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Stress Management

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moonlighthopes On May 30, 2015

, Canada
#1New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 02:05:20
So anyway, I know it's kinda lame and loser-like, but I'm either going to start cutting or burning myself if I can't find a way to relieve my stress. Sleeping doesn't work, I tried meditating, that doesn't work, anything 'calming' I've tried doesn't work. I need ideas badly.
donna_j On January 29, 2008

Adelaide, Australia
#2New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 02:08:13
I think you need to see a doctor. What's causing this stress?
moonlighthopes On May 30, 2015

, Canada
#3New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 02:10:53
I'd rather not say. I'll just says it's high-level stress. Lol.
donna_j On January 29, 2008

Adelaide, Australia
#4New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 03:08:34

I like to go to the beach when I'm stressed, but I don't think I've ever been as stressed as it sounds like you are now. I think you should talk to someone before it gets out of hand. Burning or cutting, in my opinion, would just cause more problems.
loveis On January 15, 2010


In the mirror,
#5New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 03:15:22
Talk with a doctor, and get meds..'temporarily', as I understand you are against this..but just long enough to help you get things back in focus.
Think about it.
odie On August 04, 2008


toronto, Canada
#6New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 03:19:22
Please read this, I went to a sleeping disorder clinic and these things work!

-go for walks! this relaxes stress.

- no caffeine or baths before bedtime...........some think baths and showers are relaxing-------they are not, they pump up your heart rate!

-if you cannot sleep, read, read and read, it will make you drowsy, it takes whatever is on your mind, off it.

-cover your clock with a cloth, so you cannot see the time.

-use a little fan beside where you sleep, it drounds out noises, plus you then concentrate on the sound of the fan.

start a regiment:

-go to bed the same time every night
-get up at the same time every morning

after nights of not being able to sleep, you will eventually fall asleep of exhaustion. Remember this, no one has ever died of not sleeping, you will sleep after 2-4 nights of doing this exercise!

continue this until your sleep pattern changes on its own!

keep room dark and free from noises.

don't listen to the radio, where you can hear the time!

no naps during the day.
xxdeceivingeyesxx On April 19, 2009


nowhere, California
#9New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 05:35:37
Hey, I am not going to tell you what to do, because you can learn from free will, but I do not think you should start cutting. I don't know what's going on to bother you, and since you stated up above that you aren't comfortable talking about it, that's fine. I wont force you. But I myself was once a cutter, and it worked for a while, then the pain just wasn't enough and I went off the wall with self-mutilation and wound up going crazy, and just so you know, you aren't only hurting yourself when you do that. You're hurting the people who care about you a lot more than you are hurting yourself.

What's driven me to stop was seeing how it effected the people around me. I hated myself, I used to be suicidal, I used to crave death, and I just wanted to be anything other than myself. You say you feel "loser-like?" What makes you feel that way? I'm sure it isn't anything that you aren't able to change. You can make yourself into' anything you truly want to be, honestly.

I always hated my appearence, Felt lonely because I lacked friends, In past relationships I would get used, cheated on, and many other terrible things you cannot' immagine. Before I was ever cheated on, I would be the one who would constantly cheat, play with people's emotions for my own fun, and I have used men for cash and to builg my ego having several boyfriends at once and when they would cry over me and tell me how much they missed me I practically got off on that.... then when I felt guilty, and I dated guys who hurt me I felt like I deserved it (and the guilt still eats me, since a lot of them still confess their love to me) To top it off I was broke, no money, and did practically nothing with my life.

One day, I got sick of it. I didn't want to be this darkly depressed person hiding from the mirror, people and the world. To top it off there were family problems taking place that stressed me out to the point where I would vomit from nerves. What helped me was thinking of all the things I hate about myself and changing them.
I always hated my looks and felt over-weight, so I took better care of myself.
I felt guilt about my wrong doing in relationships. So I apologized to everyone I have ever hurt, and I am there for each and every one of them whenever they need me (or atleast try to be)
I was tired of being hurt also, so I made up my mind that I wouldnt settle for less in relationships. Plus, not to sound conceated, but I am somewhat of a "flirt" and a "player"... So that was no problem for me. Don't do the cereal-dating thing though >_< Just dont settle for less.
With my money sitation, I couldnt find anything I was honestly comfortable with, honestly. But I had a fascination with the occult, divination, magic etc. (Please, nobody judge me for this) and these practaces ran in my family, so I persued what I was passionate about and it brang me money.

I'm not saying to go out and learn tarot and palmistry, but I am saying to think of things you really love and persue them as hobbies and use that to take your mind off of things. Once you find something your passionate about, make that your whole life.... It helped me...
Making your life about something that makes you happy or that you love really helps. Not passionate about something? Try differen't things. Trust me.

I know life doesn't seem fair to you, and I dont know what caused you to put yourself down to call yourself a loser, but don't let life's little balls of crap get you down.
nigredo On December 16, 2009

fallbrook, California
#10New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 05:37:37
@loveis Said
Frustrated much, eh?

oh all the time i'm starting to chafe
xxdeceivingeyesxx On April 19, 2009


nowhere, California
#11New Post! Oct 05, 2007 @ 05:43:19
@nigredo Said
oh all the time i'm starting to chafe

LOTION!!!!!!!!!!! (or KY) ^_^
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