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DiscordTiger On December 04, 2021
The Queen of Random


Emerald City, United States (g
#31New Post! Jun 04, 2020 @ 09:38:31
I gotta go to bed. I can’t stay up to see the sunrise again this week. I actually have thurs morning meetings.

Be well.
TenaciousDave On February 11, 2022
The Anus Of Satan

Jeffrey Dahmer's Lunchbox,
#32New Post! Jun 04, 2020 @ 09:44:53
@SimplyxComplicated Said

Oh, hi.
I very rarely come back here.
When I do, i barely interact with anything.
For some reason I tend to only respond to a Skunky message and/or comment that is probably several months old.
All the while talking to him more regularly on Skype. (where he also happens to be the only one I talk to on there and yet I still sometimes disappear from there because I suck 😂 )

I have a number of people on Facebook. Which is nice.

@DiscordTiger Said

I gotta go to bed. I can’t stay up to see the sunrise again this week. I actually have thurs morning meetings.

Be well.
gakINGKONG On October 18, 2022

, Florida
#34New Post! Jun 05, 2020 @ 10:27:26
@TenaciousDave Said

Get the f*** outta here with that s***.!! >

All good things to those who wait. I leave with my toys later.

Better you wash that mouth with a bar of soap.

We would be lucky to have Gwb at the helm.
Wingsy On November 26, 2023


#35New Post! Jun 05, 2020 @ 15:37:50
Hola, amiga. We've chatted on Facebook, but this is my first TFS post in...well, quite some time.
Things slowed down here, most of the old crew drifted off, things got awfully political (which is not for my forte) and I wandered away one day and have finally found my way back.
Electric_Banana On November 07, 2024

, New Zealand
#36New Post! Jun 08, 2020 @ 16:54:56
@DiscordTiger Said

Hi everyone,

The sad reality is that the vast majority of people out there want total control over who is in their vicinity.

While i can completely respect this in live situations, in online forums if you're indifferent to someone you can easily ignore them (unless, of course, those individuals are intentionally addressing you).

For the most part however I think those with hardened mindsets need to expose themselves to different cognitive perspectives from all sorts of different people from all walks of life and in an online & anonymous environment this can be safely done because you won't gather any moss.

The day that MySpace introduced 'Groups' was the start of Myspace's fall...everyone started pouring into 'like-minded' areas totally avoiding the municipal forums.

The only example I can give is being in a forum where 70 percent of the posters are Trump voters, realize this, match up and then lock themselves away from the remaining thirty percent because they don't want to overhear anything challenging.

I used to think that 'Herds' were just a High-school thing but it's actually the start of a permanent trait harbored by most humans right up until death.
And even as death approaches and people begin asking 'who', 'when', 'where' and 'why' you'll notice, once again, they go seeking the largest herd.
Jennifer1984 On July 20, 2022
Returner and proud

Penzance, United Kingdom
#37New Post! Jun 08, 2020 @ 17:29:35
I don't want to have control over anybody. I just want to make my point of view.

Where I dig my heels in is when others make the issue personal. Now, I'm quite capable of giving as good as I get and that's because I have a simple rule.

Treat others as they treat me.

Be fair, polite and considerate to me and I'm the nicest girl in the world Be an arsehole and you get the responses you ask for.

I'm not going to allow others treat me as less than human and not tell them that I think they're wrong.

Two posters have done their best to hound me off the site. The first eventually gave up and mooched off. The second is, well, that's an ongoing conflict that I'd rather hadn't developed but I didn't start it.

Still....... all the other posters on here are fair and decent people. We have our differences but we kinda rub along alright. I don't expect people to agree with me, but I do expect reserve the right to defend myself from abuse.
bob_the_fisherman On January 26, 2025

, Angola
#38New Post! Jun 10, 2020 @ 06:23:27
@TenaciousDave Said

I'm not sucking any d***. Not yours. not Jennifers84's... let's get down to brass tacks........


Alright, I'll suck your d*** but I had better get at least 45 dollars out it.
And that's 45 Trump dollars. Is that good enough for you?

Methinks you doth protest too much... how's it going biotch? Been awhile...
offbeat On November 18, 2022

london, United Kingdom
#39New Post! Jun 10, 2020 @ 11:50:04
@Jennifer1984 Said

I don't want to have control over anybody. I just want to make my point of view.

Where I dig my heels in is when others make the issue personal. Now, I'm quite capable of giving as good as I get and that's because I have a simple rule.

Treat others as they treat me.

Be fair, polite and considerate to me and I'm the nicest girl in the world Be an arsehole and you get the responses you ask for.

I'm not going to allow others treat me as less than human and not tell them that I think they're wrong.

Two posters have done their best to hound me off the site. The first eventually gave up and mooched off. The second is, well, that's an ongoing conflict that I'd rather hadn't developed but I didn't start it.

Still....... all the other posters on here are fair and decent people. We have our differences but we kinda rub along alright. I don't expect people to agree with me, but I do expect reserve the right to defend myself from abuse.

was I one of those posters?
psycoskunk On December 24, 2020
Funky-Footed Skunk

A fort made of stinky socks, C
#40New Post! Jun 10, 2020 @ 18:49:17
*Peeks his head out from behind a couch.*

Is... is the virus gone yet?
Electric_Banana On November 07, 2024

, New Zealand
#41New Post! Jun 14, 2020 @ 00:38:26
@offbeat Said

was I one of those posters?

