don't want to get punched in the head don't follow me around

Ok, that story might be somewhat apocryphal, but I have had several cases of people following me (not dead ones though). Usually it was late at night and they were "casing" me out to see if I was worth rolling for cash.
Ratty On November 08, 2021

So Cal, California
#12New Post! Oct 28, 2017 @ 04:02:43
Geto Boys. "My mind's playing tricks on me."
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