A good link and very telling. This isn't the right place to go into detail about women's representation in Government but the figures say much.
As for conscription, this is not an equality issue. I'm against all enforced military service for a number of reasons. Nobody, male or female, should be forced against their will into a situation where, not only might their own lives be put at risk, but they might also be ordered on pain of punishment, to kill others.
Those who conscientiously object to enforced military service put themselves at risk of prosecution and criminalisation. I recognise that this risk exists for male CO's too.
Specifically where women are concerned though, military service could clash with the essential time in family life when a young mother needs to be with her child(ren). To be taken away from dependent infants for military service is morally repugnant and could be damaging to the development of their children.
Not only are the above points relevant from the point of view of those forced into military service, but I am also of the opinion that conscription dilutes the effectiveness of the armed forces. There is an old saying that "one volunteer is worth ten pressed men." A 100% volunteer military will be manned by highly motivated, professional personnel who do the job because they want to, not because they are forced to.
I also follow the point about healthcare. Would the armed forces really upgrade their medical services to the necessary levels..? Would the specific needs of women be taken into account or overridden with "The needs of the service" being put first and foremost..?
In my opinion there should be no conscription at all, but specifically where women are concerned, it is wrong on more levels.