Eh, you appear to be too free spirited

There were a couple couple of old school Right-winged puritans on here who were anti-pot, anti-hippy, anti-progression, anti-difference, anti-non-conformists, etc..'real Kiwi' type blokes

They used to heckle another girl on here who posted mostly in the religious section.
offbeat On November 18, 2022

london, United Kingdom
#42New Post! Jun 16, 2020 @ 07:57:51
i have evolved into something resembling those puritans after experiencing the rise of the whacko left these past 5 years.And perhaps you can help me with something that has puzzled me. the word 'progressive' is used to describe the values/viewpoint of the whacko left but the things they promote seem regressive and divisive to,what actually qualifies them to use that label?
mrmhead On January 06, 2025

NE, Ohio
#43New Post! Jun 16, 2020 @ 15:36:48
@offbeat Said

i have evolved into something resembling those puritans after experiencing the rise of the whacko left these past 5 years.And perhaps you can help me with something that has puzzled me. the word 'progressive' is used to describe the values/viewpoint of the whacko left but the things they promote seem regressive and divisive to,what actually qualifies them to use that label?

Standing up / protecting rights and freedoms for HUMANS that may think, feel or look differently than you is whacko and regressive?

Imposing restrictions on polluting and raping the environment is whacko and regressive?

... evolve, wouldn't be the word I'd use.
offbeat On November 18, 2022

london, United Kingdom
#44New Post! Jun 16, 2020 @ 16:15:30
i think you have it the wrong way round. The whacko left are the ones putting restrictions on opinion and freedom of speech. It's one thing standing up for your beliefs and rights but it's another thing when they try to destroy the lives of those that disagree with them. They like to deal in absolute truths and disallow all debate. Unless of course the dissent comes from a section of society that they are physically terrified of. It's like we're living inside a George orwell novel.
Jennifer1984 On July 20, 2022
Returner and proud

Penzance, United Kingdom
#45New Post! Jun 16, 2020 @ 18:19:05
@offbeat Said

i think you have it the wrong way round. The whacko left are the ones putting restrictions on opinion and freedom of speech. It's one thing standing up for your beliefs and rights but it's another thing when they try to destroy the lives of those that disagree with them. They like to deal in absolute truths and disallow all debate. Unless of course the dissent comes from a section of society that they are physically terrified of. It's like we're living inside a George orwell novel.

Ahhh, good old Eric Blair (his real name). He gets trotted out every time by whichever side thinks they can score points off the other with whichever excerpt from his Animal Farm satire or the Dystopian Nineteen Eighty-Four. We all do it.

My favourites include this meme which sums up our disappearing Prime Minister brilliantly. "Where's Boris?" Johnson. The man who hides in fridges.

Another excerpt from 1984 (my birth year, actually) goes: We didn’t ought to ‘ave trusted ‘em. I said so, Ma, didn’t I? That’s what come of trusting ‘em. I said so all along. We didn’t ought to ‘ave trusted the buggers.”

Nineteen Eighty-Four continues to stand as Orwell’s superlative achievement. It is an intellectual and humanitarian masterpiece delivered in perfect prose. It is a handbook from history, one that chimes with the times, all the time.

“We didn’t ought to have trusted the buggers” is uttered by a tearful, gin-soaked pensioner seeking safety in the bowels of a tube station from the bombs dropping above. “Perhaps it was the time when the atomic bomb had fallen on Colchester. Which buggers they didn’t ought to have trusted Winston could not now remember.”

Such is politics: one untrustworthy bugger after another, fading back beyond the horizon of memory. The scale and scenarios may differ – a nuclear stand-off, a trade war, a constitutional implosion, a leadership contest – the types and the tricks are always familiar; the will to power, the self-justifying marshalling of fact and argument, the manipulation of the herd, always tragically visible.

What is the Ministry of Lies but fake news, being weaponised daily by the world’s most powerful man and his media cheerleaders? “Two and two make five”, Winston Smith finally accepts. “What are the stars?’ asks O’Brien. “They are bits of fire a few kilometres away. We could reach them if we wanted to. Or we could blot them out. The earth is the centre of the universe. The sun and the stars go round it.” The crowd at Donald Trump’s inauguration was the biggest in history. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Brexit means Brexit. No deal is better than a bad deal.

What is objective knowledge? Next up, fake video, where even the evidence of our eyes can no longer be trusted.

What are the rhetoric of Nigel Farage and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon but a call to join in the Two Minute Hate, the Othering of others. “Swine..!! Swine..!! Swine..!!” screams Julia at the image of Emmanuel Goldstein, a familiar 2020 sentiment towards a familiar 2020 target.

“The best books…”, Winston perceived, “are those that tell you what you already know.” 1984 tells us what we already know, but too often forget. It rings and clangs and jangles with alarms down through the decades, ever perceptive, ever relevant, ever jolting, ever on our side.

Imagine if George Orwell had written a book called “2024”. Imagine.... he describes a Britain that - affronted by the false belief that their Avalon is being run by (shock-horror) 'foreigners', then wooed by honeyed, homespun promises of plenty and sweet murmurings about “freedom” and “sovereignty” - lifted its skirts and stormed from the chambers of Europe.

Orwell’s peerless, clarifying mind tweezering apart the consequences of such a decision – a bad decision, it would turn out, driven by frenzied tabloidisation of political debate.... the sense of imperial exceptionalism that has always lived deep in the British psyche, and the deliberate exploitation of such by a combination of ideological fanatics and amoral spivs and criminals with their eyes on the prize - Big Boris, if you will.

Whatever scenario appears today, we find that Orwell got there first, saw the field more clearly, captured the game more perfectly. His grasp of human motivation and its complexities, of the political structures on which the affairs of humankind rest.

Augie March said it of Trotsky: "As the rest of us crawl from one clam-rake to the next it is stirring to have a glimpse of deep-water greatness."
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