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Women to Register for the Draft

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chaski On February 04, 2025

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#1New Post! Jun 15, 2016 @ 20:42:55
Senate Votes to Require Women to Register for the Draft

"On Tuesday, the Senate approved an expansive military policy bill that would for the first time require young women to register for the draft. The shift, while fiercely opposed by some conservative lawmakers and interest groups, had surprisingly broad support among Republican leaders and women in both parties."

Its about time. IMO.
LuckyCharms On July 31, 2021
Magically Delicious

#2New Post! Jun 15, 2016 @ 20:47:56
Yeah not so sure. Give us equal control of our damn bodies without government interference. Make sure that women in the military get fair and equal medical coverage.

I understand the concept, but frankly women aren't equal before the law so I have a really hard time wanting to accept women being drafted. (Not that I'm for any draft mind you, but I find drafting women to be particularly offensive considering much of our second rate status in society.)
yami On September 11, 2016


grimsby, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Jun 15, 2016 @ 20:51:24
No one should be drafted, that is totalitarianism.
Leez On May 07, 2017


, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Jun 15, 2016 @ 22:31:39
If it's seen as equality, it may be a good initiative. Sadly, the reality is far different.

Facts and Figures: Leadership and Political Participation
Leez On May 07, 2017


, United Kingdom
#5New Post! Jun 15, 2016 @ 22:32:54
The link doesn't work as I didn't copy it correctly.

Hope this one works.
Jennifer1984 On July 20, 2022
Returner and proud

Penzance, United Kingdom
#6New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 04:37:32
@Leez Said

If it's seen as equality, it may be a good initiative. Sadly, the reality is far different.

Facts and Figures: Leadership and Political Participation

A good link and very telling. This isn't the right place to go into detail about women's representation in Government but the figures say much.

As for conscription, this is not an equality issue. I'm against all enforced military service for a number of reasons. Nobody, male or female, should be forced against their will into a situation where, not only might their own lives be put at risk, but they might also be ordered on pain of punishment, to kill others.

Those who conscientiously object to enforced military service put themselves at risk of prosecution and criminalisation. I recognise that this risk exists for male CO's too.

Specifically where women are concerned though, military service could clash with the essential time in family life when a young mother needs to be with her child(ren). To be taken away from dependent infants for military service is morally repugnant and could be damaging to the development of their children.

Not only are the above points relevant from the point of view of those forced into military service, but I am also of the opinion that conscription dilutes the effectiveness of the armed forces. There is an old saying that "one volunteer is worth ten pressed men." A 100% volunteer military will be manned by highly motivated, professional personnel who do the job because they want to, not because they are forced to.

I also follow the point about healthcare. Would the armed forces really upgrade their medical services to the necessary levels..? Would the specific needs of women be taken into account or overridden with "The needs of the service" being put first and foremost..?

In my opinion there should be no conscription at all, but specifically where women are concerned, it is wrong on more levels.
DiscordTiger On December 04, 2021
The Queen of Random


Emerald City, United States (g
#7New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 05:04:54
I don't think the draft is necessarily good military strategy, but as an equality issue all the arguments against adding women boil down to the same they are "lesser and weaker" paternalistic arguments. Either we are equal, or we are not- and if registering for draft is required, then so be it. The better argument would be to remove the draft completely.

As to the second class citizen arguments many things were extended to 18 yr olds on the argument if they are acceptable to be forced to serve their country they should be able to make and be responsible for decisions in their life.
So in a world where actually using the draft is unfavorable, I can see it being used as a long game path to something better. Of course that all assumes congress is effective, and it hasn't been for a long time.

So to sum up, I agree with chaski. Overall, it's about time.
Erimitus On July 01, 2021

The mind of God, Antarctica
#9New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 08:23:32
Erimitus On July 01, 2021

The mind of God, Antarctica
#10New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 08:24:02
I didn't know there was a draft...
Eaglebauer On July 23, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#11New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 12:47:20
@Erimitus Said

I didn't know there was a draft...

There isn't. But you still to this day have to register if you're a male U.S. citizen when you turn 18. At least that was the case when I turned 18 some 23 years ago.

Proactive management and such.
twilitezone911 On March 25, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#12New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 13:00:46
I remember in the late 60's, first time at boy's camp for 2 months away from my parents ( they would paid more to keep me up longer like in the wintertime. )

this during the last part of Vietnam war. my brother-in-law serving there then.

so when, I was at camp, all the camp counselors were listening to the radios to listened to heard these series numbers or a much of numbers that tell you are were draft.

my brother's numbers never came up.

I didn't like the idea that school student could be determine by the student's grade point average. the lower is or somewhere in between. the smart are disqualified for duty. ( I think how it works.) it sound like prejudice to me. really the stupid, you are, you get draft? it sound unfair back then.

I understand that if a woman , who want to join military to fight our country. go for it. I have no arguments from me. women should be treat equal in any forms of things. women should right to enlist by own free will, not force in many ways, by the government.

I think we can learn from the past wars that America fought in. why does the government and the military has prove that a woman need to be draft to get kill. this few time, I think if is the first time, I would agree that women belong at home not in war.
mrmhead On January 06, 2025

NE, Ohio
#13New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 14:15:54
@Eaglebauer Said

There isn't. But you still to this day have to register if you're a male U.S. citizen when you turn 18. At least that was the case when I turned 18 some 23 years ago.

Proactive management and such.

I don't know if this is the case for all colleges, but where my son is going, if you didn't register for the draft you pay the out of state tuition rate.
DiscordTiger On December 04, 2021
The Queen of Random


Emerald City, United States (g
#14New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 14:32:26
@mrmhead Said

I don't know if this is the case for all colleges, but where my son is going, if you didn't register for the draft you pay the out of state tuition rate.

You also will not qualify for federal financial aid. The pell grant for sure, but I think other things like work study and some of the loans.
Erimitus On July 01, 2021

The mind of God, Antarctica
#15New Post! Jun 16, 2016 @ 15:11:57
@Eaglebauer Said

There isn't. But you still to this day have to register if you're a male U.S. citizen when you turn 18. At least that was the case when I turned 18 some 23 years ago.

Proactive management and such.

If you are poor and you want an education you have to register. If you are rich and can afford to pay you do not have to register. This supports my theory that it is better to be rich.
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