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US travelers face NEW security check

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WASH On June 04, 2012

LINCOLN, California
#1New Post! Feb 19, 2010 @ 21:41:37
The media notified the world that U.S. travelers will have their hand AND baggage swabbed to detect for explosives. Why tell the world about a NEW security measure?
vicki On May 28, 2010


#2New Post! Feb 19, 2010 @ 22:15:39
The problem is those foreging airports that don't have any high tech security
SparklyKatie On March 07, 2014

Sheffield, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Feb 19, 2010 @ 22:19:44
@WASH Said

The media notified the world that U.S. travelers will have their hand AND baggage swabbed to detect for explosives. Why tell the world about a NEW security measure?

Because if people know they're doing it it will stop more people trying from fear of being caught. It's the same as the police advertising that they breathalize more drivers at Christmas.
boxerdc On December 18, 2012


#4New Post! Feb 19, 2010 @ 22:20:25
They're going to swab my hand for explosives?
crazychica On March 13, 2011
A taste of insanity

Aberdeen, United Kingdom
#5New Post! Feb 19, 2010 @ 22:32:33
Ah presumptive testing. Good luck with that guys. They give out lots of false positives as well as false negatives. As was pointed out to us in a crime scene exercise they're not exactly specific and "you're going to want to test it at the lab anyway. Just because it tested negative for cocaine at the scene doesn't mean it's not cocaine." Last time I did a presumptive test it gave 1 false positive and tested negative for the one thing we knew we had in our unknown sample
ninozara On April 30, 2020

Cheshire, United Kingdom
#6New Post! Feb 19, 2010 @ 23:16:47
@WASH Said

The media notified the world that U.S. travelers will have their hand AND baggage swabbed to detect for explosives. Why tell the world about a NEW security measure?

Well, they aren't going to tell the world about an OLD one

Has this been confirmed by anyone, or is it just the media going LOOK! SHINEY NEW RUMOURS! Security has been a BIG thing since 9/11 and again after the recent Christmas attempt, so any proposed changes will make the news. A few weeks back all the papers and news channels over here were full of the new x-ray machines going into airports...
adonis On October 21, 2010

, United Kingdom
#7New Post! Feb 19, 2010 @ 23:22:46
Dopey mug.

If you tell terroists this is what you are doing they worry and most are cowards so the ones that are standing at the airport on your plane with the intention of causing destruction then may not do it as the bottle will go before boarding.
Retired scientist??

What hope do we have? , i'm only a grunt.
marianna On March 04, 2010

Hazelwood, Missouri
#8New Post! Feb 20, 2010 @ 00:44:47
I remember flying in from Baltimore a month ago and the line snaked way passed security and seemed practically to the other side of the airport. No kidding here. Thankfully it only took us half an hour to get through. But you should have seen the look on everyone's face (as I did when I saw the line) when they were told where the end was. I even learned a few curse words in different languages.
adonis On October 21, 2010

, United Kingdom
#9New Post! Feb 20, 2010 @ 02:03:15
Just line up anyone with a comedy beard and shoot them on arrival.
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