@gakINGKONG Said
What do Republicans believe in?
1. Slavery is wrong especially modern-day slavery because when the Apostle Paul says he's a bond-servant to Christ it's not like Jesus is whipping up on Tobey for making eye contact.
Truthfully, human trafficking is a problem, and legalizing prostitution is not the answer.
2. Some Republicans believe in less spending. Privatizing our prisons and offering education vouchers is a start. Pulling out of decades-old wars and reducing spending on the wars we don't need to fight is a start. COVID has messed up spending probably. Federalizing pot use as legal but harsher penalties for opioid misuse/abuse should be a thing.
3. When Republicans cheat on their wives and get caught they need to be embarrassed and resign.
4. If you move from California or New York to escape their crappy politics you must wait two years before you are able to vote in the new state you live in especially if it's a Republican state like Texas or Tennesse. California transplants are destroying Arizona and don't even know it.
5. Republicans need to believe that all people leaving high school should be compelled to serve two years in some type of civil service roll or a two-year military commitment. That's just my idea but it's a goodie and they already do that in places like Isreal and Japan.
6. Republicans need to reduce spending of the Federal Budget to 13% of the gross domestic product.
7. Republicans need to preach classical liberalism and why it's important. Start with people like John Hobbs. Fight speech with speech. Fight censorship. Ideas are not violence. Youtube and Facebook need to stick with being platforms for free exchanges (not porn) instead of publishing media outlets for the left.
8. Republicans need to take parenting seriously and even spank their children if needed.
9. Aldi grocery store is awesome--not a Republican idea but just throwing it out there.
10. Republicans need to encourage Americans to be thoughtful and competent members of civil society. Avoid the mob, be mindful, read your bibles, forgive those who persecute you, stay busy with your hands (apologies to Captain Hook), spend less money than you earn.
11. Republicans need to fight for what's right and be prepared when that's not enough. Civil society is on the decline. The Democrats see it and are offering the moon to anyone who will vote for them. It will come at the expense personal autonomy. I feel blessed to have lived in the US and to have been born when I was. I don't have hope that our elected officials or major media outlets will help us.
12. Republicans need to follow reasonable guidelines on regulating the environment. Dupont shouldn't be allowed to give people cancer. The US does a better job than China and India at protecting the environment.
13. Always side with the nation of Israel.
14. Republicans should encourage everyone to drink enough water everyday and eat less processed foods.
15. Republicans need to stand for clear guidelines on when society can legally take a life. It should be by a declaration of war (military action) or the death penalty.
Thank you for your reply. Some of it is clearly your unique belief, which I’m sure you’d agree with, and not necessarily that of Republicans in general, so I won’t respond to all of it here - hope you don’t mind, as those don’t really answer the title.
But, yes, I have heard that less government spending is often a mantra of the GOP. And I’ve heard that reducing the deficit is another mantra. However, historically, Trump’s outlay increased over Obama’s (post-recession second term), Bush’s outlay increased over Clinton’s, and Reagan’s outlay increased over Carter’s (and all in terms of percentage of GDP - not constant dollars). These are the three recent instances in which a GOP president succeeded a DNC president. Furthermore, deficits increased in more dramatic fashion under GOP presidents (Reagan, both Bushes, and Trump), than they did under DNC presidents (Carter, Clinton, and Obama (second term). The reason for this is primarily military spending and tax cuts. So it seems to me it is more a belief in less spending of DNC priorities so money can spent in other priorities, and more tax cuts as a priority than actual deficit reduction, don’t you think?
I’ve heard anti-censorship as a mantra as well. If we are talking about censorship, we are talking, by definition, about government regulation on free speech and the press. Are you saying that ideas are being suppressed by our government? Note, self-selection on what to print by a privately owned entity isn’t the same as censorship, again by definition. They are not being regulated by our government and being told what to allow on their platforms. They are deciding for themselves what is put on their own platforms. Do you recognize that Facebook or Twitter are private entities? If Fox News or Newsmax can decide what to print or air, why can’t they? Or are you actually saying that our government SHOULD step in and tell them what to print?
Those confusing mantras aside, along with the earlier confusing mantra about states rights that 4d4m touched upon, I will agree with you in that the religious influence is pretty clear and leaves little doubt. That’s probably just about the only thing that is not open for misinterpretation and, therefore, I do not have any follow up questions on.