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Stuff They Don't Want You to Know

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Willi On August 21, 2018

#1New Post! May 22, 2012 @ 00:35:51
interesting stuff on this playlist.
one conspiracy after another.
Stuff They Don't Want You to Know
Five_Tailed_Fox On June 16, 2012

Cottontown, Tennessee
#2New Post! May 22, 2012 @ 10:06:08
Some of the things are interesting, but some are just crazy, and unfortunately, those are the ones people remember the most, and it gives a bad name to conspiracy theories. Yeah, that sounds stupid, but some conspiracy theories actually do make sense and may be true. But I doubt the Nazis had a flying bell.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#3New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 01:53:21
@Five_Tailed_Fox Said

Some of the things are interesting, but some are just crazy, and unfortunately, those are the ones people remember the most, and it gives a bad name to conspiracy theories. Yeah, that sounds stupid, but some conspiracy theories actually do make sense and may be true. But I doubt the Nazis had a flying bell.

i dought the nazis found a way to a hollow earth too.
but it sounded like england was worried
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#4New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 01:57:28
That was dumb as hell.
cisslybee2012 On January 30, 2013


Bronx, New York
#5New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 02:03:06
The thing they don't want us to know isn't on the list.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#6New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 02:05:42
@jonnythan Said

That was dumb as hell.

ever been to hell?

@cisslybee2012 Said

The thing they don't want us to know isn't on the list.

jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#7New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 02:06:37
@Willi Said

ever been to hell?

Yes. It was a thread about tuna.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#8New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 02:09:44
@jonnythan Said

Yes. It was a thread about tuna.

was charlie the tuna in it?
twilitezone911 On March 25, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#9New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 02:55:20
the hollow earth theory is interesting, years ago, i read the book about 20 or 30 years ago. i believed the theory that ufo's came from the center of the earth. at the time, i was a big fan of ufo's and natural phenomena, like the bermuda traingle. it was a hobby of mine, when i was a teenager. like i said, i read that some of ufos can be gases from hot spots through the earth. if you saw a ufo in the sky, it look like a gaseous cloud, of course, not everybody agrees on this, like scientists. people, who have seen ufos, swear to it. this hollow earth theory is a one theory of where the ufos come from. i found this below to explain this theory better to you. maybe this thread more interesting to read.

the hollow earth theory
Willi On August 21, 2018

#10New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 04:41:05
@twilitezone911 Said

the hollow earth theory is interesting, years ago, i read the book about 20 or 30 years ago. i believed the theory that ufo's came from the center of the earth. at the time, i was a big fan of ufo's and natural phenomena, like the bermuda traingle. it was a hobby of mine, when i was a teenager. like i said, i read that some of ufos can be gases from hot spots through the earth. if you saw a ufo in the sky, it look like a gaseous cloud, of course, not everybody agrees on this, like scientists. people, who have seen ufos, swear to it. this hollow earth theory is a one theory of where the ufos come from. i found this below to explain this theory better to you. maybe this thread more interesting to read.

the hollow earth theory

if a ufo can handle being underwater, they might live in the bermuda traingle.
methane gas bubbling up can sink a ship, and then let it float again when the bubbles stop i've read/heard.
alot of methane in the triangle.

on an old superman, a deep well got dug and hit the hollow earth.
they were nice folks.
they closed the hole so they would be left alone by us humans
twilitezone911 On March 25, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#11New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 04:58:34
there actually a pyramid in the bermuda triangle that underwater. rod serling had a theory, he believed that there is a alien runaway for ufos to be launched inside the bermuda triangle.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#12New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 05:02:03
@twilitezone911 Said

there actually a pyramid in the bermuda triangle that underwater. rod serling had a theory, he believed that there is a alien runaway for ufos to be launched inside the bermuda triangle.

i saw a thing on tv .
they said the ufo bases are there, of the coast of japan, and in a deep lake high in the mountains of peru.
twilitezone911 On March 25, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#13New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 05:11:15
willi - this first time, i heard about this. actually that can prove that ufos can from inside a mountain or even volcano. ufo's engery could be natural from earth's materials. just thought, no evidence to proof it.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#14New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 05:26:07
@twilitezone911 Said

willi - this first time, i heard about this. actually that can prove that ufos can from inside a mountain or even volcano. ufo's engery could be natural from earth's materials. just thought, no evidence to proof it.

they come here cause the earth has a material they need to fire their ships?
fantasticpants On August 26, 2016

Dublin, United Kingdom
#15New Post! May 23, 2012 @ 07:36:47
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