Thanks, but I've been reading about astral projection for years, and everything I've read was slightly different. However there have been some constants:
- belief in god, spirit etc. isn't necessary
- having a reason for trying to astrally project helps a lot (a reason YOU judge to be good, and not one that someone else chooses for you)
- strict dedication is absolutely necessary
- it helps to have regular sleeping patterns, a balanced diet etc. (though in my opinion these two factors can help you do anything)
- finally, the state you need to be in: mind awake, body asleep.
I'm going to get off the subject here to explain something. Personally, I believe that if science doesn't find an explaination for all psychic and "magical" phenomena, it's because humanity won't have time to work it all out before armageddon, the end of the world etc. However I'm more open-minded on science and magic than other people tend to be. I've read a bit on new physics, and from what I've understood (and from what my mother has explained to me... she's more scientific than I am) there are certain new theories. For instance, the world is made entirely out of energy and dark matter. And that there is a type of particle that has been discovered which reacts to our expectations when we examine it. I won't go into all this because I'm not an expert, but if it's true, then for me magic can definitely exist.
I have 2 definitions of magic. When magic happens, for instance when we pray or visualize something happening, then 2 things happen simultaneously:
1) reality slightly reacts to our thoughts and certain things change to make what we want happen, and
2) our attitude/mindset changes so that we imperceptibly make these changes happen. So magic is not only a matter of physics, it's a matter of psychology too.
Getting back to astral projection, I believe we're not nearly advanced enough in science to begin to understand what is happening when we astrally project. I believe that there is a part of us called the astral body which can be detatched from the physical body before death, but keeping a link between the two, so that we don't actually die or run any risk of dying. This is pure theory, and there's no way anyone can prove it; however, it's the general theory behind astral projection. As for the relation to sleep paralysis, I'm putting forward a theory I read recently and asking what you think about it. I'll repeat the theory: that sleep paralysis is the state you need to be in to astrally project, which is as I said before, body asleep, mind awake.
Now, before telling me that I'm spouting rubbish and I don't know what I'm talking about, I ask you again: what do you think of this theory?